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Super Best Friends Thread 11: COMP! COMP! COMP! COMP! C-O-M-P

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Santa May Claus

This is what I get wirelessly for around $45. It's alright, especially with my new router, though I may upgrade in the future. Comcast downgraded my service when I moved.


Jeez Joe. My speed is slightly better than yours but it costs like 3-4 times as much.

They actually did a free upgrade during the middle of the year. It used to be only 30Mbs/2.5mbs and then they jacked it up for free.

All current subscribers kept their old prices, while new subscribers pay a bit more.


I'll admit I pay way too much for internet, the guys are all shocked that I pay so much. But I don't give a fuck. I want it to download NOOOW and I want it unlimited. I get my moneys worth out of it. But Australia and some parts of the States are just absurd.

Whoever told you that is a liar or mistaken, and with the NintendoID shit, it's a fucked up hassle in case shit happens but apparently Nintendo can actually recover your shit if it fucks up.

All you do is a system transfer and swap the SD card for the 3ds.It's bullshit compared to an account system like everybody else, but it's not that bad.

Really? That's good, since I just want to transfer everything up and play it on a new fancy 3DS.
Oh, yeah, I pay like $60 for the internet itself, with all of my other bullshit it ends up being $80, but that's only because I have to get a thousand different insurances which slowly add up. It's unavoidable living in an old apartment building, since these wires just fuck up a lot.


Santa May Claus
Really? That's good, since I just want to transfer everything up and play it on a new fancy 3DS.

They're coming out with more specific transfer instructions for the new 3DSXL. I don't know if they've simplified it or if they're just going to rehash the old way of performing a wireless transfer.

The NNID is a huge improvement over the previously console only locked content, but it's still leagues worse than any other digital distribution system. You still have to contact customer service via phone to transfer your licenses to a new console for the WiiU.


I pay $110 a month for a 500 GB cap. "Up to" 30 Mbps which never goes above 2 Mbps, because fuck you. Not as bad as demidar, but still not great.

i honestly don't know how accurate this speed test thing is

I don't either, my speeds don't seem better than my friend's and he has a significantly lower rating, and my number is constantly changing despite my actual speeds not changing at all. I did the test like a month ago and had 150 download, now I have 90 whatever.


You know what the worst part of Aus internet is? There was a plan to roll out fiber to every house in urban areas (we still use copper wires), but that was the previous government's proposal, the other party won the election and fucking downgraded it to fiber to the node rather than to the home. Not only is that going to give worse speeds, but it will also cost more in maintenance over FTTH's upfront cost, all because the stupid fucks currently in power don't know what the fuck they're doing, and I hate the people who voted them in power too.
Regular 3DS 16GB Card.

You can do a few things. First, you can just decide to wait and see if Nintendo decides to actually put out some kind of transfer utility.

Or, you can do what I did, and connect your SD card to the PC. Transfer the "Nintendo 3ds" folder to somewhere, doesn't matter. Then, get a dirt cheap 32gig micro sd with adapter. Make sure it's formatted to FAT32 and transfer the Nintendo 3ds folder onto it. Then just use the adapter and swap it into your current 2ds or 3ds.

Then, when you get a n3ds, do the system transfer normal, and when it tells you to swap SD cards, at the end, remove the SD card adapter from the old 3ds, take the microSD out. Then use a phillips head 00 to open up the back of your n3ds, pop the microSD in there, and you're done. It's not that hard, but fuck, why can't it just be "log in and download your games"


You can do a few things. First, you can just decide to wait and see if Nintendo decides to actually put out some kind of transfer utility.

Or, you can do what I did, and connect your SD card to the PC. Transfer the "Nintendo 3ds" folder to somewhere, doesn't matter. Then, get a dirt cheap 32gig micro sd with adapter. Make sure it's formatted to FAT32 and transfer the Nintendo 3ds folder onto it. Then just use the adapter and swap it into your current 2ds or 3ds.

