With good confidence a light 5 can easily become a 7 or 8 dude. You just gotta carry yourself well.
Amen, with the right outfit and a nice pair of shoes anyone can look good.
New shoes and a haircut got my friend laid once. And he's a 6 at best.
With good confidence a light 5 can easily become a 7 or 8 dude. You just gotta carry yourself well.
Seems like it. I mean, if she knew that fact about estrogen and was able to convince my friend to start taking it, that says something. He's been getting along with her fine by the looks of things, so that's good.
And I wouldn't stick my dick into crazy. Though a better question is would crazy try to force itself onto my dick?
So a normal stripper who works at a vegan strip club.
I'm only ten episodes in and Monster is a fucking classic. There's nothing else like it at all.
Amen, with the right outfit and a nice pair of shoes anyone can look good.
New shoes and a haircut got my friend laid once. And he's a 6 at best.
why were they trying to hook her up if she had a bf... Weird.
Sounds like you had a terrible friend and i feel like your girlfriend was cheating on you the entire time, or dating other people? That's just me speculating. I wonder why she'd invite you over and then break up with you.. weird. Could be more behind why she did it.
Huh.. and has his orgasms gotten better?
Probably, that's why they're crazy.
How about that Johan?
He's like a real world version of Dio.
Alright I guess I'll kick off RealGAF..
Guys like us don't have to be good looking. We're smart, we're probably gonna be well off financially all we have to do is carry ourselves well.
If you look good, give off a positive vibe and look like you got your shit together women are literally gonna come at you in droves.
Looking back there probably were some red flags that I never picked up mostly because that was my first..non long distance relationship and I was completely new to it. I wouldn't of gotten physical with the guy if he hadn't gotten in my face that's what set me off.Well aside from all of this being straight out of a Gossip Girl episode, I can't exactly blame you for your reaction, but you beat up a guy despite the fact this comes across as all her doing.
Unless you were completely oblivious to all kinds of red flags and signs when the relationship was "good". I find it strange how fast she suddenly turned, contrary to many jaded guys, girl's don't just do things like that on a whim without some sort of significant reason, unless they are straight up that terrible a human being, even then.
Came too hard. Brought some memories back.
Cheaters suck.
why were they trying to hook her up if she had a bf... Weird.
Yes they do.
More RealGAF ahead:
So one thing that sucks when you're a girl is that basically when you hit puberty, males start paying attention to you, it's like this automatic thing, which you know when its other boys your same age that's totally natural and fine.
But the thing that I (and most girls) was not prepared for, was people much older paying attention to me in a new/different way. And it's weird because you don't understand what's going on at first, guys/men are just nice to you and you get compliments like "She'll be a real heartbreaker one day!" and shit like that, and so you just smile and say thank you because what else are you going to say? And you're still too innocent at that point to pick up on the difference between someone being creepy ("You should give me a call in a few years" *wink wink*) and someone just being genuinely nice ("Aw well aren't you pretty?"), so you always respond to these moments in a totally polite and nice way regardless.
And so through the ages of 13 up to my early 20's I had a lot of unfortunate and creepy situations happen that it took me a long time to work through and figure out what even really happened and if anything was my fault or if it was right or wrong or whatever else.
I was going to go into more detail but it might be weird so idk, anyway I think it's really important for girls to be taught how to deal with unwanted advances when they are pretty young because it also ends up making us not even know how to properly say "no" and can even lead to accidentally leading a guy on because you're just trying to be nice and also not piss someone off because let's be real there's a lot of shitty jackasses out there that will hurt a woman just for not giving him what he wants and *sigh*
Actually, I guess there's one story I can share. It's not tragic or anything, but it was kind of spoopy for me. Here it is:
It was a regular day in High school. I was chilling with some friends during our break and and all of a sudden I hear an announcement. The principal had called me down to the office. Now, I almost never get called into the office so when I heard that I was like "Oh shit." I get up and walk all the way to the office, wondering what the principal wanted. I go into the office and I enter the principal's room. On my right I see the principal sitting in his desk, nothing out of the ordinary, and to my left I see a mother fucking police officer. Needless to say, I was freaking out inside my mind. Both of them say hello and say hi back. Then the police officer looks at me and says "Do you know why you're here, Shayan?" To which I reply "Who?" The police officer ask "Aren't you Shayan?" and I say "No." Turns out that they didn't call my name and I had just misheard the announcement. However, the spoopy thing is that I was originally going to be named Shayan.
