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Super Best Friends Thread 10: Frienders Support Straight Shota

Oh? OH... Ohh... This is.. um.. quite the story..



legacy of cane
Mathaou arrives with another story of yesteryear.

I was 16 and it was late May. I had just left from this improv show my old middle school puts on; I left early because it sucked. As I was walking, me and this kid (who I now know is a misogynistic douchebag) who I was friends with at the time are walking down the street towards a light, and we are about to turn down this parkway to take a shortcut back to my house, where we were gonna play some COD: Zombies til we dropped. I’m a little bitch, so before we go down the parkway, I run into Walgreens to buy two redbulls. As I come out I notice something, my friend is now surrounded by 4 very attractive woman, all of which he knows because he goes to tons of parties. I don’t know any of them because I stay home and play video games and junk on the weekends til like 3AM. As I shyly make my way over, I notice that my neighborhood friend is there, and she is absolutely drunk out of her mind. I get concerned now cuz A) she’s fucking 16, and B) she looks like she’s about to fall over. As I’m about to ask if she wants to come hang out with us (cuz then I know she’ll be safe), she runs over to me and jumps on me, which causes me to lose my balance and fall backwards onto the concrete. She had pinned my arms to my sides, so I would have just cracked open my head if I didn’t do this awkward turn with my forearm and proceed to break my wrist. She gets up, laughing and takes a swig of vodka out of a stainless steel water bottle. Her friends are doing shots of cough syrup (apparently it gets you high), and my friend is skeezing on one chick with huge boobs. I get up, switch the bag to my unbroken hand, and decide to tough it out, get her home, then go to the hospital. I suggest that she should come hang out with me and my friend, and she agrees. As we are walking down this busy street, I have my friend and 4 gorgeous women who are inebriated around me.

Oh, my friend just biked away. Cock.

As we are walking down this busy street, I have myself and 4 gorgeous woman who are inebriated around me. And one just fell down. And two of them are making out. And my friend has jumped on my back and demands that I carry her.

You can already tell that this was going to fucking suck.

I have a broken wrist, 2 redbulls in a bag in one hand, a very, very dense woman on my back who reeks of alcohol and is high as a kite resting awkwardly on my forearms and 3 other women who have sat down in the middle of a busy street and are taking their shirts off.

In ANY OTHER SITUATION I would be having all of this. But I was cranky, in pain, and since they were drunk and high, I couldn’t make a move on any of them because that would be creepy. One of the girls, named B, came over to me and as I was walking up a hill gave me a “handjob”, which was her doing the motions of the handjob and accidently punching me in the dick a few times. I nearly fell backwards down the hill.

After around 10 blocks, we still had a ways to go, and I was so PO’ed that I got an idea.

“Hey, guys,” I yelled behind me, “let’s play a game!”
“Oooh!” they all yelled from a ways behind, lagging for reasons I didn’t particularly care about. My friend on my back muttered something in agreement.
“It’s this game where everyone puts their phones in a pile, and then we all try and grab a phone at once, and the object is to grab a phone. Ready?” They all put their phones in the middle, probably because they literally could not see how stupid this game was.

I bent down and piled everyones phones in a pile with my unbroken hand, shuffling the girl on my back and balancing on one knee. “Get back!” I told them. As everyone ran a distance away, I picked up each of their phones and shoved it down my pant legs (I was wearing skinny jeans so they stayed), then I started walking. They were very confused, and began whining about where their phones were. They just followed me like children, complaining and saying they would exchange sexual favors for their phones back. I calmly dejected their proposals.

This continued until we were in front of my friend’s house. I dropped them all off on her front steps, and after I gave their phones back they thanked me for being a nice guy, and one of them offered me the rest of her booze. I calmly rejected and went home.

