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Super Best Friends Thread 10: Frienders Support Straight Shota

Are we going into RealGAF?

One day during high school lunch some girl walked up to me and my friends and pointed at me and said "I know you! You're the kid that would always masturbate in the back of the classroom back in middle school!"

Of course, I didn't even go to the same middle school as her. But my friends didn't care. I never lived the shame down.
Man that's bad.


Are we going into RealGAF?

One day during high school lunch some girl walked up to me and my friends and pointed at me and said "I know you! You're the kid that would always masturbate in the back of the classroom back in middle school!"

Of course, I didn't even go to the same middle school as her. But my friends didn't care. I never lived the shame down.
What.. o-ok? She must've mistaken you for someone else or something...

time to derail this conversation.

That's perfectly on topic.
I used to flirt a lot, especially with guys, until I realized that it was partially for attention and partially because I was conditioned to relate with the opposite sex on that level, which is only doing us both a disservice and preventing a deeper friendship from developing (and the fact it is easily misinterpreted for romantic interest).

Guys, as you can tell from our dumb bullshit, are terrible at reading signals.
It's real bad, because a lot of guys, awkward and anti-social ones and even confident ones are exactly the same in this regard, they can't help but think "She's being nice, maybe I can get somewhere, hopefully, maybe she likes me" crap like that.

Everytime, it's a baffling and pitiful instinct, and it has always pissed me off watching it happen, from teenagers to men in their 40's, exactly the same patterns again and again.
The whole dating/attraction/mutual interest thing is just iffy. There's not any sign above people's head saying if they're interested in a romantic relationship or not, and at least for people like me, I can't tell the difference unless she explicitly says otherwise. I've had friendships that I'm told were romantic interest later and romantic interests that were only ever intended to be friends with me.

I dunno. I'll admit I'm pretty green on the whole topic.
Well maybe you shouldn't have been masturbating in the back of the classroom.



On the top of weird stories, a girl once asked me if
it was possible she lost her virginity to an electric toothbrush

I would try to write something for realgaf, but its more to do with a friend of mine rather than me, though I was the giant wheel that started it
So I'll probably get lynched for this, but can anyone explain the appeal of boobs to me?

I can't honestly. Personally it's just something that our minds have been warped into thinking is something erotic. Meanwhile men and women have the same thing, we both have breasts the only difference is one can produce more milk then the other. Nudity in general is taken way too seriously in America imo, but still..we can show our kids excess gore and body mutilation, but holy fuck god forbid if they see a cock or a pair of tits.

On the top of weird stories, a girl once asked me if
it was possible she lost her virginity to an electric toothbrush
Is that a thing? Because I've heard of it before..sounds incredibly painful though.


So I'll probably get lynched for this, but can anyone explain the appeal of boobs to me?

I dunno, i suppose their softness, the things you can do with them, the fact they are eye level, and well it's also something that stands out when a girl is growing up and really grabs the attention of males.. maybe i'm off base but this is just how i see it.
So I'll probably get lynched for this, but can anyone explain the appeal of boobs to me?
Curves. It's about how it works into the whole of the person. At least imo. If you mean in a technical way that's a long explanation, but it mostly comes down to instincts and subjective experiences.


The whole dating/attraction/mutual interest thing is just iffy. There's not any sign above people's head saying if they're interested in a romantic relationship or not, and at least for people like me, I can't tell the difference unless she explicitly says otherwise. I've had friendships that I'm told were romantic interest later and romantic interests that were only ever intended to be friends with me.
I dunno. I'll admit I'm pretty green on the whole topic.

