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Super Best Friends Thread 11: COMP! COMP! COMP! COMP! C-O-M-P

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I never really thought about it as a mob mentality thing until now. That does make sense. I always just figured it was an anonymity thing and the fact hyperbole is rampant on the internet.

Also I should probably play my sealed MGS Legacy Collection already. I finished 1 years ago, but haven't touched the others.

Those play a part too, and the Legacy Collection is really nice, MGS3 has been a fantastic in HD, runs at 60 frames and looks really good, feels very polished.
I understand something can be more of a bummer if it's a sequel to a game they really liked or if it's just a mechanic that really annoys them, but man. Portal 2, Uncharted 2, Bayonetta 2, and stuff are really good. There's a person with every opinion out there, so to see it back to back in one thread can be kind of a bummer.
I really like the co-op puzzles in portal 2, but I will fight people over Portal 1 being a lot better.
But yeah, they're baiting out negative opinions on those games, so somebody will be bound to hold them.
Xiraiya's right too.


I really like the co-op puzzles in portal 2, but I will fight people over Portal 1 being a lot better.
But yeah, they're baiting out negative opinions on those games, so somebody will be bound to hold them.

I argued with my friend over that quite a bit, his point was that Portal 1 was too easy and my point was are you a fucking idiot?
Is that a wrestling version of Guts?

What is Japanese wrasslin even?

It's the best.


The main difference is that they pretty much actually hit each other. It get's brutal.


I really like the co-op puzzles in portal 2, but I will fight people over Portal 1 being a lot better.
But yeah, they're baiting out negative opinions on those games, so somebody will be bound to hold them.
Xiraiya's right too.

Portal is probably one of the closest games we have to a perfect game I'd think. I can easily understand why people like it more than the second. I assume most people had a problem with it being a little long and more gimmicks. Portal 1 has fewer gimmicks going on and is just a super compact game. It's simple, but does a lot with its simplicity. It also doesn't waste your time since it's like 3 hours long. Portal 2 is longer because it was a $60 title and people expect more. Some of might felt it was bloated, but I enjoyed all of the time I could with it. I don't felt like it ever dipped, so I was never annoyed with it being longer or giving me more tools to mess around with. Portal 1 is an apple and Portal 2 is kind of like a fruit basket to me. I don't know if I could really say I like one more than the other. They both just bring different things to the table that I super enjoy. But yeah, objectively if that is possible, Portal 1 is a better game probably.
Man, I really hate how the tone of Portal 2 wasn't nearly as cool as Portal 1. It feels like they made it to cater to the whole CAKE IS A LIE shit. It focuses on humor way too often, and most of it in Portal 1 was rather dry humor. I even like some of Cave Johnson's quotes, but FUCK he turns the game into a comedy. He establishes that there's Mantis Men in the Portal/Half Life universe. LIKE FUCK MAN.
Portal is probably one of the closest games we have to a perfect game I'd think. I can easily understand why people like it more than the second. I assume most people had a problem with it being a little long and more gimmicks. Portal 1 has fewer gimmicks going on and is just a super compact game. It's simple, but does a lot with its simplicity. It also doesn't waste your time since it's like 3 hours long. Portal 2 is longer because it was a $60 title and people expect more. Some of might felt it was bloated, but I enjoyed all of the time I could with it. I don't felt like it ever dipped, so I was never annoyed with it being longer or giving me more tools to mess around with. Portal 1 is an apple and Portal 2 is kind of like a fruit basket to me. I don't know if I could really say I like one more than the other. They both just bring different things to the table that I super enjoy. But yeah, objectively if that is possible, Portal 1 is a better game probably.
I still really really like Portal 2, especially the co-op which I want more of. Mechanically and level design wise, I think it holds up alright, but it hurts the narrative and tone and atmosphere.

I'm just salty we'll never get F-stop.


Man, I really hate how the tone of Portal 2 wasn't nearly as cool as Portal 1. It feels like they made it to cater to the whole CAKE IS A LIE shit. It focuses on humor way too often, and most of it in Portal 1 was rather dry humor. I even like some of Cave Johnson's quotes, but FUCK he turns the game into a comedy. He establishes that there's Mantis Men in the Portal/Half Life universe. LIKE FUCK MAN.

I still really really like Portal 2, especially the co-op which I want more of. Mechanically and level design wise, I think it holds up alright, but it hurts the narrative and tone and atmosphere.

I'm just salty we'll never get F-stop.

Yeah, this is just where opinions diverge even more. Watching like 5 minutes of the AGDQ speedrun of Portal 2 a week ago and watching them fall down the hole while GLaDOS uses her slow clap processor? It was still pretty gold. I found it to a really good mixture of humor and delivering a story like the rise and fall of Cave Johnson while talking about lemons. I'm pretty fine with Portal being a comedy, but I can understand if you prefer the dryness of the first more. Also yeah, it would of been nice if the cake meme didn't take off like it did.