I would later find out when I was in the hospital that they all got in huge trouble and one of them “ran away” by taking public transportation. She didn’t realize that it went in a loop, so her dad just came on the bus when it came back around and made her ride the loop several times with a hangover and glasses.
Alright well all this began in the 4th grade when me and my two best friends(let’s call them H & Z)began hanging out with a girl(J) because she knew a lot about anime. We all tried to impress her, anything bringing in our decks or bringing in our older siblings manga or by being silly when reading anything that had any sexual names.

Flash forward a few years and we’re all in middle school. Still hanging out and talking about metal bands, and anime. One day I had let Z know that I have a crush on J and I really want to ask her out, he told me I should do it during H’s birthday party. So a week or so later we’re all at the party playing chicken in the pool when we all the guys start getting rowdy and try taking off the tops of the girls there(All the parents were too busy on the other side of the park to notice). I was busy talking to J and I was about to let her know that I had a crush on her when Z came behind her and ripped her top off and dashed.
This was the first time I saw real boobs.
She ran off and me, Z and H went off looking for her. None of could find her. But the next day at school we found out that Z had found her and blamed some other guy for taking off her top and asked her out. I was pissed, so I did the most rational thing and got into a fight with him, that quickly ended before it began landing us both in In School Suspension. I no longer talked to Z from this point in my life but still stayed friends with J and H. A year or so later at another party I was going to confess my feeling once again to J when this huge freshman from high school intervened and started hitting on her, I went full beta and just walked away. They ended up dating for the next 5 months. After that I learned to man up and move on and started dating and messing around with girls.

Flash forward to my Junior year of high school, Me and J both just got out of horrible relationships and I decided to ask her out. She told me yes, I felt like the BIGGEST BADASS and then she let me know that she had always like since middle school. And we wind up dating for nearly 7 months. When out of nowhere she just stops showing up to school, she doesn’t answer my text or call and when I went to her house her parents wouldn’t let me in. And this went on for weeks. Then one day out of the blue she sends me a series of texts. She told me that she never loved me, that her friend forced her to say yes to me. I felt like my world shattered and I kept reading. She told me that I was nothing more than a waste of a carbon lifeform.
She went to explicit detail on all the guys(and number of time she had sex with them) she cheated on me with. She went on and on about how worthless I was and how my life had no meaning, and that I should just kill myself and she would gladly have sex on my grave. After reading all of this I cried and stopped showing up at school for a week. I was put under suicide watch by my parents and had to go to therapy for depression. Even know I have episodes where I shut myself off from the rest of the world and recurring thoughts of suicide.
But I’m slowly getting better because of my girlfriend and close friends(sometimes alcohol). And that’s my story. And here's a picture of a random chick that nearly resembles my girlfriend

Dude...I'm really really sorry. I've heard some fucked up things but that's gotta be in the top 10 of the worst ever. Fuck that bitch. You're an awesome motherfucker and don't you forget that.

Btw your gf 10/10 You lucky fucker.

Mathaou arrives with another story of yesteryear.
I legit could not handle that I can't stand to be around sloppily drunk people. I would of just did the lame thing and called the girls parents to come pick them up since y'know you had a broken wrist. You took the manly way..and for that I commend you Friender~



That's so many levels of fucked up. Like I cant even wrap my head around someone...faking a relationship for 7 months just to completely destroy someone.

I'm glad you've been able to work through it and have people that support you now. It's really fucking ridiculous what human beings do to each other sometimes.


What a terrible waste of a human being that girl was.

huh. I wonder why she did that. She must've enjoyed doing that to people.

Geez thats rough. She didn't have to go that far to say she never loved you. It's great that things got better.

Dude...I'm really really sorry. I've heard some fucked up things but that's gotta be in the top 10 of the worst ever. Fuck that bitch. You're an awesome motherfucker and don't you forget that.

Btw your gf 10/10 You lucky fucker.

That's so many levels of fucked up. Like I cant even wrap my head around someone...faking a relationship for 7 months just to completely destroy someone.

I'm glad you've been able to work through it and have people that support you now. It's really fucking ridiculous what human beings do to each other sometimes.

Jesus, that's fucked up. What a terrible human being.

