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Super Best Friends Thread 10: Frienders Support Straight Shota

I actually really like KLK.... but the salt of your tears is delicious.


Nah, its fine.

Its not like I had Yukiko as my waifu or something. That would be very shameful

We disagree often, but I agree with you on Ryuko being the best KLK character.

That being said, KLK and its characters aren't too special in my eyes.

Eh those characters add to the show's craziness and overall help make the show a lot of fun.
I haven't been too active in this thread, so I gotta ask, why has everyone ripped off Maragidyne's avatar?
Is it Maragidyne day?
Please say yes because then there's going to be a Romars day and I'm picking all you suckers out Akumetsu avatars!
I would just steal the cool mask and put it on my avatar. I need more out of place eye/face war for the Ascii art avatar.



which phonecase should I get?



Funky Student?
Don't know that cosplay.

I wish to cosplay as Ness, but I'm too old and too tall to pull it off, so I guess I'll be a starman costume.
You don't know about Funky Student? You need to step up yo game son.

Funky Student and Mysterious Fox are the true heroes of P4.
I would just steal the cool mask and put it on my avatar. I need more out of place eye/face war for the Ascii art avatar.

The problem with that, is it looks too much like 101 masks all zoomed out in an avatar...
Otherwise I would have shopped a mask on Kanji and called it a day ages ago.

We disagree often, but I agree with you on Ryuko being the best KLK character. That being said, KLK and its characters aren't too special in my eyes.

Completely disagree. I love the characters of KLK. I would say the 'drama' isn't too powerful though, not like Gurren, but only because the show is taking itself a lot less seriously.
This one is also pretty cool
It feels weird looking back at the modern Personas now that I'm playing the older ones. I missed mr. one butterfly man.

I like this one the best.
The problem with that, is it looks too much like 101 masks all zoomed out in an avatar...
Otherwise I would have shopped a mask on Kanji and called it a day ages ago.
It doesn't cover up the eyes. There are huge similarities tho. I'll change on Rom day whenever that happens.


Even though I like shadow matoi

I kinda want to change my avatar to Eiji Date.

DATE IS THE FUCKING COOLEST (I still haven't finished The fighting yet)
I'll fight you IRL.

I find that Kill La Kill is a parodying a lot of cliches in anime. However I cannot always tell how much of this is ironic or if they are playing certain tropes completely straight

The worst character for me in Kill La Kill is
. He is so fucking uninteresting. Everyone else on the Elite Four is pretty fucking fun
I find that Kill La Kill is a parody of a lot of cliches in anime. However I cannot always tell how much of this is ironic or if they are playing certain tropes completely straight

The worst character for me in Kill La Kill is
. He is so fucking uninteresting. Everyone else on the Elite Four is pretty fucking fun
At least hes more interesting than

The Raid Arc was completely pointless and stupid. Sure it was fun in a silly way but it did not serve the plot. Shortly after we have an entire episode dedicated to dumping exposition on the truth of the life fibers.

They could have used that time instead of the raid arc to slowly reveal that info.

Honestly it seems like they just decided to use the first draft. Sure it got the job done but it is not without its issues
Blah I need a new phone. All the apps on mine just stopped working whenever I connect to my wireless for whatever reason.

You should get a Galaxy Note, so you can taunt me about having a Galaxy Note, so when I finally get one, I will feel great about it.
The Raid Arc was completely pointless and stupid. Sure it was fun in a silly way but it did not serve the plot. Shortly after we have an entire episode dedicated to dumping exposition on the truth of the life fibers.

They could have used that time instead of the raid arc to slowly reveal that info.

Honestly it seems like they just decided to use the first draft. Sure it got the job done but it is not without its issues
It was very clear that they rewrote the story at some point in production.
I actually really like
and his theme is amazing. Are you sure you didn't mean
, because he's the second worst character in the entire show and wholly uninteresting.

They both aren't super great. No one touches the greatness of
Gamagori or Nonon
. Forgive my spelling


You should get a Galaxy Note, so you can taunt me about having a Galaxy Note, so when I finally get one, I will feel great about it.

I got a HTC something or other, all I know about it is that is twice the size of my old phone and can actually do things this time.
If I do end up getting a new one it'll definitely be bigger. Not that I really have issues with my current screen size but I end up using it more for media when I'm lying in bed than actual phone calls.


I actually really like
and his theme is amazing. Are you sure you didn't mean
, because he's the second worst character in the entire show and wholly uninteresting.

At least he has his moments.

Tsumugu and Rei
are literally nothing
I'm teasing :p

When we aren't kissing Pat's ass or playing games or watchin anime, we all tease each other.

What's this 'teasing' you speak of? I have no idea what you're talking about... are you trollin son?

Yeah but the story structure and the static characters kind of took the fun out of it during the middle part. It starts out slow and slowly picks up for sure and I really like the last 1/3rd of the show, but it's really rough before that point comes and that harms the character. Like...

Satsuki is a fuuuuuucking boring character up until episode 18. It's established from episode one that she's a cold and dominating leader and she barely does anything for the vast majority for the show. The show just keeps jerking the character off at every turn until they do a really cool 180. Despite playing a major role in the plot, she somehow keeps getting pushed to the sidelines. Mako is an energetic moron who loves her friends and family and I definitely I like, but she's really hit and miss as there's all there is to her.
The entire cast is really fun and likable for sure, but that's all they are. I like them all except Nui, but I only just like them. It didn't end with me adoring a character, like I did with Simon and Kamina in TTGL. That being said, the character quality in KLK is definitely more consistent than it is in TTGL. I forgot about half the fucking cast in that show.

Man I can't really agree with any of that.
I do think Satsuki is ovverated and Matoi is underrated, but I still think both of them are frickin awesome. I think Mako's all win.... it's hard for me to name any one bad character honestly.
I don't know, I think maybe I was just more on board for the kind of show KLK turned out to be than you.
we're just going to have to agree to disagree here.


Romars here are more Kanji changes for the patch.
SB Added Cruel Attack can be OMC'd & Super Canceled
j.C faster start-up, landing recovery decreased
5C has now longer reach, its hitbox is horizontally longer
Auto Combo more difficult to combo into Bet Ya Cant Take This (j.214AB), but SB version still works
5B and charged 5B connect to 2B on hit
* Rising j.C works
* Fatal Counter & Fatal Recovery both removed
* Causes crumbling on counter hit
Increased range, slower start--up on his Throw
All-out Attack
* Whether it's Kanji-only or just a bug is unclear, but he's able to cancel All-out Attack with Skills.
* -4 or less on block (Akihiko's 5A couldn't punish it)
This'll Hurt
* SB version damage nerfed.
* Overall damage nerf. SB now deals same damage as C version used to. Order is C < SB < D
* Fatal Recovery removed from D version
Primal Force
*A lot faster start-up
*No bounce even on counter hit
*Can pass through the opponent if used close by
*Takemikazuchi disappears faster on hit and on block
*A lot more slower start-up
*Takemikazuchi appears, waits a moment then starts to attack. Kanji becomes able to move when Takemikazuchi starts to move.
*Could be used for okizeme. Doesn't seem to work as a combo part
*Bounce on counter hit
*Unblockable, bounce on hit
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