Gamer Y

Will show it later, when we're done discussing

Mhm, depends, do you want to join us?

There should be a rule like " one of the choises should be relevant to the thread or so" ^^
Yeah, but you ususally choose the one not associated with anything. It's still a choice.
These kind of threads always bum me out since it's just one after another of people hating game A, B, or C. Shit like this makes me wonder if my taste in games is just that average since I feel like I rarely have that crazy of opinions after seeing what other people think about some games. Or it's just a thing of I play the things I like and even if I don't like thing I usually know if it was meant for me or not.

I'm ok with people not liking game A and prefering game B. However, it always turns into Game B is the GOAT and game B is pure refuse and if you don't agree with me then you are wrong and have a bad opinion.

Out of the games I playing on that list I couldn't get into Twilight Princess.
The whole series isn't good anyway. Mass effect 1 was also not good and I didn't even care to play 3.

1 is good from a story standpoint, 2 is good from a game play standpoint, and 3 is good from a visual presentation standpoint.

Overall it was an average series. Not bad, not amazing. Average.
Thank you, I have heard too many people say that ME2 is their favorite game and I'm sitting here wondering if I played the wrong game

Same here. I always wondered what people saw in these games. Sure they look pretty, but man it's just so boring. And I enjoy space epics too.

1 is good from a story standpoint, 2 is good from a game play standpoint, and 3 is good from a visual presentation standpoint.

Overall it was an average series. Not bad, not amazing. Average.

So why should the best game from an average series win GOTY?
Yeah, this is just where opinions diverge even more. Watching like 5 minutes of the AGDQ speedrun of Portal 2 a week ago and watching them fall down the hole while GLaDOS uses her slow clap processor? It was still pretty gold. I found it to a really good mixture of humor and delivering a story like the rise and fall of Cave Johnson while talking about lemons. I'm pretty fine with Portal being a comedy, but I can understand if you prefer the dryness of the first more. Also yeah, it would of been nice if the cake meme didn't take off like it did.
That's fair enough. I do think Portal 2 is really funny, I just hate how they dropped the ball slightly. I don't think Portal 2 is bad by any means, but Portal 1 was something special.

In Portal 2: VA work is great, it's funny, new gameplay mechanics are good, the co-op actually does take the new elements to their extreme (which the SP fails to) and is challenging- I just think it had way more potential. Hearing about how it was originally going to be a game called F-Stop that only had tangential ties to the first game and more Portal as a universe. It had a brand new core mechanic and then the focus tests were like "I want Portal, I want GLaDOS" and Portal 2 feels extremely catered and like it's a game made from what people thought Portal 1 was.

I want F-Stop aggghhhhh


I didnt play the first Mass Effect but from playing 2 & 3, I consider it a solid and enjoyable series that has flaws. I really enjoyed 3 until the moment
the story kind of crapped itself
. ME2 was pretty all around good though imo.
The point of social media in general is to fish for attention and attempt to kindle conversation (kinda). Some people will use it for achievements, but it's mainly just another way to post your "status" as "I'm playing videogames". While also being marketing for the game and the system they're on.

That's why we have friend lists and the kind.

I don't want someone whining to me that they were spoiled on a game because my Xbox decided to post my achievements to Facebook. It's incredibly petty.

Besides that, I really do not see the utilitarian function of integrating social networks with Consoles/Steam. It feeds the Facebook monster more data about me that they do not need nor do I want them to have.
Well I thought you were defending it for GOTY. My bad. Still think it's very mediocre all around aside from graphics.

S'fine. I just thinks it's a fine game.

I didnt play the first Mass Effect but from playing 2 & 3, I consider it a solid and enjoyable series that has flaws. I really enjoyed 3 until the moment
the story kind of crapped itself
. ME2 was pretty all around good though imo.

ME1 took me 3 attempts to get into before I finally played it past the Citadel. This was what made me fall in love with the game. If only the entire series could have kept up to this level of fucking awesome. First comment in that video knows.
ME1 took me 3 attempts to get into before I finally played it past the Citadel. This was what made me fall in love with the game. If only the entire series could have kept up to this level of fucking awesome. First comment in that video knows.

First ME has a lot more going for it in terms of interesting world building and detail. I wish the series had become more of a Star Trek Game thing and not a party character focused game.

Gamer Y

There isn't much more to say. When we're done we talk about the drawings, and give critics, and ways how we can improve. Are you interested?

maybe add a smaller work, something relevant here, like MonHun would work at the moment, just whatever we're talking about here.


First ME has a lot more going for it in terms of interesting world building and detail. I wish the series had become more of a Star Trek Game thing and not a party character focused game.

Mass Effect was clunky but full of potential. An interesting world and shooting that was actually somewhat governed by stats. Even Renegade/Paragon was governed by stats, which is how it should be.

And then Mass Effect gave into peer pressure and became a mediocre shooter in Mass Effect 2.
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