If somebody wants to make me a Chie Mega Milk I'd be eternally grateful.
Don't you dare. Those two things don't even belong in the same sentence.
If somebody wants to make me a Chie Mega Milk I'd be eternally grateful.
I'll just leave this here.
here's the techie...what have I done...=w=
make package a bayo megamilk avatar, ittl empower him to finish the game,
also Mako<Satsuki<Nonon<Ryuko
here's the techie...what have I done...=w=
To be fairChelsea died because she was dumb, I legit wanted a Space quest text box to pop up and inform her head how dumb she was.
I think the main problem with Night Raid at some points is that while there are some nice characters you never really feel like these characters are truly assassins or insane enough to be them.
They feel like characters that just happen to kill people rather than having the fact that their are assassins play a part of their character.
I've seen the anime and I might start the Manga sooner or later.
Correct me if i'm wrongdoes she die by akame's sister in the anime? In the manga she dies after assasinating her sister but doesn't realize akane's sister is a "beast" and can't be killed easily.
I had my high hopes for the anime, only for it to f*ck up royally. Want manga spoilers? I'll just say a little. They change people's deaths and straight up cut out some people's backstory.
i fixed it, im horrible at remembering which sign is whichI thought you said Mako was the best?
I'll just leave this here.
Don't you dare. Those two things don't even belong in the same sentence.
make package a bayo megamilk avatar, ittl empower him to finish the game,
also Mako<Satsuki<Nonon<Ryuko
I should have never pushed Oberon to make my Maya mega's the techie...what have I done...=w=
Don't you dare. Those two things don't even belong in the same sentence.
There is not a single shred of logic in that entire fucking statement.Why not? Chie is already in WoW, she might as well have a megamilk version.
Super Best Friends Drift: Drift Stage
It has to be this way.
Why not? Chie is already in WoW, she might as well have a megamilk version.
here's the techie...what have I done...=w=
There is not a single shred of logic in that entire fucking statement.
Super Best Friends Drift: Drift Stage
Oh, you mean the BAD version of Chie, ok, got it.The lady that voices Chie in Golden and the other Persona games voices a character in WoW. That's how I see her in it.
Oh, you mean the BAD version of Chie, ok, got it.
The lady that voices Chie in Golden and the other Persona games voices a character in WoW. That's how I see her in it.
Don't you dare. Those two things don't even belong in the same sentence.
hey i played both versions and Golden sounds better, so there its been decidedOh, you mean the BAD version of Chie, ok, got it.
hey i played both versions and Golden sounds better, so there its been decided
You're right, Mega Milk Naoto needs to happen.
yea, I prefer my teenage girls to sound like middle aged women
here's the techie...what have I done...=w=
Super Best Friends Drift: Drift Stage
This is how I don't have a back log man, lol.
Yea in the anime Chelsea is killed by Akame's sister who she thought she killed. Then she gets her head on a spike ala Kings Landing.
Old Chie sounds weird, like she really sounds like a woman in her 30s.
Same. Her "Aha is this our chance?" is badly delivered, but it's great because of that.Still better than Erin, I never had a problem with her voice in vanilla
I might as well finish the anime now..only 5 more episodes left then I'll read the manga.If you care about the series read the manga. It might not sway you to love the series, but at least you'll see the difference.
I blame the anime being focused more on pushing the story rather the characterization. That's just my opinion.
Tha family part was nice, since it made some of them seem more human.
It's also how you miss good shows. Meh, up to you.
so.. how is that her being stupid? She was using her abilities to do her job.
You're right, Mega Milk Naoto needs to happen.
Still better than Erin, I never had a problem with her voice in vanilla
Wow. I'm hyped for racers now...Super Best Friends Drift: Drift Stage
We need to stop talking about Good Chie vs. New Chie, it never goes anywhere and I just get really butthurt.
I fixed it, kinda
It's almost like waifus wars
I might as well finish the anime now..only 5 more episodes left then I'll read the manga.
She was dumb because she was careless and tried to go off without any kind of backup and try to kill someone she knew hardly anything about. In the anime at least they made it seem like she was trying to impress Tatsumi..because for some god awful reason they made Tatsumi a Mary Sue.
They need to play that Tron racing game now, the one someone posted a while back in Early Access