Literally born there before moving away (I'm an army brat) so I don't really have any memories of being there or any real attachment to it.
good, this place sucks
Literally born there before moving away (I'm an army brat) so I don't really have any memories of being there or any real attachment to it.
Alright I'll try beginner. Only ever played the MH3U demo and I want to know if these games are for me.It lets you change when you finish the mission, or quit out of the demo too I guess?
Use long swords for speed then. Great swords have charge attacks so it really goes slower than you think.
Feb 13th. Mine won't be delivered to the 23rd tho.
*Dies inside*
Yeah, I already sent Abubeats a code so I don't need it. Just wanted to have fun guessing. Pretty sure anyone in this thread who wants one has it so give it to someone who really needs it.
All the boys in prison school look so gross half the time.
All the boys in prison school look so gross half the time.
Of course boys are ikkyAll the boys in prison school look so gross half the time.
you can join me and shack if you want.Alright I'll try beginner. Only ever played the MH3U demo and I want to know if these games are for me.
I'm not sure how this demo goes but MH3U is not even close to how the game actually goes. There's so much more to it as far as collecting, carving, farming and making weapons/armors go.Alright I'll try beginner. Only ever played the MH3U demo and I want to know if these games are for me.
Oh shit that's right. I wonder how Pat is going to get anything done.Apologies for the outburst guys but Its critical mass time.
End communication.
I mean hey if there's a code leftover I have a home for it.
Apologies for the outburst guys but Its critical mass time.
End communication.
I'm just completely Australian at this point, nothing special about where I come from, I assume given some of the last names in my family before me that I'm probably some sort of irish descent a bunch of generations back.
Apologies for the outburst guys but Its critical mass time.
End communication.
Joined.Me niether this is my first time playing
the room id is 10-5097-8501-1522 the passcode is 0000
And yeah once you finish a mission it asks if uou wanna restart on a different difficulty
Apologies for the outburst guys but Its critical mass time.
End communication.
I'm in class for 2 and a half hours. Absolute torture.
I'll play online with anyone when I'm out.
All the boys in prison school look so gross half the time.
The real goty comes out even sooner
The real goty comes out even sooner
That's not a picture from Shadowrun: Hong Kong...
I'm in class for 2 and a half hours. Absolute torture.
I'll play online with anyone when I'm out.
The real GOAT comes out even sooner
I'm mostly German and Russian with some Native American thrown in.
When's HM2 coming out again?
That's not a picture from Xenoblade Chronicles X...
You started reading Prison school too?
Now we need to push Pat to join us too, c'mon pat, you'll love it.
Super soon. They quickly put up and took down preorder bonuses. It was stupid pay day 2 shit
I thought it was Joe who periodically updates the thread with Beowulf news.
I'm just completely Australian at this point, nothing special about where I come from, I assume given some of the last names in my family before me that I'm probably some sort of irish descent a bunch of generations back.
All the boys in prison school look so gross half the time.
Sorry to hear, if I had anything I'd throw it to frienders.I'm stuck in class for 2 hours as well, so I'd be down to play with you, but I haz no code.
The real goty comes out even sooner
How about dis
you gonna wear links gear?
I'm so butthurt someone got one of the best friends to read that. Where's the groundswell for Akumetsu? Pat read Akumetsu right now!
You started reading Prison school too?
Now we need to push Pat to join us too, c'mon pat, you'll love it.
someone should try to get Matt and Woolie in MH
then the whole gang will have joined the fold
The real goty comes out even sooner
Tweeter a sick page of it to woolie, i'm sure he'd read it if it interests him enough. how does monster hunter online work?