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Super Best Friends Thread 10: Frienders Support Straight Shota


I'll just leave this here.


here's the techie...what have I done...=w=




To be fair
Chelsea died because she was dumb, I legit wanted a Space quest text box to pop up and inform her head how dumb she was.

I think the main problem with Night Raid at some points is that while there are some nice characters you never really feel like these characters are truly assassins or insane enough to be them.

They feel like characters that just happen to kill people rather than having the fact that their are assassins play a part of their character.

Correct me if i'm wrong
does she die by akame's sister in the anime? In the manga she dies after assasinating her sister but doesn't realize akane's sister is a "beast" and can't be killed easily.

I've seen the anime and I might start the Manga sooner or later.

I had my high hopes for the anime, only for it to f*ck up royally. Want manga spoilers? I'll just say a little. They change people's deaths and straight up cut out some people's backstory.
Correct me if i'm wrong
does she die by akame's sister in the anime? In the manga she dies after assasinating her sister but doesn't realize akane's sister is a "beast" and can't be killed easily.

I had my high hopes for the anime, only for it to f*ck up royally. Want manga spoilers? I'll just say a little. They change people's deaths and straight up cut out some people's backstory.

Yea in the anime Chelsea is killed by Akame's sister who she thought she killed. Then she gets her head on a spike ala Kings Landing.



If you care about the series read the manga. It might not sway you to love the series, but at least you'll see the difference.

I blame the anime being focused more on pushing the story rather the characterization. That's just my opinion.

Tha family part was nice, since it made some of them seem more human.

This is how I don't have a back log man, lol.

It's also how you miss good shows. Meh, up to you.

Yea in the anime Chelsea is killed by Akame's sister who she thought she killed. Then she gets her head on a spike ala Kings Landing.

so.. how is that her being stupid? She was using her abilities to do her job.
If you care about the series read the manga. It might not sway you to love the series, but at least you'll see the difference.

I blame the anime being focused more on pushing the story rather the characterization. That's just my opinion.

Tha family part was nice, since it made some of them seem more human.

It's also how you miss good shows. Meh, up to you.

so.. how is that her being stupid? She was using her abilities to do her job.
I might as well finish the anime now..only 5 more episodes left then I'll read the manga.

She was dumb because she was careless and tried to go off without any kind of backup and try to kill someone she knew hardly anything about. In the anime at least they made it seem like she was trying to impress Tatsumi..because for some god awful reason they made Tatsumi a Mary Sue.
I'm going to apologize in advance to absolutely everyone aside from like the 1 or 2 people who will actually read this for writing such a fucking massive thing. Also to Ultimate_Trainer, do not click on any of this shit I am serious. I know I was a dick and basically made the whole screen spoilers but try your best.

So I just finished Persona 2 Innocent Sin, boy is that game fucking long.
I'm going to start off by mentioning some stuff I liked, the biggest thing being the story. Coming from the first game that had a simple story with one twist, this had so much more. It felt fucking real. Which is not to say the first game's story wasn't a real story, it was just simple. This one felt like you were going through a lot and you almost never knew what to expect. All throughout the game there were repeating instances of going from "Wait what the actual fuck is going on what just happened?" to "Oh man this shit is getting dark, oh jeez, oh man this is kinda real my feelings" and it was just a loop of that the whole time even to the end. Like you start off with just going to another high school to help a classmate, but then fucking Joker shows up, and then people's souls get stolen, and then you start finding out about their past, AND OH BOY THEIR PAST, until you realize this is not the fucking same game you started what the fuck happened we we're just going to go get a girl and tell a dude to shut up about curses. And just everyone's character was so well made (MC not included for obvious reasons), this game made me feel fucking FEELINGS. The whole friends things got to me, it was great. I also really liked the fact that some characters from the first game got in and played major minor parts, some got cameos and stuff, I really appreciate stuff like that. Music is fantastic, there were few songs I felt I disliked or that I was indifferent about. The rumor system was also a neat feature. It doesn't come into play so much later in the game but it was cool when its relevance to the plot was recent. Also money was put into this, it looked good. This may sound dumb but no it's not. Everyone had one image in the first game used for everything and looked kinda bad. ARTISTS WERE HIRED FOR THIS. It is great like it just felt much better from the start. Also people might disagree with me on this but I really like the way the card system was changed. You didn't really know what you could get from fusions in the first one until you had already gotten them and went to go check. Now I would not have minded this but the fact that you can only hold 12 at a time and only one copy of a demon's card made me not like that. In this one you can see what you can work for and decide so there's less time trying to get them. Also some more comparisons to the previous game (forgot to mention I'm comparing remakes whoops), the skip option in that was kind of dumb in that you chose to skip in order to fast forward things, but it didn't start working until the next character/demon's move, and if you toggled it off you couldn't turn it back on until the next person's move. This one just let you mash the button to turn it on/off and it just started working on the next move, cool stuff. Also fusion skills, totally cool. Added something to the almost nothing combat.

