Goddamn I love pop-tarts I should've got a bigger box
Frozen pop-tarts are the tastiest way to kill oneself
Goddamn I love pop-tarts I should've got a bigger box
Guys, someone make me Mac n' Cheese. Shit sounds so good right now.
Frozen pop-tarts are the tastiest way to kill oneself
I know now why you cry but it's something I can never do.
God dammit. I have things to do.
You owe my channel some views.
I would rather kill myself on some tasty burgers.
Zed, you can't block an attack that comes from above while crouching
Not with that attitude.
God, I keep thinking you're missus bull and now I keep thinking Jack is me.
Everything is lies.
God, I keep thinking you're missus bull and now I keep thinking Jack is me.
Everything is lies.
God, I keep thinking you're missus bull and now I keep thinking Jack is me.
Everything is lies.
I know I was trying to get my stars and stripes but it wasnt coming out.Zed, you can't block an attack that comes from above while crouching
LmaoGod dammit. I have things to do.
You owe my channel some views.
Git gud at reading, Woolie.God, I keep thinking you're missus bull and now I keep thinking Jack is me.
Everything is lies.
I can think of a word beginning with L. Can you?
Is this some kind of Aussie trick? It may work on bogans but I won't fall for itI can think of a word beginning with L. Can you?
I can think of a word beginning with L. Can you?
I dont know what im doing wrong ;-;
LETHAL INTERJECTION!I can think of a word beginning with L. Can you?
.... Lemon.
I can think of a word beginning with L. Can you?
I can think of a word beginning with L. Can you?
I can think of a word beginning with L. Can you?
This man knows.
Emi foundalright, this one i dont get
Rin would be so much better but Ill take it
Emi foundlemon lube
The game doesn't dwell on the lemon thing muchoh god, how did this go over my head
Nooooo Don't make me get out of bed ;~;The steam chat is popping watching Guardian playing HuniePop
Oh I see what you meant now though.^FUCK I forgot what flavour it was! Never mind me
Rin would be so much better but Ill take it
The steam chat is popping watching Guardian playing HuniePop
it's all timing. just practice your movements in training mode till you can do it everytimeI dunno why I suck at double quarter circles
GGs guys.
I dunno why I suck at double quarter circles
What are you using, pad or stick?
Please ignore my gorilla like leg.
Im sorry I didnt put a bird for scale.