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Super Best Friends Thread 10: Frienders Support Straight Shota

Nice. It wouldn't have been awkward if it was a pool party.

I think there was a pool there..I don't remember..anyway enough of my family issues. We don't get along I've tried and failed I leave it at that.

I'm off for the night since I can barely keep my eyes open.

RealGAF was real tonight you guys are great.


Those are the best family members, especially when you aren't straight

My god their reaction if I told them I was gay or bi would be priceless.


Oh jeez, oh man.. I'm going to regret this. It won't even be a fun read since it's been a while and I'll miss some details.

Spoilered due to how crap this life story is.
First day of junior high/middle school, I went to a school further away from my local middle school due to reasons, like bullying. So I knew only a few people and everyone else was new. In my first day of class, I sat next to a girl and instantly fell in love with her. She was a 6-7, but for something about her made me really like her.

Throughout the first two year, i got to know her and get close to her. I'd do things like offer her some of my food, talk on facebook and such. I even posted things she might like on her facebook wall. My advances were so obvious that almost everyone knew I liked her by the end of the 4 years of middle school. There were "bets", per say, on who would win myself or another guy who also liked her. She even asked me to hang out with some of her friends on a few occasions, which i declined because I was a nerd and cared more about going home and going on the computer and doing homework.

In the last year of middle school, i purposefully joined the same art club to be with her. At this point she knew I liked her and teased me with stuff like purposefully bumping into me. One day after school, we left the art club together. We're standing outside with my brother and his friend at the school entrance with no one else around, and she asks me out of the blue "Do you want a hug?" sheepishly i answer yes and we had a short hug. She giggled and followed up with "Do you want a kiss?". At this point I'm blushing like crazy and muttered the words "no thanks". She said her good byes and walked home after that. I still regret that decision to this day, but oh well, what can you do.

Prom comes around and i couldn't muster up the courage to ask her out to a dance or even compliment her on her dress let alone confess to her.

We end up in the same high school and like middle school I stayed "friends" with her, no confession or anything. There was one occasion in first year where we were paired up in the same group for a group project and I even got to go to her house, sadly I was concentrated on doing the project to hide my nervousness. Finally, she got a boyfriend during the second year. There ends my sad nothing story. I still have some feelings for her and die a little inside every time i saw them kiss. A couple of friends' wanted to help me out and see if i could NTR her, but I couldn't bring myself to ruin someone else's happiness.

tl;dr - I liked a girl in middle school, she learned that i liked her and teased me about it. Then, she got a boyfriend in our 2nd year of high school.

There's some other stuff I'm omitting, but whatever...
No more of the..if you don't love Jesus you're down with the devil type deal..

One of my more distant relatives threw holy water on me once because I'm Pagan..that was an awkward party..
Sounds rough. At least in my old hick town I was only persecuted by certain members of the community which just encouraged me to play it up more to piss them off.
That picture is fucking amazing.
Why the fuck is Mrgoodwill's stand Colonel Sanders?
He's from Kentucky and hates their chicken, so his stand makes the best chicken.
I'm bad at making new lore.
cause there's literally nothing else (cool) of note about Kentucky. except that it's not Ohio
I'm actually living close enough to Ohio that we kinda just adopted their culture while having cheaper housing.


This is terrible but I'm too lazy to fix it...

No, the fact that it's terrible makes it amazing!
Oh jeez, oh man.. I'm going to regret this. It won't even be a fun read since it's been a while and I'll miss some details.

Spoilered due to how crap this life story is.
First day of junior high/middle school, I went to a school further away from my local middle school due to reasons, like bullying. So I knew only a few people and everyone else was new. In my first day of class, I sat next to a girl and instantly fell in love with her. She was a 6-7, but for something about her made me really like her.

Throughout the first two year, i got to know her and get close to her. I'd do things like offer her some of my food, talk on facebook and such. I even posted things she might like on her facebook wall. My advances were so obvious that almost everyone knew I liked her by the end of the 4 years of middle school. There were "bets", per say, on who would win myself or another guy who also liked her. She even asked me to hang out with some of her friends on a few occasions, which i declined because I was a nerd and cared more about going home and going on the computer and doing homework.

In the last year of middle school, i purposefully joined the same art club to be with her. At this point she knew I liked her and teased me with stuff like purposefully bumping into me. One day after school, we left the art club together. We're standing outside with my brother and his friend at the school entrance with no one else around, and she asks me out of the blue "Do you want a hug?" sheepishly i answer yes and we had a short hug. She giggled and followed up with "Do you want a kiss?". At this point I'm blushing like crazy and muttered the words "no thanks". She said her good byes and walked home after that. I still regret that decision to this day, but oh well, what can you do.

Prom comes around and i couldn't muster up the courage to ask her out to a dance or even compliment her on her dress let alone confess to her.

We end up in the same high school and like middle school I stayed "friends" with her, no confession or anything. There was one occasion in first year where we were paired up in the same group for a group project and I even got to go to her house, sadly I was concentrated on doing the project to hide my nervousness. Finally, she got a boyfriend during the second year. There ends my sad nothing story. I still have some feelings for her and die a little inside every time i saw them kiss. A couple of friends' wanted to help me out and see if i could NTR her, but I couldn't bring myself to ruin someone else's happiness.

tl;dr - I liked a girl in middle school, she learned that i liked her and teased me about it. Then, she got a boyfriend in our 2nd year of high school.