This reads like a bad creepypasta
I was in high school, and was with this chick who was two years older than me, dropped out and worked at a gym I used to go to, she had the greatest body of all the women I've been with, great tits and ass that you could carry a small child on. she worked out regularly and liked to get rough with me sometimes, which I dont mind I liked that.
I dont know if it was really much of a relationship, we never talked much about intimate stuff, it was kind of like hanging with another guy friend....only on occasion after we played basketball we would fuck.
three months of hanging with her, she finally invited me over to her place, I thought cool we're gonna fuck in her bedroom. When I got to her house, as soon as I opened the door the entire house smelled like burning plastic, maybe she was doing drugs I didn't know.
When we got to her bedroom, there was a wall on the left side of her room, that looked like tons of pictures in a collage posted all over her wall, every single picture on the wall had the same thing in it, her ass. She had taken pictures of her own ass naked in different lightings and poses, sometimes with glitter and make up covering her cheeks or dressing it an a way to mimic someones face, one of the most recurring themes were tails, she had a variety of different tails she wore, alot looked like horses tails.
While I was staring at these, she went to her bed and started to undress and masturbate while staring at the ceiling, on the ceiling there was another blown up picture of her own ass.
She started moaning on and on how it's beautiful, and how much better it was than herself, refering to her own ass some other entity. I was seriously confused, she got up and showed me a notebook with drawings and more photos, some of them she was centaur with a big ass, or just some sort of satyr with a big ass, I asked her to explain what the fuck was going on.
She believed her ass was its own person, or at least that it was alive or something and that it desired to be worshipped an adored, she wanted to give me the oppurtunity to worship it like herself, to praise it's beauty and follow its orders. She wanted to take our relationship to the next level and that the only way to do that was unveil to me that her ass was her mistress, and would love for me to start worshipping it with her.
I was scared, she noticed my hestiation, gave me a picture of her ass told me to think it over. I stayed as far away from her as possible from that day forward
Man that's really unfortunate. The amount of creepy skeezing that happens to girls is really understated sometimesYes they do.
More RealGAF ahead:
Looking at the red letters after reading that and looking at your avatar made me lose it for some reason. I'd be shitting my pants too thoughActually, I guess there's one story I can share. It's not tragic or anything, but it was kind of spoopy for me. Here it is:
It was a regular day in High school. I was chilling with some friends during our break and and all of a sudden I hear an announcement. The principal had called me down to the office. Now, I almost never get called into the office so when I heard that I was like "Oh shit." I get up and walk all the way to the office, wondering what the principal wanted. I go into the office and I enter the principal's room. On my right I see the principal sitting in his desk, nothing out of the ordinary, and to my left I see a mother fucking police officer. Needless to say, I was freaking out inside my mind. Both of them say hello and say hi back. Then the police officer looks at me and says "Do you know why you're here, Shayan?" To which I reply "Who?" The police officer ask "Aren't you Shayan?" and I say "No." Turns out that they didn't call my name and I had just misheard the announcement. However, the spoopy thing is that I was originally going to be named Shayan.
