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Sunset Overdrive |OT| It's Always Sunny in the Apocalypse


I didn't play that mission until more like 10 hours. By which time I'd worked it out on my own.
Loving this game :)

I've been screwing around a lot in the game then. It was definitely a lot later than 2 hours for me. I was like, "You're introducing this now?"

Yeah, That's why I woulda' flagged it. Its not very clear on that mechanic. People shouldn't have to 'figure it out' themselves. That's a fail on game design.
That mission should have been like mission 3 imo.

def sim

I didn't play that mission until more like 10 hours. By which time I'd worked it out on my own.

I've been screwing around a lot in the game then. It was definitely a lot later than 2 hours for me. I was like, "You're introducing this now?"

It may have been longer for sure, though I've only been playing through story missions. Either way, it was too late an intro for a mechanic that is available from the get go.
I've encountered two errors preventing my progress. In the story mission where you defend Sam from the OD, I enter the courtyard where the game tells me to defend Sam, and I kill all the OD in the courtyard, but the quest doesn't progress. My character says something about a train but nothing happens and the objective marker is on Sam. I tried restarting several times but it keeps happening.

I then tried to do the side mission where I'm supposed to clear out the construction yard, and I did that, then I got an icon in the bottom right corner of a phone ringing, but I can't do anything about that either, and the mission isn't completing.

This is really frustrating.

I've had something similar where I was at a checkpoint and wouldn't let me progress but I just reset the game and it loaded up fine the second time. That's kinda weird and it would suck if you had to reinstall again.


European pre-madonna
Loving this game. 1 question, what's the difference between high fidelity and nothing but the hits?


I've had something similar where I was at a checkpoint and wouldn't let me progress but I just reset the game and it loaded up fine the second time. That's kinda weird and it would suck if you had to reinstall again.

It's weird that I'd encounter two progress impeding bugs back to back though. These are things that should have been caught in QA.

Unless I'm missing a way to answer my phone?
didnt realize the achievement for gold medals was for doing 50, there are 54 in the game...didnt even notice the achievement pop when I got 50. Kind of just wasted over an hour trying to gold medal those last ones. You dont get anything for gold medaling all of them...besides the rewards for the challenges themselves.


I need to play..but this is the third night in a row I am tired or..just not willing to play anything. WTF is wrong with me.


didnt realize the achievement for gold medals was for doing 50, there are 54 in the game...didnt even notice the achievement pop when I got 50. Kind of just wasted over an hour trying to gold medal those last ones. You dont get anything for gold medaling all of them...besides the rewards for the challenges themselves.

Knowing how messed up achievements can be at times and knowing there's a challenge for 10 gold medals next week I will stay away from doing any medals until then.

def sim

No, NBTH is ever so slightly more powerful (check the damage bar). Like 1 %.

Yeah, I went to check it but I've already leveled up NBTH. It practically performed the same from memory and has the same strengths/weaknesses against certain types of enemies.

Got ahead of myself with the assumption.


Just finished the story and, f*ck me, the GAF reference followed by the
Beetlejuice respawn
was gold.

It took me 20h17m playing fairly brisk and mission to mission without messing around too much. I did all the "blue" side-quests, cleared all the collectibles from the western island for amps and failed the second night defense about three times but that's pretty much it -- haven't done a challenge, repeated a mission or tried Chaos Squad.

Easily my GOTY; it's not even close.


Just finished the story and, f*ck me, the GAF reference followed by the
Beetlejuice respawn
was gold.

It took me 20h17m playing fairly brisk and mission to mission without messing around too much. I did all the "blue" side-quests, cleared all the collectibles from the western island for amps and failed the second night defense about three times but that's pretty much it -- haven't done a challenge, repeated a mission or tried Chaos Squad.

Easily my GOTY; it's not even close.

Sorry for the stupid, obscure reference :)

I'm really on the fence of buying this game - has it got any JSRF / THPS vibes? I like the aesthetics & the humour a lot, but am not 100% sure yet if I'll like the gameplay. Sell me on the game, fellow gaffers, I need to support the economy!


