California Style is the only styleOh god, this wine is awful. Luckily I found some orange juice in the fridge! Sunrise D making a comeback baby!
California Style is the only styleOh god, this wine is awful. Luckily I found some orange juice in the fridge! Sunrise D making a comeback baby!
im getting the game thoughGuys I don't wanna see none of you making guys in Splatoon, holy shit they look bland and ugly.
Also Tingle looks like the smuggest mother fucker that's actually cool.
Guys I don't wanna see none of you making guys in Splatoon, holy shit they look bland and ugly.
Also Tingle looks like the smuggest mother fucker that's actually cool.
Guys I don't wanna see none of you making guys in Splatoon, holy shit they look bland and ugly.
Also Tingle looks like the smuggest mother fucker that's actually cool.
It's the best game ever.
Is SUper Mario 64 DS or LoZ Phantom Hourglass any good?
I'm watching Cory in the House. Dear God the horrors
I'm watching Cory in the House. Dear God the horrors
Just make sure you make the squid girlim getting the game though
you cant stop me!
That's fineEhhhhhhh I'm on the fence w/Splatoon.
That's also fine.I think the Squid Boys look cool, especially with their topknots, but the Squid Girls are infinitely more cooler AND adorable.
did goodwil make you do it?
i really wanted to do that
But Resident Evil 4 is the best game ever.
did goodwil make you do it?
No it just magically appeared on my tv screen. Maybe it was the power of the true busta Goodwill
Oh god, we finally figured out what his stand's power is!
W-What a terrifying stand!
Nozaki-kun is easily my favourite anime from last season or from whenever the fuck it started.
Nozaki-kun is easily my favourite anime from last season or from whenever the fuck it started.
Oh god, we finally figured out what his stand's power is!
W-What a terrifying stand!
That Stand needs a name. How about Busta Rhymes?
It's power is to get Cory in your house via Cory in the House.
That Stand needs a name. How about Busta Rhymes?
It's power is to get Cory in your house via Cory in the House.
That Stand needs a name. How about Busta Rhymes?
It's power is to get Cory in your house via Cory in the House.
Is SUper Mario 64 DS or LoZ Phantom Hourglass any good?
Oh man, normally I don't do this, but I just thought of a really good OT 12 name if everything goes according to schedule for the NMH LP.
Get Radiant Historia
Its probably the best Handheld RPG I have ever played.
The protagonist Stocke is a big dick OG
What about Bravely Default?
RH doesn't have you replay the game 4 timesWhat about Bravely Default?
Legend of heroes: trails in the sky acquired
RH doesn't have you replay the game 4 times
Eh have not played it.
Get Radiant Historia
What about Bravely Default?
Wiki tells me it's like Chrono Trigger, except with a grid battle system.
I'm interested.
RH doesn't have you replay the game 4 times
Wiki tells me it's like Chrono Trigger, except with a grid battle system.
I'm interested.
Ah Luda never failing with classics such as "Move Bitch", "Get Back", "Get the Fuck Back", and "Get Off Me"
My respect for you is slightly more than 0 again.
ah shit, i need to fix this, ummm
ah shit, i need to fix this, ummm
Wiki tells me it's like Chrono Trigger, except with a grid battle system.
I'm interested.
It's like CT in that you time travel. Combat is much different and super cool. Enemies are on a 3x3 grid and your attacks target different parts of it and move enemies around, so you'll be comboing them with all your party's skills. Plus you can skip your turn to do it later to do like 9 hits in a row. IT'S SO GOODWOOF!
Why would I have to do that?
THE MUSIC IS SO FUCKING GOOD TOO DOKJust listen to this regular battle theme and try not to get hyped.
Move Bitch by LudacrisWhat's the soundbyte from? It is pretty amazing.
aw yeahPlatinum/10 best gurl evar.
Edit: dped.
Still slightly more than 0. You don't know how much I adore that game. I don't know what I'm looking forward to more between Second Chapter and Bloodborne.
it was apart of the PSN anniversary sale thingy
I know, did you get Okami HD also?
Radiant Historia's time travel mechanics put Chrono Trigger to shame. It also has one of, if not, the best intros of all time in an RPG. Fuckin amazing game.
It's like CT in that you time travel. Combat is much different and super cool. Enemies are on a 3x3 grid and your attacks target different parts of it and move enemies around, so you'll be comboing them with all your party's skills. Plus you can skip your turn to do it later to do like 9 hits in a row. IT'S SO GOOD
Move Bitch by Ludacris