I'm still waiting for Apple to make Mac-Chan.....
That's never going to happen, apple doesn't care about japan.
I'm still waiting for Apple to make Mac-Chan.....
IThat's because the resident evil universe is just so god damn charming. Like if you describe it to someone, it sounds super generic, but in reality theres really nothing like it
Wesker does Neo shit.
Claire does half Neo shit in that CV intro.
Chris punches a boulder.
Resident Evil is anime.
From the RECV Manga
Wesker does Neo shit.
Claire does half Neo shit in that CV intro.
Chris punches a boulder.
Resident Evil is anime.
Anybody read the RE6 Prequel manga where Chris is a badass?
It was actually really cool.
Isnt that where piers was introduced? Also where the whole ChrisxPiers OTP shit started.
That's never going to happen, apple doesn't care about japan.
Resident Evil (at least the earlier ones) are so fucking good at fostering the urge for exploration using its exquisitely crafted atmosphere and implementing game design that forces a slower paced playstyle (tank controls, slow movement speed, limited resources and saves to encourage cautious and slow movement and thorough exploration, narrow hallways to force players in close contact with enemies) to allow the player to soak it in.
Alright, I'm out. See y'all motherfuckers later.
Someone just pointed out that it's weird that I like Resident Evil as much as I do.
I never thought about it before, but I don't like horror movies, zombies in general or any media involving zombies outside of RE, I generally only like anime and cute things and hate scary things, but Resident Evil is far and away my favorite game series.
It's fucking weird that I love Resident Evil and I never realized it before now!
Why is it The Legend of Zelda when its Really The Legend of Link
They make it sound like in a few cases that they might actually be fixing some translation issues in Item descriptions for some stuff already in the game, sounds pretty good, just in time for my birthday.http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/01...e-first-sin-patch-notes-reveal-online-changes
Interesting changes in there. Looking forward to playing through DS2 again now that I've taken such a long break from it.
What if zelda was a girl tho
Alright, now that I'm back from a solid day of shopping and bullshit in Akiba, time to see what's going on in the neogafs...
I didn't know we were back in OT3...I am so down with this
Love that gif
What's up Shitlords?
I'm up way to fucking early again because school has ruined my sleep schedule.
What's up Shitlords?
I'm up way to fucking early again because school has ruined my sleep schedule.
i woke up at 5 am because i was so tired from school yesterday that i actually went to bed at midnight for once.
It's really not, I only have class once a week so the rest of my days I have no reason to wake up this early.That sounds like a good problem to have.
What's up Shitlords?
I'm up way to fucking early again because school has ruined my sleep schedule.
Well it should be a lot harder for your friend to skip cutscenes in DS, seeing as how there is only like 5 of them in the game. so that will be betterWe plan to watch it at some point, but who knows.
Also, just got done with recording a shit ton of Dark Souls and I think I might be getting the hang of Let's Playing, guys. I might need you guys to watch these videos when they're done just to let me know how I'm doing.
It's really not, I only have class once a week so the rest of my days I have no reason to wake up this early.
Back already?
I still got another 10 days before the grind starts again...
Everyday 8AMs just beat my ass too hard.
I dunno, I like mornings.though apparently not enough to make me go to bed at a reasonable time
Same thing happened to me but I fell asleep at about 10. Turns out the one assignment I had to do for the week until I get my books got moved to next week because people are dumb and can't figure out how the software works. ^3^ Now I just gotta pray my books get here before Sunday otherwise I'm starting with 20% in two of my classes.
It's really not, I only have class once a week so the rest of my days I have no reason to wake up this early.
Wait seriously? I'm not sure whether to be jealous or feel sorry for you.
I started on Monday, till May 3rd.
I don't mind mornings, I really enjoy that time of night/early morning where it's still dark outside but the sun is barely breaking the horizon and gives off enough light so everything has a shadow. Usually around 4:30 am in the Summer...it's really nice.
Most of Cthulhu's classes are online and that one class is one where it's mandatory to physically attend iirc. Correct me if i remembered incorrectly.
Most of Cthulhu's classes are online and that one class is one where it's mandatory to physically attend iirc. Correct me if i remembered incorrectly.
It's okay, just one day from 9-10:45.Wait seriously? I'm not sure whether to be jealous or feel sorry for you.
Yup, one of the many benefits (disadvantages) of living 40 minutes from the campus.Most of Cthulhu's classes are online and that one class is one where it's mandatory to physically attend iirc. Correct me if i remembered incorrectly.
I was the same way in Toledo, but since I moved out here it's really pretty.Yeah, it's always super pretty around that time but I probably wouldn't wanna wake up just for that.But seriously, good for you, man. Everyone should have a time like that.Doesn't help that the clouds in New York work overtime all the time, so there's like a 30% chance you'll even get that.
Ooohh, that makes sense.
How do online classes even work?
Yup, one of the many benefits (disadvantages) of living 40 minutes from the campus.
Aww you payed attention to me :3
How do online classes even work?
Yes it does.
IIRC, you are given due dates for homework, assignments, and tests. You have online access to the lessons and information for the class and have to pace and motivate yourself to read up on the information.
It also depends on the college/university and if they have that available or not.
IIRC, you are given due dates for homework, assignments, and tests. You have online access to the lessons and information for the class and have to pace and motivate yourself to read up on the information.
Ah alright, that seems kinda cool actually but does that mean there's no teacher student interaction?Basically the instructors give you the work for the week, and it's usually due by sometime Sunday, so it's up to you to get the motivation to do the work and learn. I love it since I can just schedule out what work I want to do and on what days.
-hopes and dreams shattered-
Ah alright, that seems kinda cool actually but does that mean there's no teacher student interaction?
Ah alright, that seems kinda cool actually but does that mean there's no teacher student interaction?
Ah alright, that seems kinda cool actually but does that mean there's no teacher student interaction?
Aww man I can't believe I missed this.
Thanks for quoting that.Alright, now that I'm back from a solid day of shopping and bullshit in Akiba, time to see what's going on in the neogafs...
Aww man I can't believe I missed this.
Thanks for quoting that.
No it just magically appeared on my tv screen. Maybe it was the power of the true busta Goodwill
http://youtu.be/fLxrejB3OWEThat Stand needs a name. How about Busta Rhymes?
It's power is to get Cory in your house via Cory in the House.
Aww man I can't believe I missed this.
Thanks for quoting that.
Yeah, maybe a little? Like you might have to go in to write the final exam or tests? It'd depend on the course's content but most of the interaction is through the computer.
That depends on the student. I normally don't talk to my teachers at all and just turn in my work. Some students who need more help usually email them or whatever when they need help.
If it's anything like my online classes, the professor will only contact you via email if necessary or you contact him/her with your questions.
This is a new form of education I am now learning, I guess it can be both hit and miss, this would probably be the best if you were to have a shitty teacher but there could be a possibility that you could miss out on a awesome teacher