Welp, I beat the game. If you ignored Chaos Squad (for whatever reason), the quests, and challenges, the story could definitely be beaten pretty quickly. Wish there was more to the story. The
4th faction
felt like it barely got used. The
3rd faction
was the best. Needed more of that.

I only did 10 of the challenges so far so I gotta do the other 44. Still have some quests left to do, too.

Really hope the DLC adds some amazing missions and stuff. They have an amazing game to build off of. Could see them making even better missions.
Can someone help me with the lure the dog kitty canon mission?I'm luring him then anytime I approach the area I'm going to it says I'm leaving the game area and kills me.

I've tried 5 different ways and no way allows me to get close to where I have to go.
Can someone help me with the lure the dog kitty canon mission?I'm luring him then anytime I approach the area I'm going to it says I'm leaving the game area and kills me.

I've tried 5 different ways and no way allows me to get close to where I have to go.

You have to follow a set path. From the Park go over the bridge, then turn left towards the Arcade.


Loving this game.

Only just got to the first faction but have done a few challenges and a chaos squad mission.

Captain codpiece is the hero we all deserve

Got stuck in a truck, thought I'd tried out recording functionality and youtube upload.

Loving this game. Though, you can call me boring, but I settled into to a character clothing style pretty early in and the wacky articles don't do anything for me. It was fun in Saints Row, where everyone else was relatively normal...but everyone in this with the exception of Floyd look crazy. So I tried to pick more normal clothing to contrast the insanity of what's going on, and there really isn't much.
So something to add to the minor glitches list, game insists I have a new amp constantly. I don't, I've looked. Bought more to see if it would right the problem but it doesn't. Completely non-invasive of course, it just shows that shiny red "new" sign all the time.

Oh and when you buy a level 2 amp, the equipped level 1 version is replaced but it also un-equips it from your weapon. Kinda silly.
Was at a Xbox evening with Microsoft in Norway, free entry and all. We got to play a lot of new games, including Sunset Overdrive! Amazing game! And halfway though the evening they gave us the game!

We allso got to try out Ori and the blind forest on a devkit, which was really cool. Beautiful and atmospheric levels and great gameplay!



The Amiga Brotherhood
Quick question, what happens when you run out of collectibles like the toilet paper? I notice I have picked up 26 of 150. But some upgrades cost 50! Is there a limited amount of upgrades you can buy with each currency?


Whoever designed Traversal Challenge $8...you're a jerk and I hate you. Finally got gold after about 10 tries and even then I only beat it by 2 points.

Is this directed at the dev team? Or can the community make custom challenges and stuff?

Not looked into the game too much.
I'm enjoying this, but I am already annoyed with the ability to clip through walls you aren't supposed to be able to.

Getting stuck in a wall and having no choice but to fast travel out is getting annoying.

I may be unlucky but it's already happened to me several times.


Jesus wept, Amazon has gone downhill.

Game is released today in EU, right? So I checked my order yesterday: Preparing. All good.

Checked today: Still Preparing.

Bear in mind, I'm paying extra for delivery so that I get it next week. I get on webchat, and the guy cheerfully informs me that it will not be in stock until 3rd November. Wtf? I ordered in July, and now they think to tell me (and only when I ask) that my upgraded postage charges are a waste of money, because they're not sending it yet? And why set it to 'preparing' if they are not, you know, preparing anything.

Then, to top it all off, when I ask him to cancel, he say's he'll try. TRY??!!?? I couldn't let that go, so I politely enquired why there could possibly be a problem cancelling if they don't have the stock to fulfil my order. He then just backtracked and said it's cancelled. I wasn't rude to the guy or anything - it's not his fault after all, and he's probably not getting paid enough to deal with abuse from entitled customers.

tl/dr - I'm angry at Amazon and needed to vent.


They are not great for pre orders. Switch to Shopto or SimplyGames.

