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Super Best Friends Thread 11: COMP! COMP! COMP! COMP! C-O-M-P

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Alpha, Rita's escaped. Recruit a team of perverts with attitude!


Xkcd contains the answers to life, the universe, and everything

I feel like I understand everything now.
Well, not right now. Maybe tomorrow or something. Also, don't worry, I suck too. Just hit stuff without getting hit and you'll be fine.

XKCD is so good. It's up there with Whomp and Nedroid Picture Diary.

i'll play a bit today and see if I can learn anything.
You guys... I think I'm sick...

I've been playing the MonHun demo, basically, nonstop... I think I need help...
And this game.

The crack is strong.
So you're a hipster too huh?
“Whining is the path to the dark side. Whining leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to Hipster.”
4 Player drunk Mario *insert noun here* is never a bad thing.
That's really accurate holyshit
Am I seriously the only one here who stuck with the Horn for the Demo?
Horn is in 3U too. The moveset is like a gimped Hammer to make up for the buffing stuff. It's not very fun. Maybe I'm as asshole though.
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