Obviously it was swole.
First person dungeon crawler you say?
New avatar.
Hey guys, I'm new to all of neogaf and I heard this place is cool. So I'm here. :3
I was hoping I wouldn't be the only one to use Denko.
Hey guys, I'm new to all of neogaf and I heard this place is cool. So I'm here. :3
WeebsSo I just got out of Japanese class. I think I might enjoy this. Who wants to guess the people that were in there?
Also fuck going to sleep early, I somehow ended up gettin less sleep because I tried that. Never doing that again
Is that Grimrock? I still need to get around to playing them at some point.
is denko your stand?
Yes.Weebslike u.JK maybe
Lol crimson head?
Yes.I Am!Lol JoJo references. No but yeah I didn't lead anyone on
Woof no sir, I wanna stay low profile in this class. I'm probably going to post some stuff from today's class once I'm at a keyboardYou didn't excite anyone by saying that Pokémon is a cartoon? For shame.
THAT'S a crimson head? No wonder why they tell you to burn the bodies. Fuck. I had to waste 2 shotgun bullets on it.
Time to shill LiamGafeven though Liam apparently hates first person dungeon crawlers
Really looking forward to this game. It it the Vita game I'm most excited for.
We talk about the best friends and nothing else.Here some questions:We like to go off topic from time to time
Who's your Waifu(s)
Favorite Anime/Manga
Favorite Serie
Favorite video game series
Life or Hometown?
Do you know about the manga Prison school?
So. Replaying ff 7. I can't remember why I liked this game.
cats and memes the card game just got $2 million on Kickstarter
Yeah, the game itself iss great, no question but man...cloud and crew not so much.Because it's a good game? The materia system is really fun to mess around with and Midgar as the starting area isn't half bad. I should replay it eventually to see if I can make heads or tails of the story since all I remember is the translation is bad and weird dream sequences.
Well when potato salad can get funded, I suppose garbage can too.cats and memes the card game just got $2 million on Kickstarter
cats and memes the card game just got $2 million on Kickstarter
Yeah, the game itself iss great, no question but man...cloud and crew not so much.
I'm playing it right now. I can see cloud be an emo prick. Look, there he goes now!That's mostly because weebslatched onto the idea of Cloud as a member of My Chemical Romance, ironically mirroring Cloud himself in a bizarre way. His actual character, and the development of said character, is pretty coollike Joose /jk
I'm playing it right now. I can see cloud be an emo prick. Look, there he goes now!Maybe I just need to give it more time. Still not out of midgar yet.
Not too much. Chocobo racing, cross dressing, aerith, and my general opinion that I liked it.How much of the game do you remember?
Yeah, the game itself iss great, no question but man...cloud and crew not so much.
I'm playing it right now. I can see cloud be an emo prick. Look, there he goes now!Maybe I just need to give it more time. Still not out of midgar yet.
Eh, I thought it was super weird and neat to be playing as terrorists. Tifa is an alright childhood friend. Barret is a Mr T and motherfuckers all over the place while shooting with his gun arm. Aeris is Aerith. Cid is cool and smokes or something. Yuffie and Vincent are kind of nothing. Red XIII is super fucking cool. Cait Sith will never be used in the party, but has a neat back story. Cloud cross-dresses and sometimes cracks wise. I think it's a pretty alright cast of characters.
cloud gets molested by a bunch of sweaty gay men in a bar.
Wow, in one day? that is crazy.cats and memes the card game just got $2 million on Kickstarter
Not too much. Chocobo racing, cross dressing, aerith, and my general opinion that I liked it.
Microsoft just announced augmented reality as "Microsoft Holograms".
Nice job microsoft, You aint got shit on Miku.
Microsoft just announced augmented reality as "Microsoft Holograms".
Nice job microsoft, You aint got shit on Miku.
Does he? I don't remember that at all.cloud gets molested by a bunch of sweaty gay men in a bar.
The only thing I don't get is the claim that 30 fps is cinematic. I don't get that when I play games at 30. I won't complain much about games at 30 but 60 or higher is always welcome in my book.Man people are fucking sensitive about The Order: 1886
The only thing I don't get is the claim that 30 fps is cinematic. I don't get that when I play games at 30. I won't complain much about games at 30 but 60 or higher is always welcome in my book.
David Cage lives! Pre order now to get the David Cage protagonist trilogy pack where the player characters from previous games appear and hang out with you! YOU LOVE IT!
Oh god no. I'm still upset at B:TS. I can't handle more stupid cage bullshit.
The only thing I don't get is the claim that 30 fps is cinematic. I don't get that when I play games at 30. I won't complain much about games at 30 but 60 or higher is always welcome in my book.
Cage's gonna try to tell a story about racism this time, I know he is
It's gonna be set in the 60s with a black protagonist and it's gonna be super intriguing right up until the scene where it turns out MLK never died, is actually a computer from the 2100s, and all black people are living in a virtual reality. And then they'll all sing a traditional african folk song to escape.
Son there were much worse people than me there, going to type that shit up right now.That's mostly because weebslatched onto the idea of Cloud as a member of My Chemical Romance, ironically mirroring Cloud himself in a bizarre way. His actual character, and the development of said character, is pretty coollike Joose /jk
Does he? I don't remember that at all.
cats and memes the card game just got $2 million on Kickstarter