Well you end up over complicating things and making things unnecessarily awkward if you think about it too much, people are just people, regardless of if it's a girl or a guy, if you happen to like a person, then letting them know is fine if it's appropriate, but most of all if you care about a person that much, you should want to be their friend regardless, if they don't feel the same, then ultimately that friendship shouldn't change, otherwise your feelings probably weren't coming from a true place.
Well you end up over complicating things and making things unnecessarily awkward if you think about it too much, people are just people, regardless of if it's a girl or a guy, if you happen to like a person, then letting them know is fine if it's appropriate, but most of all if you care about a person that much, you should want to be their friend regardless, if they don't feel the same, then ultimate that friendship shouldn't change, otherwise your feelings probably weren't coming from a true place.
I was always afraid admitting romantic interest would kill a chance at remaining friends, but that was probably paranoia.
So basically all of your answers boil down to is that they're mysterious.

Sure, let's go with that.

I've heard rumors that they even conceal their currency between them..among other various items..only on the most humid of summer days may you acquire a five dollar bill soaked in the legendary boob sweat as you work your retail slave job at a BP


I was always afraid admitting romantic interest would kill a chance at remaining friends, but that was probably paranoia.

Unless it's handled in a creepy manner, then the girl or whoever you confessed to probably isn't going to worry about it nearly as much as you. Though the issue with a friend having romantic feelings for another friend is they tend to not be able to help but take advantage of situations when they shift into their favor, which makes people with those feelings often untrustworthy because emotions.
gettin gud at W101 but theres alot of shit to keep track of, those canons are the devil, especially when theres more than one

The guard skill (the one that turns your team into a flan defense thing) destroys the tank cannon things. You can reflect their shots and parry their ram. I highly recommend getting that and the dive move first since they serve respectfully as your guard/parry and dodge.


Alright well all this began in the 4th grade when me and my two best friends(let’s call them H & Z)began hanging out with a girl(J) because she knew a lot about anime. We all tried to impress her, anything bringing in our decks or bringing in our older siblings manga or by being silly when reading anything that had any sexual names.

Flash forward a few years and we’re all in middle school. Still hanging out and talking about metal bands, and anime. One day I had let Z know that I have a crush on J and I really want to ask her out, he told me I should do it during H’s birthday party. So a week or so later we’re all at the party playing chicken in the pool when we all the guys start getting rowdy and try taking off the tops of the girls there(All the parents were too busy on the other side of the park to notice). I was busy talking to J and I was about to let her know that I had a crush on her when Z came behind her and ripped her top off and dashed.
This was the first time I saw real boobs.
She ran off and me, Z and H went off looking for her. None of could find her. But the next day at school we found out that Z had found her and blamed some other guy for taking off her top and asked her out. I was pissed, so I did the most rational thing and got into a fight with him, that quickly ended before it began landing us both in In School Suspension. I no longer talked to Z from this point in my life but still stayed friends with J and H. A year or so later at another party I was going to confess my feeling once again to J when this huge freshman from high school intervened and started hitting on her, I went full beta and just walked away. They ended up dating for the next 5 months. After that I learned to man up and move on and started dating and messing around with girls.

Flash forward to my Junior year of high school, Me and J both just got out of horrible relationships and I decided to ask her out. She told me yes, I felt like the BIGGEST BADASS and then she let me know that she had always like since middle school. And we wind up dating for nearly 7 months. When out of nowhere she just stops showing up to school, she doesn’t answer my text or call and when I went to her house her parents wouldn’t let me in. And this went on for weeks. Then one day out of the blue she sends me a series of texts. She told me that she never loved me, that her friend forced her to say yes to me. I felt like my world shattered and I kept reading. She told me that I was nothing more than a waste of a carbon lifeform.
She went to explicit detail on all the guys(and number of time she had sex with them) she cheated on me with. She went on and on about how worthless I was and how my life had no meaning, and that I should just kill myself and she would gladly have sex on my grave. After reading all of this I cried and stopped showing up at school for a week. I was put under suicide watch by my parents and had to go to therapy for depression. Even know I have episodes where I shut myself off from the rest of the world and recurring thoughts of suicide.
But I’m slowly getting better because of my girlfriend and close friends(sometimes alcohol). And that’s my story. And here's a picture of a random chick that nearly resembles my girlfriend
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