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Super Best Friends Thread 10: Frienders Support Straight Shota

That dilemma where I want to buy House of the Dead 4 on PSN, but I don't have a Move controller to play the game like a proper light gun shooter. It's only ten bucks, but fuck...
Shit, I can feel that dilemma. I played a ton of Virtua Cop on a dpad, but somehow I doubt HotD controls as well on a Dualshock.
Do what perfectly relational people do and buy a time crisis arcade machine.

I really want one.
Who doesn't. God I should buy all the Wii light gun games.
Aw man Typing of the Dead is awesome.


If I"m gonna spend any amount of money on a light gun arcade machine, it's either gonna be Too Spicy or Ghost Squad.

Actually, scratch that last one, I want Operation GHOST, which is actually a sequel that came out not too long ago.

I was very adamant all throughout elementary school that Typing of the Dead would have encouraged more kids to type better, as the the programs they had for teaching typing were horseshit.

I got caught playing it one time in my typing class, he didn't know what it was and I showed him. From that day onwards he became addicted to Typing of the Dead.
Do what perfectly relational people do and buy a time crisis arcade machine.

I really want one.
If I"m gonna spend any amount of money on a light gun arcade machine, it's either gonna be Too Spicy or Ghost Squad.

Actually, scratch that last one, I want Operation GHOST, which is actually a sequel that came out not too long ago.

I was very adamant all throughout elementary school that Typing of the Dead would have encouraged more kids to type better, as the the programs they had for teaching typing were horseshit.


If I"m gonna spend any amount of money on a light gun arcade machine, it's either gonna be Too Spicy or Ghost Squad.

Actually, scratch that last one, I want Operation GHOST, which is actually a sequel that came out not too long ago.

I was very adamant all throughout elementary school that Typing of the Dead would have encouraged more kids to type better, as the the programs they had for teaching typing were horseshit.
I had Mario Teaches Typing. Get fucked
There's a character named GamerGate in Adventure Time and holy shit stuff's happening in that cartoon. That's how I've spent my last hour and a half. Time for video games now I guess

We had a Mavis Bacon typing thing, I tried it a few times and sucked so I didn't like it. It was probably okay
I had Garfield Typing.

It was... a thing.

I had this typing progarm in school that whenever you got shit wrong it would play loud beeps at you. I think it ruined my hearing a little

There's a character named GamerGate in Adventure Time and holy shit stuff's happening in that cartoon. That's how I've spent my last hour and a half. Time for video games now I guess

We had a Mavis Bacon typing thing, I tried it a few times and sucked so I didn't like it. It was probably okay

Is he a big ant?
All other typing software is shit compared to Typing of the Dead. I mean you kill zombies by typing good for fuck sake. Zombies! What kid doesn't love zombies these days?

Still, really REALLY want a version of HOTD 4 to play at home since the arcade cabinet is so fun.

At least I got Ghost Squad and HOTD 2 & 3 on Wii coming from Gamefly this month. It'll be so good to get back into Ghost Squad proper with no fucked up calibration issues (sucks that it plagues both player 1 sides of the Gameworks cabinets. Probably affects player 2 side as well).
Don't blame god or GAF, blame yourself.

Go commit sudoku now.



Sigh... College starts again tomorrow, these 2 weeks went by so quick


At least my online class doesnt start until Jan 20th, and on Mon/Wed/Fri I only have one actual class, so that wont be too bad.

Tues/Thurs are pretty full days though.
At least my online class doesnt start until Jan 20th, and on Mon/Wed/Fri I only have one actual class, so that wont be too bad.

Tues/Thurs are pretty full days though.

All my classes are online, except for the one hybrid class I have to take which is once a week on Tuesday.
I feel you deeply

I don't start until next monday, but I still have so much to do. And by "so much to do" I mean "so many video games to play".

I didn't even get to play anything for the last 3 days, all preparation work to get ready for tomorrow and to think i was gonna finish P3 FES in the holidays
I have till the 20th to get back. I gotta go rush through my backlog before I do tho.

Same here. Got to finish Xenosaga 3 before my friend goes to the army at the end of the month, since he's a huge fan of the game and wants to hear my thoughts about the game and series overall. Plus Bayo 2, Persona 2:EP, SMT 4 Neutral Route, Dragon's Dogma, etc.

But fighting games are so good :(
Hopefully I can beat like 3 more games after I finish P2:IS before I go back.
How far are you in it?
I just finished the Joker and Angel Joker bossfight I also
just got Jun
Those were disappointing boss fights mostly because the dungeon was oddly paced.
Same here. Got to finish Xenosaga 3 before my friend goes to the army at the end of the month, since he's a huge fan of the game and wants to hear my thoughts about the game and series overall. Plus Bayo 2, Persona 2:EP, SMT 4 Neutral Route, Dragon's Dogma, etc.

But fighting games are so good :(
How far are you in Xenosaga 3?

I know... I think Imma gonna have to decline Pats Xrd matches now...
That's a pretty sweet deal.

Yep, but I've had class every week day for the last 3 semesters, so I'm used to it.

Woof..I couldn't handle that much human interaction..I would turn into Pat.

I'm really happy I have a male math teacher though..I don't know why but I dislike having female math teachers..they always do things by the book..and 99% of the time it isn't the most practical way.

Got a female Database design teacher though.
(wow wow)
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