This reads like a bad creepypasta
Actually, I guess there's one story I can share. It's not tragic or anything, but it was kind of spoopy for me. Here it is:
It was a regular day in High school. I was chilling with some friends during our break and and all of a sudden I hear an announcement. The principal had called me down to the office. Now, I almost never get called into the office so when I heard that I was like "Oh shit." I get up and walk all the way to the office, wondering what the principal wanted. I go into the office and I enter the principal's room. On my right I see the principal sitting in his desk, nothing out of the ordinary, and to my left I see a mother fucking police officer. Needless to say, I was freaking out inside my mind. Both of them say hello and say hi back. Then the police officer looks at me and says "Do you know why you're here, Shayan?" To which I reply "Who?" The police officer ask "Aren't you Shayan?" and I say "No." Turns out that they didn't call my name and I had just misheard the announcement. However, the spoopy thing is that I was originally going to be named Shayan.
This reads like a bad creepypasta
I'm into some pretty weird shit..and I might just stuck that one out..just..just maybe..Fuck it, I copy pasted from an old thread on Gaf a while back I posted in.
Fuck it, I copy pasted from an old thread on Gaf a while back I posted in.
Man, I can really tell you live in the south. Anyway it's toeing a weird line of creepy and complimentive(?) when it's family and stuff, but I can't imagine dealing with random people. My friends talk a lot about having the leading people on problem.But the thing that I (and most girls) was not prepared for, was people much older paying attention to me in a new/different way. And it's weird because you don't understand what's going on at first, guys/men are just nice to you and you get compliments like "She'll be a real heartbreaker one day!" and shit like that, and so you just smile and say thank you because what else are you going to say? And you're still too innocent at that point to pick up on the difference between someone being creepy ("You should give me a call in a few years" *wink wink*) and someone just being genuinely nice ("Aw well aren't you pretty?"), so you always respond to these moments in a totally polite and nice way regardless. .
Looking back there probably were some red flags that I never picked up mostly because that was my first..non long distance relationship and I was completely new to it. I wouldn't of gotten physical with the guy if he hadn't gotten in my face that's what set me off.
Yes they do.
More RealGAF ahead:
So one thing that sucks when you're a girl is that basically when you hit puberty, males start paying attention to you, it's like this automatic thing, which you know when its other boys your same age that's totally natural and fine.
But the thing that I (and most girls) was not prepared for, was people much older paying attention to me in a new/different way. And it's weird because you don't understand what's going on at first, guys/men are just nice to you and you get compliments like "She'll be a real heartbreaker one day!" and shit like that, and so you just smile and say thank you because what else are you going to say? And you're still too innocent at that point to pick up on the difference between someone being creepy ("You should give me a call in a few years" *wink wink*) and someone just being genuinely nice ("Aw well aren't you pretty?"), so you always respond to these moments in a totally polite and nice way regardless.
And so through the ages of 13 up to my early 20's I had a lot of unfortunate and creepy situations happen that it took me a long time to work through and figure out what even really happened and if anything was my fault or if it was right or wrong or whatever else.
I was going to go into more detail but it might be weird so idk, anyway I think it's really important for girls to be taught how to deal with unwanted advances when they are pretty young because it also ends up making us not even know how to properly say "no" and can even lead to accidentally leading a guy on because you're just trying to be nice and also not piss someone off because let's be real there's a lot of shitty jackasses out there that will hurt a woman just for not giving him what he wants and *sigh*
Actually, I guess there's one story I can share. It's not tragic or anything, but it was kind of spoopy for me. Here it is:
It was a regular day in High school. I was chilling with some friends during our break and and all of a sudden I hear an announcement. The principal had called me down to the office. Now, I almost never get called into the office so when I heard that I was like "Oh shit." I get up and walk all the way to the office, wondering what the principal wanted. I go into the office and I enter the principal's room. On my right I see the principal sitting in his desk, nothing out of the ordinary, and to my left I see a mother fucking police officer. Needless to say, I was freaking out inside my mind. Both of them say hello and say hi back. Then the police officer looks at me and says "Do you know why you're here, Shayan?" To which I reply "Who?" The police officer ask "Aren't you Shayan?" and I say "No." Turns out that they didn't call my name and I had just misheard the announcement. However, the spoopy thing is that I was originally going to be named Shayan.
