So I got an Android phone yesterday and also got to experience windows 8.1 as a family member acquired a new Laptop. I'm about 8 years behind on this stuff, it's alright I guess, I find a lot of things really not at all intuitive about touchscreens and apps and the constent "DO YOU WANT TO CONNECT TO FACEBOOK? TWITTER? SKYPE? TUMBLR? GOOGLE? HOW ABOUT ALL OF THE ABOVE? WHY DON'T WE POST EVERYTHING YOU THINK EVERYWHERE?" HEY ARE YOU PLAYING YOUR PS3? WANT TO PAUSE YOUR GAME AND CONNECT TO A THING TO TALK TO PEOPLE ABOUT IT? DO YOU WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT EVERY BUTTON YOU PRESSED? STAY CONNECTED BRO!"
No, that is the exact opposite of everything I could possibly want, what happened to the days when everything could be kept separate, if I wanted to connect to these other forms of social media, I would go and signup for and USE them, but since I have not done so, why do you insist that I do?
Facebook should stay where it damn well is, if I want to join facebook, I will join Facebook myself.
If I wish to join twitter, I would do so.
All this crap bleeding into consoles is just annoying, a console is for fucking games, stop being stupid and focusing on console version of facebook and all that garbage, it's a waste of time.
People do not need faster and more efficient ways of telling other people pointless shit that no one cares about or needs to know.
"TWITTER UPDATE: Xiraiya pressed X in a game"