Well, that's a lot. And I only spent £652.94Over the last 2 years, you've spent 1786.8 hours playing this selection, which includes 243 items, is valued at $3615.27, and requires 980.4 GB
Well, that's a lot. And I only spent £652.94Over the last 2 years, you've spent 1786.8 hours playing this selection, which includes 243 items, is valued at $3615.27, and requires 980.4 GB
2001: A Space Odyssey
Pan's Labyrinth
Can and will probably change in the next ten minutes. There are quite a few movies that just blow my mind every time I watch them.
SMTIV spoilers
What a one-sided morality lock. Law is fucking unacceptable.
No problem, glad to help. I think the Justin Bailey story is kinda cool.Ah, thanks. I guess that's what I get for thinking something G4TV said was on the ball...
SMTIV spoilers
What a one-sided morality lock. Law is fucking unacceptable.
I was browsing that swiss anime guy thread and saw this.. woof..
Some one in gaming just said that Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden have worse combat than Assassin's Creed.
Some one in gaming just said that Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden have worse combat than Assassin's Creed.
That's too much
Some one in gaming just said that Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden have worse combat than Assassin's Creed.
I didn't go with Law. I don't think Chaos is much better, but I doubt I'll naturally get Neutral the first time around. It's just thatI'm never going with Law. Ever. It's easily the worse option. Fucking unacceptable.
How long are you stuck with that avatar?
Law is always worse in like every SMT.
The DLC songs for Theatrhythm are $1.30 each. There are like 60+ of them.
Law's not so bad in... Raidou?
Actually I forgot what alignment even did in that game.
Give that person an award! Make sure they get it, in the face, at 500mph.Some one in gaming just said that Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden have worse combat than Assassin's Creed.
The DLC songs for Theatrhythm are $1.30 each. There are like 60+ of them.
I really should finish SMTIV, but right now I'm playing P3P with FEMC for the first time.
FEMC is way better.
Or the correct correct list
3.Funky student
Some one in gaming just said that Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden have worse combat than Assassin's Creed.
Some one in gaming just said that Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden have worse combat than Assassin's Creed.
A quick GameFAQ says it changes the ending of Raidou 2.
I think I've heard the Law equivalent in DeSu or DeSu2 is alright, but those games have more than Law/Chaos/Neutral
Have you played through P3 as the Male MC yet? You should do it as your first playthrough.
Have you played through P3 as the Male MC yet? You should do it as your first playthrough.
What is this?!?!
Some one in gaming just said that Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden have worse combat than Assassin's Creed.
Speaking of, I'm buying the HD Collection from the PSN Anniversary sale.
This sale is murdering my wallet.
So, we're going to post music now? I'm ok with this.
Yeah I did. I played P3FES a couple of years ago, unfortunately I wasn't able to finish it.
But I was so close to beating it () and I never owned it, so I decided to buy P3P for my PSTV.Stuck on final boss
While the graphics suffer a huge downgrade, the fact that you could play as a girl, and you could actually control your party members, makes this the best version of P3.
Edit: and I got spoiled for the ending anyway, so whatever
just off the top of my head in no order.What are your guys top 3 movies of all time you've ever watched?
SMT3: Nocturne is where most of the 3D modeled demon designs are from, Persona 4 mostly just lifts those while adding a couple original Personas.I also just finished SMT IV and to parrot what others have said, law is fucking unacceptable. I have never been so quick to decide what choices to choose in a game before. I'm chaos all the way. With that aside, the game is amazing. One thing that I find interesting is to start up this and Golden and compare the designs between the demons that are shared between the games. Some of them are identical, like Loki, but others, like Omoikane, are completely different, and I think this is really cool.
Shame, you almost beat the game and got some of the payoffs. Nah.. the lack of anime cut scenes really hold it back, imo. it's not the same when you just have some models re-enact a scene. Did the graphics downgrade that much?
Oh youtube comments. "So, US Politics in a nutshell?"
What are your guys top 3 movies of all time you've ever watched?
Well the graphics when you're in the dungeons look like a PSX game, and when your at school, mall or whatever, it plays like a point and click visual novel, which I think is a nice substitute considering platform limitations.
What does that mean? I am confuse
That deserves a better vocalist, but I didn't mind it. Sounds like Karaoke of a good song.
What are your guys top 3 movies of all time you've ever watched?