Finally got the game unlocked here in the UK, and put a few hours in. Just got to the Boo Boo Overdrive mission, and somehow managed to break the Kitty Cannon the first time (got back to Sasquatch and Friends and was trying to clear the OD out, but no matter where I shot the kitty, it was saying it was too far for the dog to reach; I think the dog must have fallen through the world or something...)
Still, aside from that glitch I've been having a great time.
Found some nice outfit options that I hadn't seen in any of the prerelease streams, too, which I presume are either from the season pass, or one of the other bonus codes from stuff on the website.
Been kinda bouncing back and forth between two different variants so far:
edit: Any UK/EU folks who're also still awake, follow me and let's do some chaos squad over the weekend. GT is the same as my forum name.