MFW the youtube comments on I'll Face Myself are all shitty "My dungeon and shadow would be"
Something something Waifu Wars something something
MFW the youtube comments on I'll Face Myself are all shitty "My dungeon and shadow would be"
Gore mangalaWhat monster?
Ah geez, sorry if I sounded condescending.
MFW the youtube comments on I'll Face Myself are all shitty "My dungeon and shadow would be"
Something something Waifu Wars something something
Fucking painting the goddamn Qurupeco the first time made me wanna stab something
Like for example the Qurupeco
Cute High Earth Defense Club starts out exactly how I wanted it to. just a couple of broshanging out in the bath for 3 minutes
I decided to be evil in the MH4 Demo thread and say that whoever PMs me the best P4 girl would get a code, and all the messages are Chie..
This just made me sad.
Something something Waifu Wars something something
Yet you start all of them
I decided to be evil in the MH4 Demo thread and say that whoever PMs me the best P4 girl would get a code, and all the messages are Chie..
This just made me sad.
EDIT: just saw this lol
I decided to be evil in the MH4 Demo thread and say that whoever PMs me the best P4 girl would get a code, and all the messages are Chie..
This just made me sad.
EDIT: just saw this lol
Qurupeco is gone man. He's been replaced by the way cooler Seltas and Seltas queen. No more unlucky Deviljho draws!
It's Nanako Obv
Gore Magala wrecked all three of us
Qurupeco is gone man. He's been replaced by the way cooler Seltas and Seltas queen. No more unlucky Deviljho draws!
He's my favourite of the flagships. The coolest by far. Portrayed as a proper villain too. Rath, Tigrexe, Narcacuga, Lagiacrus, and particularly Brachy are cool, but Gore Magala is just such a threat. Seregios or whatever his name is is alright. I dig the quills.
I take it Gore Masala is harder in multiplayer? I had no trouble with him on solo. I take it he has the general "increase health" thing? Also I think mounting is dumb in MH4 and adds nothing of value to the game. Unless I'm wrong, then I'll gladly eat shit.When can I have Dragon's Dogma like climbing?!
He's my favourite of the flagships. The coolest by far. Portrayed as a proper villain too. Rath, Tigrexe, Narcacuga, Lagiacrus, and particularly Brachy are cool, but Gore Magala is just such a threat. Seregios or whatever his name is is alright. I dig the quills.
Also you're insane. Mounting and the vertical/climbing elements are fantastic. The best thing you can do in MonHun is knock a monster down, and now there's another cool way to do it that is less random that raw damage, and more random than flash bombs and all that shit.
The one day I don't feel like doing anything is the day where everyone one plays MonHun4 ;~;
Not sure if I should watch this show or not. Let me know if it's any good.
lol, what did you expect? Chie love is strong.
Qurupeco is gone man. He's been replaced by the way cooler Seltas and Seltas queen. No more unlucky Deviljho draws!
I really hated Peco at first but grew to love him. Mainly for his bad ass G rank armor.
I'll probably have to get used to mounting. But climbing and added heights and vertical planes to the map is really hype. It just feels refreshing for some reason.
Not sure if I should watch this show or not. Let me know if it's any good.
I'm sad I can't play MH4U online. Darn uni internet not letting me play my games consoles on the wireless (wired is totally fine). I'll have to get good and solo G-rank.
The only thing you're not overpowered for is Magala. He's slightly above the gear they've given you for the demo. He's also the Flagship of 4, the games Low-Rank boss, so to speak. EDIT: Also christ I forgot, it's got the 25 minute timer instead of the 50 minute timer you usually have.
Also, to those of you new to Monster Hunter, there's a bunch of shit that they made easier in the demo that doesn't take place in the main game. The primary, and most important, is that in the actual game, the Monster doesn't appear on the map, and you start with a full map.
I hadn't heard that, that's kickass for being on the go without wifi.There is a solo g-rank this time, so that's nice.
Just finished the first episode. I liked it, the show is self aware so that is good. I'll be watching more of it for sure
I assume that's probably because the demo gives 25 minutes instead of 50. So the demo just encourages you to fight the monster and have it tracked the entire time instead of worrying about finding it and keeping track of it. Gives the newbies like me a good way to get right into the core of the game without having to worry much about the side stuff. It also gives you a shit ton of items, great gear, and a weapon for every single class. This demo is worlds ahead of the 3U one which I played for 10 minutes and never wanted to play the game again.
Prison Schools is fucking amazing.
That scene when they are in computer class, and it's the most dramatic shit ever.
"Don't do it!"
"You want to go on your date, don't you?"
"It's too risky!"
"It has to be done..."
Funniest manga I've read in a while.
The items in your inventory when you start are usually what you should be heading in with (most of em) and the supply box is actually like that in the low rank.
Damn it Pat I'm getting hooked on this crack!
I really hope the series starts to take off with 4U. It's so similar to Dark Souls in terms of accesibility and tone and look what happened there. This one has a story and tutorials this time!
Ummm that wasn't a fart...
No one likes the C stick on anything.I don't like the c stick on the new 3ds.
I don't like the c stick on the new 3ds.