Then, when you get a n3ds, do the system transfer normal, and when it tells you to swap SD cards, at the end, remove the SD card adapter from the old 3ds, take the microSD out. Then use a phillips head 00 to open up the back of your n3ds, pop the microSD in there, and you're done. It's not that hard, but fuck, why can't it just be "log in and download your games"

I might try that if Nintendo is being cheap about it, probably will save this post to make sure. I also wonder why I can't just log in and do it.
You can do a few things. First, you can just decide to wait and see if Nintendo decides to actually put out some kind of transfer utility.

Or, you can do what I did, and connect your SD card to the PC. Transfer the "Nintendo 3ds" folder to somewhere, doesn't matter. Then, get a dirt cheap 32gig micro sd with adapter. Make sure it's formatted to FAT32 and transfer the Nintendo 3ds folder onto it. Then just use the adapter and swap it into your current 2ds or 3ds.

Then, when you get a n3ds, do the system transfer normal, and when it tells you to swap SD cards, at the end, remove the SD card adapter from the old 3ds, take the microSD out. Then use a phillips head 00 to open up the back of your n3ds, pop the microSD in there, and you're done. It's not that hard, but fuck, why can't it just be "log in and download your games"

Saving this post in case nintendo doesn't do shit. Was still gonna have to get a 32 GB card anyway so I'll just buy that soon.
So I just finished Inou Battle. That really took a nosedive.

Told ya. Starts out as dumb fun super power comedy, becomes generic harem and super powers are rarely even referenced.

Best part of the series was the final strategy with Andou's worst power upgrade. But that was like, thirty seconds.
Do you have problems with the App? Crunchyroll stutters on everything that is my PC for me. Things are unwatchable on Wii U, vita and mobile which I stream things on all the time

That app is great for me on everything, my only problem with the vita version is that the screen dims and I have no idea if you can even turn that off. The app on my tablet is especially great, though.
Checking out some pictures of the new 3DS (normal size) in a GAF thread. The system looks very nice in black, though ugly in white. Also not a fan of the candy colored buttons. Some people think it looks cool, but I think its ugly, especially with the white. The console is definitely a nice size though. I can see why people are angry about this version not coming to the states. Makes a lot more sense to be angrier about this than a 5 dollar charger.
Checking out some pictures of the new 3DS (normal size) in a GAF thread. The system looks very nice in black, though ugly in white. Also not a fan of the candy colored buttons. Some people think it looks cool, but I think its ugly, especially with the white. The console is definitely a nice size though. I can see why people are angry about this version not coming to the states. Makes a lot more sense to be angrier about this than a 5 dollar charger.

Yeah, the charger thing sucks but it's absurdly overblown. I have like...3 chargers. Everyone into games enough to complain about this has several as well.
No problems here.

That app is great for me on everything, my only problem with the vita version is that the screen dims and I have no idea if you can even turn that off. The app on my tablet is especially great, though.
Hmm must be this cheap fucking modem Telus set us up with. My PS4 is hardwired though and it still struggles to play 480p :p. I'll just blame my ISP because that is always the answer
Yeah, the charger thing sucks but it's absurdly overblown. I have like...3 chargers. Everyone into games enough to complain about this has several as well.

Yeah and the "but think of the children" excuse is dumb too. Parents are dumb, but they aren't complete idiots with technology. Its not like they don't know what a charger is considering a lot of them own smartphones or other devices that require chargers. Its not the 90s.

If the system needs a charger, they can go and buy a charger. Its really that simple. Of course you'll get the dumb parent that doesn't know, but those'll exist no matter what you do.


You know what the worst part of Aus internet is? There was a plan to roll out fiber to every house in urban areas (we still use copper wires), but that was the previous government's proposal, the other party won the election and fucking downgraded it to fiber to the node rather than to the home. Not only is that going to give worse speeds, but it will also cost more in maintenance over FTTH's upfront cost, all because the stupid fucks currently in power don't know what the fuck they're doing, and I hate the people who voted them in power too.