And with those last three points, I'll move onto the shit I don't like. Some of those fusion spells were kinda fucking useless, like I only found myself using a few really useful ones. That skip? I never touched that shit because it literally skips everything instead of cutting out some animations and speeding up the rest. So then you're just left with the results of everything and it's just eh. There's also a ring that clues you in on how to do fusion skills you qualify for, but man you can abuse that shit.
I enjoyed doing that.
Also someone mentioned this game being super easy and they're not wrong, there's not much thought required and once you get good skills you can make quick work of almost everything. That being said someone of end stuff starts fucking your shit up and you actually have to start doing stuff. On that note, some of those enemies were fucking absolute bullshit. Fuck Virulenz Krafts and shit that FUCKING AoE INSTANT KILLS WHO DOES THAT, fuck holes in the floors too man you had to redo a whole 2 floors if you fell in the wrong one. People were also saying the encounter rates were jacked up too which I didn't feel at first, but as I went into the game it's like they started turning it up and I didn't mind it at first but goddamn I just wanted to keep going after a while. At least I didn't have to grind I guess. Also the cards are cool and all and I enjoyed getting some, but wow you do NOT need to make new personas, they just hand those fuckers out for free. It didn't bother me (after the first time wow I was salt, I had just made shit) but it's definitely not a good thing.

Okay that's pretty much it I think, this last part is just going to be me spazzing about shit. So I know I talked about the music already BUT IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE HOLY SHIT. THAT MAYA'S THEME. HOLY SHIT THAT NAZI BATTLE THEME. HOLY SHIT ALL THAT EVERYTHING WITH THE "BY YOUR SIDE" MOTIF I FUCKING LOVE IT IT'S SO GOOOOOOOD. Persona 1 had something like that where a lot of music was connected I fucking love that shit. All the dialogue, the optional shit and everything, it was so good and entertaining. It made me laugh a few times, especially some of those combo contacts. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT. I lost my shit so hard at that, Jun is the best secret friender. Also there's a gay dude in this and that's totally not what they make him about, in fact there's multiple instances of crossdressing and transgender shit, some for humor but it's still cool. ALSO FUCKING PEOPLE FROM PERSONA 1, TORO DID A FUCKING PIZZATA, YUKINO IS A GODDAMN PARTY MEMBER, KIDEHIKO IS KIND OF LESS OF A DUMB DOUCHEBAG. Holy shit it was so cool seeing everyone. The way everyone grows up and learns shit and matures oh man those moments were great. Eikichi was so dumb but he was the best, I think he might be my favorite. That whole cave section was so strong, my feelings felt things, oh man. AND THEN FUCKING MAYA COMES IN LIKE A BAD ASS FNOSNFIOWNONFOLA and then it makes sense why everyone was crying when they met Maya in the beginning and just, man it's great. And then that aliens and nazis and gods and wizard hitler shit happens and you're like what the fuck oh OH SHIT IS GOING DOWN OKAY. And then you climb up the mountain AND TAKE ON A MECH BY YOURSELF YOU KICK IT'S ASS SUPER HARD NO ONE FUCKS WITH TATSUYA SUOU. And then Fujii dies and you're like oh......we're fucking with my heart again okay, oh another persona cool. And then you save Jun AND YUKINO LEAVES NO DON'T GOOOO. And then the end of the game with Maya dying, and the universe gets reset, but everyone still gets to be friends oh god everything ;~;

tl;dr: STORY'S GOOD, MUSIC'S GOOD, SHIT'S GOOD. Fuck some of the enemies and spawn rate. Everyone got fucked up, especially my feelings

Man......I'm playing Transistor after this. I'm going to be depressed for like a week........goddamnit.

Sorry again for taking up so much space guys.


I might as well finish the anime now..only 5 more episodes left then I'll read the manga.

She was dumb because she was careless and tried to go off without any kind of backup and try to kill someone she knew hardly anything about. In the anime at least they made it seem like she was trying to impress Tatsumi..because for some god awful reason they made Tatsumi a Mary Sue.

I'll have to marathon the anime and maybe reread the manga.

It was her being over confident with her abilities, for her reasoning in the manga i don't quite remember, but i thought it was her trying to do her job. I'll reread akame just to get a refresh of the story. I suppose that was because it was written so you're supposed to care about tatsumi as the main character and he's strong from the armour and training
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