Or look at the digital prices and get the game today.
Amazon has never let me down with pre-order delivery. Unless restricted by the publisher, they always ship pre-orders 1-2 days prior to release.

I suspect the bottleneck is with Microsoft Studios, not Amazon.


Ok, game is not as much fun as I thought
But I'll give it a 10 simply because I'm pretty sure this is the first game ever to....

shout out Neo Gaf
Was there any mention of a release date?

How was the game? There was talk of it having some frame-rate issues on X1 the last time it demoed....

The guy at MS said it was in schedule for release towards Christmas so far.

The devkit had some lag-issue with the controller. You'd press jump and it jumped a little later, though I'm guessing this will be fixed for the full version.

There were some slight hiccups in the framerate, more a few tiny stops in the animation than low-framerate. But I'm hoping this was just in the early version I tried.

Gameplay was fun though, a lot of platforming and small puzzles as to how to traverse obstacles etc. I loved the map layout too, with various routes that you needed new skills to get to. So it makes you go back to previous areas to explore more, kind of Metroid like.

I liked one feature, which may put off a few people: You could save anywhere, but at a price. You use energy up by saving, as such you have to plan when you'll use it! Luckily though you can upgrade this so you can reuse save portals you create. Creating a save point drains energy, and doing so at the same spot drains the same amount, but by upgrading I could save again multiple times on that spot I created a saving spot.
So I've seen a few people who were underwhelmed by the game's first few hours - count me in that group.

Grinding in circles trying to shoot guys hasn't exactly been riveting. I don't think I've hit the point where I have all my moves yet, so I'll keep going.
This game is amazing. I would give it a standing ovation and cry for an encore if I could.

Nothing more satisfying that a fight you have done where you don't touch the ground and have seamless grinding and jumping.

This has been the best game I've played this generation with Bayonetta 2 and For a Horizon 2 following behind.

Wondering if I should've got the season pass, anyone know what it includes content wise yet?


Wondering if I should've got the season pass, anyone know what it includes content wise yet?


The Sunset Overdrive Season Pass grants you:

  • Two campaign Game Add-ons that each deliver new locations to explore, stories to experience, and bosses to battle. Each of these Add-ons also includes new weapons, new Amps, a new Trap, new character outfits as well as new challenges and Chaos Squad* objectives!
  • The Weapons Pack Game Add-on, which includes four deadly new weapons to augment your arsenal!
  • BONUS - six character outfits, two Amps and two Traps to use as soon as the game is released
So I've seen a few people who were underwhelmed by the game's first few hours - count me in that group.

Grinding in circles trying to shoot guys hasn't exactly been riveting. I don't think I've hit the point where I have all my moves yet, so I'll keep going.
It definitely grows on you. Once you have a full wheel of weapons and plenty of amps to swap between them, and the same on your melee and passives, along with a loadout of overdrives you'll start to feel like you've got a mini-arsenal at the ready for whatever gets tossed your way, provided you use it wisely.

And in terms of traversal, grinds are the easiest thing to pick up so in the beginning thats the safest way to play - grinding in loops while shooting down, but to gain style and activate your higher level amps you're going to want to mix everything up - grinds to jumps to wall-running to grinds to super-jumps to ground-pounds to grinds, all mixed up with firing your weapons at their best ranges and situations. If you can make it across town without losing your traversal combo you'll feel like a bad-ass, and doubly so when being a bad-ass activates your super-bad-assness in terms of amps.

The more I play the more awesome this game becomes - both in terms of player progression and options, but also the satisfaction in getting better at chaining it all together.


Is this directed at the dev team? Or can the community make custom challenges and stuff?

Not looked into the game too much.


If there aren't community set challenges available, I think that'd be an awesome addition to extend replayability. There was a racing game (Forza 3/4?) that had a similar sort of thing where you could map out a track and then play it and upload it for other people to beat your time.

Not played the game yet and don't have a clue how if that is something that could be implemented but.. You could do stuff as simple as planning out a start and end point for a race and then set a time for people to beat.
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