Banana Aeon
Oh my God, In house streaming is a mess. I might have to sit out on this one.
The thing is, she's a shit until the very end and the fact that she doesn't get murdered on screen only adds to her being a piece of shit. But I hate the character outside of her purpose. I hate the cutesy evil archetype, I hate her character design and I don't like her voice. She's obviously supposed to be hated, but that's not the issue I have with her.
I got a HTC one. Shit keeps breaking, despite me taking incredibly good care of all of my stuff. I used an S2 for more than three years and it still functions perfectly. Not even a scratch or a dent (though firmware is obviously outdated). HTC one though? It broke the first time, I sent it for repairs and they sent a new one that was also immediately broken.
But that's just personal experience. Doesn't mean HTCs are bad.
Yo nerds, I wanna go on Skull girls who's down?
The thing is, she's a shit until the very end and the fact that she doesn't get murdered on screen only adds to her being a piece of shit. But I hate the character outside of her purpose. I hate the cutesy evil archetype, I hate her character design and I don't like her voice. She's obviously supposed to be hated, but that's not the issue I have with her.
I'll be down in about 2 hours, got to finish my ACT practice test before tonight is over.
I got a HTC one. Shit keeps breaking, despite me taking incredibly good care of all of my stuff. I used an S2 for more than three years and it still functions perfectly. Not even a scratch or a dent (though firmware is obviously outdated). HTC one though? It broke the first time, I sent it for repairs and they sent a new one that was also immediately broken.
But that's just personal experience. Doesn't mean HTCs are bad.
I haven't been too active in this thread, so I gotta ask, why has everyone ripped off Maragidyne's avatar?
Is it Maragidyne day?Please say yes because then there's going to be a Romars day and I'm picking all you suckers out Akumetsu avatars!
I refuse to change my avatar.
Fuck ACT's. I had a 3.9 gpa and I suck ass at tests.
Romars here are more Kanji changes for the patch.
Marathoning the Sadness Trilogy is really tough guys.
But it's worth it.Marathoning the Sadness Trilogy is really tough guys.
Did he really need to get nerfed even more?
Why would you do this?
But it's worth it.
Damn it, bottom of the page. Reposting it here.
Romars here are more Kanji changes for the patch.
SB Added Cruel Attack can be OMC'd & Super Canceled
j.C faster start-up, landing recovery decreased
5C has now longer reach, its hitbox is horizontally longer
Auto Combo more difficult to combo into Bet Ya Cant Take This (j.214AB), but SB version still works
5B and charged 5B connect to 2B on hit
* Rising j.C works
* Fatal Counter & Fatal Recovery both removed
* Causes crumbling on counter hit
Increased range, slower start--up on his Throw
All-out Attack
* Whether it's Kanji-only or just a bug is unclear, but he's able to cancel All-out Attack with Skills.
* -4 or less on block (Akihiko's 5A couldn't punish it)
This'll Hurt
* SB version damage nerfed.
* Overall damage nerf. SB now deals same damage as C version used to. Order is C < SB < D
* Fatal Recovery removed from D version
Primal Force
*A lot faster start-up
*No bounce even on counter hit
*Can pass through the opponent if used close by
*Takemikazuchi disappears faster on hit and on block
*A lot more slower start-up
*Takemikazuchi appears, waits a moment then starts to attack. Kanji becomes able to move when Takemikazuchi starts to move.
*Could be used for okizeme. Doesn't seem to work as a combo part
*Bounce on counter hit
*Unblockable, bounce on hit
Need something to watch and hours of their commentary over these terrible games is great.
I'm not sure about that.
Good lookin out Shackbro!Can I call you Shackbro? I feel like calling you Shackbro for awsome this was
Oh you meant the LPs I thought you were talking about the games. No it's totally worth it
Oh fuck no I will never play these games.
Did you know there's a guy who uploaded all of them together in one massive video? 102 hours long. Fun fact.
All waifus are shit anyway =P.
Yet in my extremely limited and scrubby experience, he's nowhere near the likes of Yu, Teddie and others. Didn't almost the entire cast get some improvements over their older self?
If I'm wrong, please educate me.
Is that the video you're using?
No. I prefer the segmented pieces on the SBF site/channel and would rather support them anyway. But if you really hated yourself you could watch that whole thing.
By the way, was there ever a good explanation for why a bunch of indian dancers could summon shit out of the Infraworld, but it took insane bouts of technology to even break open a portal?
No. I prefer the segmented pieces on the SBF site/channel and would rather support them anyway. But if you really hated yourself you could watch that whole thing.
By the way, was there ever a good explanation for why a bunch of indian dancers could summon shit out of the Infraworld, but it took insane bouts of technology to even break open a portal?
By the way, was there ever a good explanation for why a bunch of indian dancers could summon shit out of the Infraworld, but it took insane bouts of technology to even break open a portal?
Yo I have finnaly read more than 3 chapter of Akumetsu
It's really good
Wait what? No, I also think they're awesome. I'm not saying they're bad characters at all. I like almost the entire cast aside from a few rotten apples, I just meant to say that I merely like almost all of them, nothing more.
Sure, I understand. Agree to disagree, though I don't disagree with you a lot at all. It's more a case of how much we like the cast, not whether we like them or not. Also, Matoi isn't really too underrated. She's the first or more often second most popular character in the show.
I wouldn't say Tsumugu is nothing, though he did end up a bit weaker than I expected. Rei is fucking nothing though.
What are you talking about? Kanji is way better in Ultimax than he is in Arena.
Sorry I'm late, de-hype Kanji news caught me off guard. But~
Keep it up, only gets better.I still... still need to read the end. I feel like I'm living a lie...
... Still super low tier though, and to be getting a big nerf sandwich like this... is just balls. Whereas... you're Yosuke is highest tier still, no?
Because some of them are super hype.
Nah, popularity polls are usually won by Satsuki for some reason
I think you know the reason.
Not only do I not play Yosuke, but Yosuke along with Yu and Minazuki are all getting huge nerfs.
Nah, popularity polls are usually won by Satsuki for some reason, but Ryuko is either first or second every other time. She's quite popular, though not as much as miss generic. Mako and Nonon generally seem to be the follow ups. Pat's arguments were super bad tho.
Don't force me to actually git gud and command grab that ass all day. I might be the kohai on the streets, but I'm the senpai in the...fighting game
I am at chapter 77 My favorite moment isWhen Akumesu busted out of the Coffin
Yo I have finnaly read more than 3 chapter of Akumetsu
It's really good
Not entirely familiar with the FG community. What's up with FChamp?
First of all
Unless I'm mixing you up with Jinfamy, you were playing him right before you quit playing with us, weren't you?
But, either way, since Kanji's biggest weapon against Yosuke is getting nerfed, I'm betting he'll still have match up advantage.
I'm just salty about these nerfs...
I would describe him as like a heel rustler. He is kinda an asshole and he loves it.Not entirely familiar with the FG community. What's up with FChamp?Episode 17's incredibly cool moment, I guess? I did really start liking her from that moment on. Also has a big ass.
First of all
Second of all