My controller...lewd
also wtf is that?
My controller...lewd
also wtf is that?
My controller...
Whats wrong with it?
Remake in 15 minutes
Lilly is best girl
Remake in 15 minutes
Remake in 15 minutes
Remake in 15 minutes
Whats wrong with it?
Wait you never played directors cut RE1?
you best not be playin the remake first, especially when the original ps1 version is right there in front of you
So who here has played Parasite Eve?
Does the game go fucking nuts?
Lilly is best girl
I don't much care for Hanako but this image is adorable
For you 360 owners:
The Witcher 2 is available free on XBL Gold.
I know nothing of the Witcher series.
So who here has played Parasite Eve?
Does the game go fucking nuts?
I don't much care for Hanako but this image is adorable
The only resident evil games I played are 5 and Revelaitons.
It gets pretty fucking weird and I loved playing every minute of it
I beat it.
From what I remember, the creatures and fights were super fun. I can't wait til Woolie gets the big guns.
I don't much care for Hanako but this image is adorable
I don't exactly know either, but it was cute.i dont even know
Fucking adorable.i dont even know
Whaaaaa? How could you play a sequel without doing The OG game?!?!?
I forbid you from playing REmake. Play the PSX Directors Cut.
Breh I have the best taste.
Also Hisao would be so perfect for being the protag of a Persona game
Sequel? Aren't they both just RE1?
It's REmake time motherfuckers!
It's REmake time motherfuckers!
Yeah, have the guy with a heart problem star in a game that has a lot of physical activities. Makes sense.
Yeah, have the guy with a heart problem star in a game that has a lot of physical activities. Makes sense.
I don't exactly know either, but it was cute.
Fucking adorable.
Sequel? Aren't they both just RE1?
Directors Cut is campier.
All of the charm of the series is lost in REmake.
It's an incredibly scary game to play at night, but not as enjoyable as Director Cut.
play both, directors cut is a pretty short anyways
god damn it, wheres aaron when you need him?Yeah I'm not playing RE1 twice. Even if its less campy.
You guys act like I got time to explore the full lore/camp of the Resident Evil story lol
Ugh the one thing I hate about aigis is for some stupid reason orgia boost in the air activates in the air by just holding forward. But holding counts as anything that isnt tapping so it fucks up so many combos.
That blue haired girl is betterAaron is too busy romancing a milf in a puzzle game
found this too
Time to play REmaster/make like it was always meant to played. Without tank controls.
look at this shit. And for some reason doing this cancels my persona.god damn it, wheres aaron when you need him?
it's fiiiiiiiiine, its not like you're in a rush anyway
git gud
What difficulty do I choose? Climbing a mountain or going on a hike?
What difficulty do I choose? Climbing a mountain or going on a hike?