Thanks guys. I don't know why she did it or what she got out of it but it doesn't matter. I have you Frienders, my IRL friends and my girlfriend to worry about.


Actually, I guess there's one story I can share. It's not tragic or anything, but it was kind of spoopy for me. Here it is:

It was a regular day in High school. I was chilling with some friends during our break and and all of a sudden I hear an announcement. The principal had called me down to the office. Now, I almost never get called into the office so when I heard that I was like "Oh shit." I get up and walk all the way to the office, wondering what the principal wanted. I go into the office and I enter the principal's room. On my right I see the principal sitting in his desk, nothing out of the ordinary, and to my left I see a mother fucking police officer. Needless to say, I was freaking out inside my mind. Both of them say hello and say hi back. Then the police officer looks at me and says "Do you know why you're here, Shayan?" To which I reply "Who?" The police officer ask "Aren't you Shayan?" and I say "No." Turns out that they didn't call my name and I had just misheard the announcement. However, the spoopy thing is that I was originally going to be named Shayan.


This reads like a bad creepypasta

I have a sorta spoopy story, too.

When I was 12 or something, I was at one of my friend's house with my brother and we decided to start messing around with an Ouija board. We got all quiet and started asking some questions, but nothing really happened. Eventually, we asked "Is there a ghost here?" or some shit like that. Right after that, the TV turned on for no raison and scared the bejesus out of us. It was playing one of the old Six Flags ads with the dancing old man and it was just at the moment where the music kicked in and it was on a close-up of the old man's face.


One of us probably just sat on the remote, but whatever.


I have a sorta spoopy story, too.

When I was 12 or something, I was at one of my friend's house with my brother and we decided to start messing around with an Ouija board. We got all quiet and started asking some questions, but nothing really happened. Eventually, we asked "Is there a ghost here?" or some shit like that. Right after that, the TV turned on for no raison and scared the bejesus out of us. It was playing one of the old Six Flags ads with the dancing old man it was just at the moment where the music kicked in and it was on a close-up of the old man's face.


One of us probably just sat on the remote, but whatever.
Never mess witrh Ouija boards, even if spirits are bullshit.


Jeeze, these stories are brutal all of mine seem so boring and uneventful.

Um...the first girl I had a crush on ended up having been with eleven guys and had a 23 year old boyfriend by the time we were 16. Neither of those are really bad, I guess, but it was intimidating.

My first "girlfriend" left me for another guy. Apparently he was a total asshole to her and, when they broke up, she was super depressed and SHing and stuff. My best friend at the time called me to tell me and asked if I still had feelings for her to help her out or whatever. I just kinda shut down and dodged it.

I got pretty close to a coworker but that ended up being an awkward train wreck. We'd text a lot and joke about being married. She told me she wanted to start doing everything with me (hang out, talk, go to concerts) one night when she had a fight with her BFF. A few days later she says the same thing to another coworker at happy hour and I act like a total jerk about it later...jeeze, this'd be long. We're still pretty good friends especially since two of my best friends deleted their Facebooks and stopped talking to me and I've been kind of desperate for human interaction; my current BFF's an RN so he's pretty busy usually.
I have a sorta spoopy story, too.

When I was 12 or something, I was at one of my friend's house with my brother and we decided to start messing around with an Ouija board. We got all quiet and started asking some questions, but nothing really happened. Eventually, we asked "Is there a ghost here?" or some shit like that. Right after that, the TV turned on for no raison and scared the bejesus out of us. It was playing one of the old Six Flags ads with the dancing old man it was just at the moment where the music kicked in and it was on a close-up of the old man's face.


One of us probably just sat on the remote, but whatever.

Consider me spooped.



I'm sorry for everything that you went through, but this reminds me of a situation my friend went through.

