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Super Best Friends Thread 10: Frienders Support Straight Shota

Gamer Y

First one done.


Alright, guys I have the first couple eps of Tiger and Bunny, Gatchaman Crowds, and HxH in front of me now.

I started with Tiger and Bunny, and I have to say Sanji from One Piece voicing the main character is doing it for me a little bit.
Now, on to Crowds.

I should really start watching anime instead of just adding it to my backlog.

First one done.

You should have made it say Lon Lon Milk.
So my new roommate and his mother finally arrived.

I now have to move my game consoles into my room since she does not want her son around them.

Whatever. If this is the worst part of this roommate. I'll be fine. Its not like the last one who made me feel unsafe in my own home and then destroyed the place.


So I'm trying to catch up on my Best Friends backlog and I gotta say Fight Night looks kick ass. Is there a PC version at all?


The story should have been altered so Esdeath was the main female lead.

Akame is dull...super dull, in both design and personality.


The story should have been altered so Esdeath was the main female lead.

Akame is dull...super dull, in both design and personality.

Eh... I don't know if that would've worked?

Are you talking about the anime or manga?

Don't worry it wasn't fanservice.... it was just really really dumb.
I watched 30 seconds of some school girl exclaiming about the cuteness of her notebooks, and decided the show was sadly not for me.

I know it's not the fanservice since the anime doesn't have much or any at least in terms of lewd fanservice.

... You didn't even finish the first episode? It's not like that the whole anime, it's just establishing some character. Ok, up to you, but at least give it the first episode.
The story should have been altered so Esdeath was the main female lead.

Akame is dull...super dull, in both design and personality.
I know what you mean..it's sad that I enjoy the Jaegers more then Night Raid because they're actually interesting. Outside of Leone and Najenda..the rest are just empty shells.

AGK! Spoilers:
I actually was upset when Bols was killed. He was likeable and had a family and a reason to live.. Chelsea died and I was kind of just went..eh they'll get another member.

Btw fuck Ryuko, fuck Asuka. Esdeath is the one true waifu.


Eh... I don't know if that would've worked?

Are you talking about the anime or manga?

Oh, they probably would have to somewhat change the characters motivations somewhat. I'm saying Main character should join the evil assholes, talking more about a rewrite of the start.


Oh, they probably would have to somewhat change the characters motivations somewhat. I'm saying Main character should join the evil assholes, talking more about a rewrite of the start.

if he joined the empire army for a while and then switched, i could see it being a lot better.

I'm saying manga or anime since they are both completely different as the anime strays off the manga and cuts characterization.


I know what you mean..it's sad that I enjoy the Jaegers more then Night Raid because they're actually interesting. Outside of Leone and Najenda..the rest are just empty shells.

AGK! Spoilers:
I actually was upset when Bols was killed. He was likeable and had a family and a reason to live.. Chelsea died and I was kind of just went..eh they'll get another member.

Btw fuck Ryuko, fuck Asuka. Esdeath is the one true waifu.

To be fair
Chelsea died because she was dumb, I legit wanted a Space quest text box to pop up and inform her head how dumb she was.

I think the main problem with Night Raid at some points is that while there are some nice characters you never really feel like these characters are truly assassins or insane enough to be them.

They feel like characters that just happen to kill people rather than having the fact that their are assassins play a part of their character.


if he joined the empire army for a while and then switched, i could see it being a lot better.

I'm saying manga or anime since they are both completely different as the anime strays off the manga and cuts characterization.

I've seen the anime and I might start the Manga sooner or later.
if he joined the empire army for a while and then switched, i could see it being a lot better.

I'm saying manga or anime since they are both completely different as the anime strays off the manga and cuts characterization.

I really wish they would have made the Esdeath relationship more prevalent as well. As in Tatsumi actually does begin to develop feelings for her and becomes conflicted internally as to if he wants to stay with Night Raid and end up killing the woman she loves for the benefit of the world or go with Esdeath and choose his own happiness over the rest of the worlds...just my opinion it would make the show much more interesting and add some depth to the main character.

To be fair
Chelsea died because she was dumb, I legit wanted a Space quest text box to pop up and inform her head how dumb she was.

I think the main problem with Night Raid at some points is that while there are some nice characters you never really feel like these characters are truly assassins or insane enough to be them.

They feel like characters that just happen to kill people rather than having the fact that their are assassins play a part of their character.

I agree, they just act like they're in a in a slice of life anime or something. They really don't give any backstory to any of them either..well enough to make me care about them anyway.

Like Bols again..he was an excellent character..he knew he had done terrible things with his life and he accepted it because it was his job, but he still remained happy because no matter what he would have his family who loves him. That shit resonated with me, not oh..that white haired chick is hot..I'm gonna go join the revolutionary army to get in her pants. They did a really poor job in trying to make you care about the main cast. Plus all the people in Jaeger all have a psychotic side to them that makes them more credible as assassins.
I know it's not the fanservice since the anime doesn't have much or any at least in terms of lewd fanservice.

... You didn't even finish the first episode? It's not like that the whole anime, it's just establishing some character. Ok, up to you, but at least give it the first episode.

This is how I don't have a back log man, lol.
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