There's some other stuff I'm omitting, but whatever...
That honestly sucks dude. You just sound really shy, not so much beta. I used to be the same way, you just need to find someone you can come out of your shell with and who will be really patient with you.

Priceless ain't the word I would use but I'm just gonna keep it bottled instead
I'm kinda curious to hear what you have to say.
Sounds rough. At least in my old hick town I was only persecuted by certain members of the community which just encouraged me to play it up more to piss them off.
I love doing that, even if I have no real stake in it, I'll just play into something people can't stand or are uncomfortable with to get a rise out of them.

The subject of lolis being a frequently reoccurring topic.


That honestly sucks dude. You just sound really shy, not so much beta. I used to be the same way, you just need to find someone you can come out of your shell with and who will be really patient with you.

I'm a lot better now that I've gained some experience, but I was quite shy in the past.
tl;dr - I liked a girl in middle school, she learned that i liked her and teased me about it. Then, she got a boyfriend in our 2nd year of high school.
There's some other stuff I'm omitting, but whatever...
I have a couple stories just like this. Sucks but *shrug*. My only advice for you to is to make friends and just talk to people about stuff you like. Wear your interests on your sleeve and try and find people, maybe not the hentai ones though.
I'm a lot better now that I've gained some experience, but I was quite shy in the past.
I was absolute garbage until two years ago, I know what you mean.
Sounds rough. At least in my old hick town I was only persecuted by certain members of the community which just encouraged me to play it up more to piss them off.

I just avoid my family, to the point where I'm dragged to a gathering I'll just go jogging or something until my parents want to leave.

I'm a lot better now that I've gained some experience, but I was quite shy in the past.
Keep practicing man, you'll find a keeper.
College drop out is pretty good yo

What that I'm bi? There isn't much too it since I've said it on here a few times. Unless you are on of those people who thinks I'm trans

Nvm I completely misunderstood what you said...fuck I'm tired.

Okay I'm going to be for realsies now Night.~~


I have a couple stories just like this. Sucks but *shrug*. My only advice for you to is to make friends and just talk to people about stuff you like. Wear your interests on your sleeve and try and find people, maybe not the hentai ones though.

Yep. I have a few more of the exact some story, except with slight variations but all resulting in them getting a boyfriend.


Oh jeez, oh man.. I'm going to regret this. It won't even be a fun read since it's been a while and I'll miss some details.
tl;dr - I liked a girl in middle school, she learned that i liked her and teased me about it. Then, she got a boyfriend in our 2nd year of high school.

There's some other stuff I'm omitting, but whatever...

No Ragrets.

Hey, can some one do me a favor and crop this for me?

I'm on it.

Oh ok just making sure

Oh jeez, oh man.. I'm going to regret this. It won't even be a fun read since it's been a while and I'll miss some details.

That's rough, man. No reason to dwell on the past, though. You just gotta look towards the future.
I don't know what I'm saying.

Is this the same person you told me about before?
I'm glad the picture turned out ok since I kinda half assed it.
tl;dr - I liked a girl in middle school, she learned that i liked her and teased me about it. Then, she got a boyfriend in our 2nd year of high school.

There's some other stuff I'm omitting, but whatever...
This might be cynical me, but I think
that she just liked teasing you since you made it so obvious. You should have caught her off guard and said yes to that kiss.
My experiences with girls during junior high and high school are as follows.

They try to hit on me. Usually coming off sounding like a joke at first until it persists and becomes more serious. I tell them all to piss off, basically. And then that's it.

I literally had no interest back then. And I doubt I would still go for them if I had the chance now.


No Ragrets.

it's fine! It's not like any of you are real. You're just some text on the screen that i reply to. :p
That's rough, man. No reason to dwell on the past, though. You just gotta look towards the future.
I don't know what I'm saying.

Is this the same person you told me about before?

No worries, I got other stuff to deal with. Like talking to you nerds.
anime, manga, and video games.

Possibly? I forget which one i told you about. R was the first letter of her first name if that rings any bells.


Damn, I legit wished I asked the girl in my collage to lunch now. I'm not even sure we are going to go the same days, and she seems interested in anime and manga and stuff.

Knowing my luck, I probably won't ever run into her again.


I'm glad the picture turned out ok since I kinda half assed it.

This might be cynical me, but I think
that she just liked teasing you since you made it so obvious. You should have caught her off guard and said yes to that kiss.

Oh, i know she liked teasing me. It was pretty obvious. She even did it during high school, when she had a boyfriend already.

I've gone over what I could've done differently years ago, so I'm over it now. I can't change the past even if I wanted to.
I might be able to do something shitty if I knew who RAGE was

Watch the Def Jam LP

No worries, I got other stuff to deal with. Like talking to you nerds.
anime, manga, and video games.

Possibly? I forget which one i told you about. R was the first letter of her first name if that rings any bells.

Okay, I thought it was R, but I wasn't sure.
I kind of had a thing for her, but that disappeared pretty quickly.

The girl you told me about last time was T, I think.


Damn, I legit wished I asked the girl in my collage to lunch now. I'm not even sure we are going to go the same days, and she seems interested in anime and manga and stuff.

Knowing my luck, I probably won't ever run into her again.

That's why you gotta get their number no matter what. Even if you don't decide to go out on a lunch or anything so you have some way to contact her.
I guess 1:30 est is real gaf time

Nah, it just took me a while to write that up and edit it to be easily read.
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