Almost the exact same thing happened to him, but my friend for some reason has a heart of steel and literately did not care when this woman when she said such hurtful things to him and instead is able to do a 180 on here and make her feel like a piece of shit. I should mention that she did this in person and wanted to see him cry. She obviously did not know his capabilities. He ended up making her cry afterwards and causing a huge scene in the high school hallways. The only thing my friend told me that night was that "as soon as she said those things to me was the moment he did not care for her".
I should also mention that my friend isn't the most mentally stable of all people, but he's smart


Jeeze, these stories are brutal all of mine seem so boring and uneventful.

Um...the first girl I had a crush on ended up having been with eleven guys and had a 23 year old boyfriend by the time we were 16. Neither of those are really bad, I guess, but it was intimidating.

My first "girlfriend" left me for another guy. Apparently he was a total asshole to her and, when they broke up, she was super depressed and SHing and stuff. My best friend at the time called me to tell me and asked if I still had feelings for her to help her out or whatever. I just kinda shut down and dodged it.

I got pretty close to a coworker but that ended up being an awkward train wreck. We'd text a lot and joke about being married. She told me she wanted to start doing everything with me (hang out, talk, go to concerts) one night when she had a fight with her BFF. A few days later she says the same thing to another coworker at happy hour and I act like a total jerk about it later...jeeze, this'd be long. We're still pretty good friends especially since two of my best friends deleted their Facebooks and stopped talking to me and I've been kind of desperate for human interaction; my current BFF's an RN so he's pretty busy usually.
Jesus christ, sounds like you keep hanging around the wrong people.
Or dare, cause that song IS about touching yourself
Nah Dare is way too fast for me. either Butcher or Digital Bath are my go to jams.
Jeeze, these stories are brutal all of mine seem so boring and uneventful.

Um...the first girl I had a crush on ended up having been with eleven guys and had a 23 year old boyfriend by the time we were 16. Neither of those are really bad, I guess, but it was intimidating.

My first "girlfriend" left me for another guy. Apparently he was a total asshole to her and, when they broke up, she was super depressed and SHing and stuff. My best friend at the time called me to tell me and asked if I still had feelings for her to help her out or whatever. I just kinda shut down and dodged it.

I got pretty close to a coworker but that ended up being an awkward train wreck. We'd text a lot and joke about being married. She told me she wanted to start doing everything with me (hang out, talk, go to concerts) one night when she had a fight with her BFF. A few days later she says the same thing to another coworker at happy hour and I act like a total jerk about it later...jeeze, this'd be long. We're still pretty good friends especially since two of my best friends deleted their Facebooks and stopped talking to me and I've been kind of desperate for human interaction; my current BFF's an RN so he's pretty busy usually.

That still sounds pretty shitty. It's not your fault some of our lives are like a romance anime. You got us <3 We'll never abandon you Senpai~
So ive gotten alot further in Xenogears and so far I have very few complaints. Them being, the camera, and the platfroming. I also feel the pacing is a bit...fast? Like things happen rather quickly.
Believe me, it certainly can.

It won't always but it absolutely can destroy things.
That was definitely what I was afraid of, so I admit it's nice to hear I was justified.
I have a sorta spoopy story, too.

When I was 12 or something, I was at one of my friend's house with my brother and we decided to start messing around with an Ouija board. We got all quiet and started asking some questions, but nothing really happened. Eventually, we asked "Is there a ghost here?" or some shit like that. Right after that, the TV turned on for no raison and scared the bejesus out of us. It was playing one of the old Six Flags ads with the dancing old man and it was just at the moment where the music kicked in and it was on a close-up of the old man's face.


One of us probably just sat on the remote, but whatever.
I got a pretty hearty laugh out of that.
And a 11 year old asking out a 18 year old is bound for failure in the first place.
I'm not 11 :mad:
Man this is long.
So ive gotten alot further in Xenogears and so far I have very few complaints. Them being, the camera, and the platfroming. I also feel the pacing is a bit...fast? Like things happen rather quickly.

Platforming and camera are awful in those games. Platforming in one of the dungeons will make you want to pull your hair out.

Also, it is a lot to take in. Takahashi likes to fit in 3 games worth of plot into his games.
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