But we have to stop the boats tho
I'm glad a lot of the GAF threads recently have changed from "Fuck Nintendo" and "Nintendo needs to replace Reggie" and dumb threads like that to fan petitioning and other options to get a normal new 3DS. You have a large community so actually take advantage of it in a positive way instead of just throwing hate everywhere.
Yeah and the "but think of the children" excuse is dumb too. Parents are dumb, but they aren't complete idiots with technology. Its not like they don't know what a charger is considering a lot of them own smartphones or other devices that require chargers. Its not the 90s.

If the system needs a charger, they can go and buy a charger. Its really that simple. Of course you'll get the dumb parent that doesn't know, but those'll exist no matter what you do.

Getting angry on the behalf of people always has to be undertaken with specific care lest you be upset about something that no one actually gives a shit about.
I'm glad a lot of the GAF threads recently have changed from "Fuck Nintendo" and "Nintendo needs to replace Reggie" and dumb threads like that to fan petitioning and other options to get a normal new 3DS. You have a large community so actually take advantage of it in a positive way instead of just throwing hate everywhere.

See this is where I disagree, because Fuck Nintendo and Replace Reggie are actually more constructive, because Nintendo doesn't give a fucking SHIT about what you say. Anger and negativity is a lot more useful in a useless context because it leads to people talking shit and hopefully damaging peoples public perception, possibly hurting them in the wallet. You gotta go to the stick if the donkey doesn't give a shit about carrots.
See this is where I disagree, because Fuck Nintendo and Replace Reggie are actually more constructive, because Nintendo doesn't give a fucking SHIT about what you say. Anger and negativity is a lot more useful in a useless context because it leads to people talking shit and hopefully damaging peoples public perception, possibly hurting them in the wallet. You gotta go to the stick if the donkey doesn't give a shit about carrots.

Other than Xenoblade (kind of), its true Nintendo doesn't really care about what you say. But throwing around negativity won't do nearly as much then just saying "looks like I'm not buying it then" and then actually not buying it. You can throw around as much negativity as you want, but if you're still gonna buy the system on day one (like a lot of the people on GAF are probably going to after shitting all over it), then you're just being a negative hypocrite that's still supporting Nintendo.

Your wallet is a lot more important to Nintendo, and pretty much any business, than your voice is.
Other than Xenoblade (kind of), its true Nintendo doesn't really care about what you say. But throwing around negativity won't do nearly as much then just saying "looks like I'm not buying it then" and then actually not buying it. You can throw around as much negativity as you want, but if you're still gonna buy the system on day one (like a lot of the people on GAF are probably going to), then you're just being a negative hypocrite that's still supporting Nintendo.

Your wallet is a lot more important to Nintendo, and pretty much any business, than your voice is.

You mean the game they delayed for almost 2 years so they could have a single game on the Wiis release list?

EDIT: Actually, about my negativity being more than my money, you're right of course. But boycotts don't work in games, just like how htey don't work in movies. Instead, we're seeing a consumer boycott of the WiiU, not over policy or whatnot, but just cause the thing fucking sucks.

EDIT2: I suppose I don't understand the petition and goodwill shit. It's literally worthless, and Nintendo of America even went ouf ot their way to tell you that Rainfall was worthless. So if instead of wasting your time on positivity, might as well just spread negativity around.
You mean the game they delayed for almost 2 years so they could have a single game on the Wiis release list?

At least it still came after fan pining. If it wasn't for the multiple petitions its possible that it probably never would have came. It still should not have been that hard to get a game like Xenoblade over to NA, especially since it already came to Europe, but at least it showed that Nintendo somewhat listened for once.
Also, that's why I edited it to kind of. It should be a dying fad though. Nintendo is definitely bringing their games to NA more often because they know that console gaming is dying in Japan and the rest of the world is still buying their games, even if its not a lot of them. Which is why the decision to not bring the new 3DS regular over is kind of surprising.

Edit: and about Xenoblade. The peitions weren't just good for bringing games over from Japan. It also got a lot of people in NA interested in the game and what they were about. I honestly had no idea what Xenoblade or Last Story were before Rainfall and I bought them both as a decent amount of people did. A petition isn't just to show that a certain amount of people care. Its almost meant to bring in more people into the idea and to gain popularity as you show them how many people can care.
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