This reads like a bad creepypasta
That is fucking creepy man. I wish could say more but I can't.Fuck it, I copy pasted from an old thread on Gaf a while back I posted in.
Fuck it, I copy pasted from an old thread on Gaf a while back I posted in.
While that's terrible and crazy, the fact you have the Hometown avatar on makes me giggle.Fuck it, I copy pasted from an old thread on Gaf a while back I posted in.
As men, we should use our strength to protect the ones right in front of us, the ones we love, wasting our energy on anger and retaliation never feels good or helps us in the long run, even if it feels fantastic in that moment.
Fuck it, I copy pasted from an old thread on Gaf a while back I posted in.
I've moved on ever since though I always have that tiny seed of doubt in the back of my head you know what I mean? It made me smarter but at the same time I have a really hard time fully committing like I did.Well everyone is young and stupid at some point, most people barely manage to grow out of it by their 40's.
All you should take away from this really, in terms of what you told us, is that she wasn't worth your time, and that guy wasn't worth your anger, learn from it and move forward, but don't dwell on it, there'll be better, more worthwhile friends and girls to meet.
As men, we should use our strength to protect the ones right in front of us, the ones we love, wasting our energy on anger and retaliation never feels good or helps us in the long run, even if it feels fantastic in that moment.
Xiraiya confirmed as best Husbando.Can you just go live in anime already.
Fuck it, I copy pasted from an old thread on Gaf a while back I posted in.
How do you still like hometown?Fuck it, I copy pasted from an old thread on Gaf a while back I posted in.
After being involved in theater and choir for years, around 80% of my friends are girls, and I've gotten to understand the female POV much better when it comes to things like relationships. But because of that I can tell a lot a girl just by how she acts and talks to men. I can tell who was hurt emotionally recently, who is trying to show off, who is super interested in a guy, who is trying to drive a guy off, who is oblivious, and who is just a bitch.
But I now can not not know when a girl is hitting on me, and I am the worst offender of leading girls on because I'm nice to everyone and I flirt without knowing it sometimes.
I've done that before..but still
I'm into some pretty weird shit..and I might just stuck that one out..just..just maybe..
This can't be real.
You should have seen her drawings, she really really really liked centaurs.
Somewhere a brony is shedding tears because he has not met this woman.Nah man, I couldnt handle that shit. I've only been with one girl before I met her and It was some scary shit.
You should have seen her drawings, she really really really liked centaurs.
I used to flirt a lot, especially with guys, until I realized that it was partially for attention and partially because I was conditioned to relate with the opposite sex on that level, which is only doing us both a disservice and preventing a deeper friendship from developing (and the fact it is easily misinterpreted for romantic interest).
Man, I can really tell you live in the south. Anyway it's toeing a weird line of creepy and complimentive(?) when it's family and stuff, but I can't imagine dealing with random people. My friends talk a lot about having the leading people on problem.
Xiraiya confirmed as best Husbando.
Please don't push this lore any further.
Are we going into RealGAF?
One day during high school lunch some girl walked up to me and my friends and pointed at me and said "I know you! You're the kid that would always masturbate in the back of the classroom back in middle school!"
Of course, I didn't even go to the same middle school as her. But my friends didn't care. I never lived the shame down.
I'm okay with it.Please push this lore further.
While that's terrible and crazy, the fact you have the Hometown avatar on makes me giggle.
How do you still like hometown?
Are we going into RealGAF?
One day during high school lunch some girl walked up to me and my friends and pointed at me and said "I know you! You're the kid that would always masturbate in the back of the classroom back in middle school!"
Of course, I didn't even go to the same middle school as her. But my friends didn't care. I never lived the shame down.
Well to be fair, there are worse things to worship.