Ico is fantastic. Now play it again.
.No. I need to play through SotC now before my free ps now week runs out.
Ico is fantastic. Now play it again.
.No. I need to play through SotC now before my free ps now week runs out.
Of course. I would go in for augmented hearing and sight in an instantOkay hands up people, who would get the Adam Jensen treatment when robotic augmentation comes around?
Sounds like my cup of tea. Hurray for negativity.kinda not really.
Ico is fantastic. Now play it again.
Only my left arm.
It's not great.
Nows a good time for my confession.
I never finished Ico.
Stranger in the bedroom.Why your left arm? To be ambidextrous?
Ico is fantastic. Now play it again.
What if you could become a robit girl? That'll be something. This will be a great robit girl design.heh.
It probably isn't.
I never played Ico, or shadow of the colosus, or really any games. I had no childhood.
Feeling really tired and apathetic today. Just in a shitty mood. I wanted coffee but our school shop was closed today.
Any tips?
I used to be super negative, but now I just love and peace everything. I know what I like and what I'm probably not going to like, so I focus on the things I like and just look at the bright side, it's almost necessary for watching shitty anime all day.
But when I find something I dislike, I dislike that thing with every essence of my being possible.
Stranger in the bedroom.
I try to go through my day with as much of a positive attitude as possible, because the world is already shitty enough as it is.I used to be super negative, but now I just love and peace everything. I know what I like and what I'm probably not going to like, so I focus on the things I like and just look at the bright side, it's almost necessary for watching shitty anime all day.
But when I find something I dislike, I dislike that thing with every essence of my being possible.
Everyone loves robit girls!What if you could become a robit girl? That'll be something. This will be a great robit girl design.heh.
It probably isn't.
I never played Ico, or shadow of the colosus, or really any games. I had no childhood.
The blood your enemies. I hear it's quite the thirst quencher
Feeling really tired and apathetic today. Just in a shitty mood. I wanted coffee but our school shop was closed today.
Any tips?
Feeling really tired and apathetic today. Just in a shitty mood. I wanted coffee but our school shop was closed today.
Any tips?
Force yourself to do some exercise, even just taking a walk around the block/campus.
What if you could become a robit girl? That'll be something. This will be a great robit girl design.heh.
Negativity is love, negativity is life. Nah, you can be negative while watching crappy anime, just phase out and just not think about it. That's how i do it.
I try to go through my day with as much of a positive attitude as possible, because the world is already shitty enough as it is.
Feeling really tired and apathetic today. Just in a shitty mood. I wanted coffee but our school shop was closed today.
Any tips?
Since I'm 17, I did a ton of catch up. I played through my older brothers stack on PS2 and PS1 games. That took a few years.
Can't leave during school day. BUT it is a half day today and my friends wanted to take me bowling.
I'm trying to do that, but procrastinate on videogames. It also doesn't help that I probably care more about anime over videogames.
That way, I'd acquire the functionalities of a cyborg arm without having to sacrifice both. I'm righthanded and I don't want to lose precision and the capability to touch and feel things entirely. Also it looks cool.
I recommend it. Also SotC and Journey.
Everyone loves robit girls!
Yes plz
But I want to enjoy it! I can enjoy Saekano if I do it this way!
But I want to enjoy it! I can enjoy Saekano if I do it this way!
Everyone I see is so miserable all the time, I just try not to look as sad as them. I mean, sure, we're all stuck in this shitty little city, but there's no reason to let it get you down! At least you're not in my shoes where I have to look at people wear the same camo hunting hoodies everyday!
Played Journey with headphones on a 77 inch HD projector at 3AM. Gorgeous.
now play SoTC. It would be even better.
Me too as of late.
Ha, I just bought glasses like that with my red leather jacket.
I'm not trying to slowly dress more like Travis Touchdown or anything... Not at all.
I need that ps4 version to come out already so I can see what all the hubbub's about.Journey.
I actually do, except it's camo hoodies, or jean overalls.
That sounds amazing.
I am such a massive Journey fan. I think it's nothing short of a masterpiece.
It's not great.. especially the animes i watch aren't great.
Now just win a beam katana from an onlime auction and you're set, since you got the animes, and the wrustling down. Except the hair is going to be hard.
It's not great.. especially the animes i watch aren't great.
Jesus Christ, people, just throw on some normal clothes!
I saw a guy casually wear a crossing guard jacket the other day! In the middle of the day!
Yeah, thats my area too. Also torn tank tops. Super classy.I actually do, except it's camo hoodies, or jean overalls.
No one knows you have a guy's brain if you have a female shell outside. Why stop at normal humanoids, why not robit monster girls. >_> this is probably going to go too far and deep this early in the morning.
It's not great.. especially the animes i watch aren't great.
Now just win a beam katana from an onlime auction and you're set, since you got the animes, and the wrustling down. Except the hair is going to be hard.
Dunno why you'd do that to yourself. If I dropped my standards for video games I would not realistically have enough time to play them all.
Eh, it's what people wear around here, I get weird looks when I go out in a thermal long sleeve, nice jeans and my DC's. It's what happens when you live in a town filled with hunters, farmers, and the common redneck.
80?Try 400.I have a huge backlog of anime, but I've whittled it down from 80 to 30. So far everything's been pretty good.
Always keeping it classy in rural Ohio.Yeah, thats my area too. Also torn tank tops. Super classy.
We have one bar here, I went there once..never again. Florida Georgia Line listening..cowboy hat wearing...-cringe-My standards for anime are rock bottom and I enjoy them that way. I can enjoy Monster as one of the greatest things of all time then immediately go watch Trinity Seven and have similar levels of entertainment, just because I enjoy watching anime on a very basic level, so even shitty anime scratches that itch.
Albany Oregon is the definition of that shit. Everyone thinks they're a cowboy for some reason, it makes going to bars here very difficult, since I always stick out like a sore thumb just for wearing normal clothes.
Most of missouri as well. These dumbasses seem to think we're in the south. We definitely aren't. Not even close.Albany Oregon is the definition of that shit. Everyone thinks they're a cowboy for some reason, it makes going to bars here very difficult, since I always stick out like a sore thumb just for wearing normal clothes.
I'll figure it out.
Also, all anime is great, even the worst ones.
Dunno why you'd do that to yourself. If I dropped my standards for video games I would not realistically have enough time to play them all.
I can see the appeal of robit monster girls, though with humanoid shapes you can still get attachments of various kinds, but yes probably too deep, I'm also at work so I can't keep up anyway
I have a huge backlog of anime, but I've whittled it down from 80 to 30. So far everything's been pretty good.
80?Try 400.Though most of it's probably trash.