Worldwide bestfriends who support literal child murdering. The best.
I'm not quoting anything, I was asking a question.
But what if the dub is really good? I always give the dub a try first, then if I can't take it I go to the subs.
After 5000 months I'm free! It's time to conquer threads!!!
Hi anyone, long time lurker, first time poster who literally got approved today. It's gonna be either a wild ride or simply a thing.
I don't know what you're quoting, but here's the answer: Always watch everything in its original language.
Mara is right, good dub or not you should always watch it in it's native language. Otherwise it's just a watered down experience, unless the original is shit tier. Plus it's about music, do you want to hear the song that was made for Japanese in English?
Welcome! Remember you're here forever.Ahhhhhhhhhhhh~!
After 5000 months I'm free! It's time to conquer threads!!!
Hi anyone, long time lurker, first time poster who literally got approved today. It's gonna be either a wild ride or simply a thing.
That's something every boy has to do to become a man. It's a rite of passage really.It's no joke... I'm literally talking about having sex with unattractive older women and anime...
It's mostly a thing.
The subs are better for K-ONWatch in Japanese or English?
Yeah, no. I completely disagree with this.I don't know what you're quoting, but here's the answer: Always watch everything in its original language.
I can't say I don't...
Then why did it show up on Urban Dictionary?!
It'll never not be a thing.Well I thought I made it up, I guess not. I didn't know UrbanDictionary was still a thing xD
They don't dub over any of the songs. They just start singing in Japanese.Mara is right, good dub or not you should always watch it in it's native language. Otherwise it's just a watered down experience, unless the original is shit tier. Plus it's about music, do you want to hear the song that was made for Japanese in English?
Really? Watch baccano in english and tell me it worse than sub.Mara is right, good dub or not you should always watch it in it's native language. Otherwise it's just a watered down experience, unless the original is shit tier. Plus it's about music, do you want to hear the song that was made for Japanese in English?
If a show is blatantly Ecchi with no other redeeming factors (dumb Harem shows a la Oh My Goddess! and Strike The Blood) I hate fanservice. I can deal with fanservice in Code Geass, but only because the rest of it is so good.That was one of the biggest problems I had with StB. It was just...so damn bland and formulaic. Virtually no surprises save for that one arc near the end that was kinda interesting but then ended up being the same shit as usual.
Yeeeep. Like, I didn't mind the fanservice, for the most part, but the harem shit just got so old after a while. Koujou's basically "dense harem protag #247, but this time he's a vampire too!". Guh.
Honestly the "blatant yaoi-bait" character (Vatler) was the best part of the show somehow.
True, but I always try dub first. Cause if I wanted to read an anime id get the manga.
After 5000 months I'm free! It's time to conquer threads!!!
Hi anyone, long time lurker, first time poster who literally got approved today. It's gonna be either a wild ride or simply a thing.
I feel bad about that myself. That Gurren poster is damn tempting, but I'd really like a cool shirt, but it kinda want a simple design.Admittedly, I havent bought a shirt from Shark Robut yet, but I need to buy up some of those sick posters.
What's wrong with OG language? There are usually rare exceptions, but usually original is the best.
Admittedly, I havent bought a shirt from Shark Robut yet, but I need to buy up some of those sick posters.
True, but I always try dub first. Cause if I wanted to read an anime id get the manga.
THE GURREN ONE THONone of the shirts are anything I'd be interested in wearing and non-anime posters are against my morals.
They don't dub over any of the songs. They just start singing in Japanese.
It'll never not be a thing.
Good thing you just missed EvaGAF.Thank you everyone, I honestly didn't expect such a warm welcome so fast. But yeah, joined here because I have an irrational fear of social media but I'm fine with making posts once in a while.
Of course, I entered a crash course in the boundaries of Neogaf and did my initial time, so that happened.
And yeah, when I say "lurking" I don't mean reading every post on every page. Even I'm not that insane yet.
inb4 I ruin it all with opinions about whatever
I know you are literally a super powerful vampire, but I need to protect you because I don't fucking care or know why!Oh and also I lost my shit at the ending of StB where it's implied that. :looooooooool watKojou has kids with both Himeragi and Asagi
Oh yeah, and how could I forget. "No sempai, this is our fight!" EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.
You can't watch Ghost Stories in subs. You just can't.That's a wholly different thing. I'd watch a shit show in dubs as well for a comedic factor, but that's because they'd be incredibly terrible.Ok. I should have clarified that I meant "Always watch subs if they seem to be somewhat similar in quality". If the sub for something is somehow terrible, then go for dub. Other than that, go sub.I should not have said always. There are exceptions, but that's what they are. Exceptions.
None of the shirts are anything I'd be interested in wearing and non-anime posters are against my morals.
In all seriousness, yeah, I see where you're coming from. I'm even more picky with shirts, especially when it's like $20+ a pop like geez.I honestly think that poster looks kinda... Ehhhhh. I'd rather just hang another Gurren poster in my apartment.
Also, I only hang framed posters, so I'm super selective as to what I get, since it's pretty expensive.
Thank you everyone, I honestly didn't expect such a warm welcome so fast. But yeah, joined here because I have an irrational fear of social media but I'm fine with making posts once in a while.
Of course, I entered a crash course in the boundaries of Neogaf and did my initial time, so that happened.
And yeah, when I say "lurking" I don't mean reading every post on every page. Even I'm not that insane yet.
inb4 I ruin it all with opinions about whatever
I can't get into those things if I'm only paying attention to a bunch of words at the bottom of the screen.Ok. A little dismissive, but ok.
Strange. They just swapped in the totally legal version I watched.In my DVD, they sing all the songs in english. You can't change them. Bullshit, huh?
I honestly think that poster looks kinda... Ehhhhh. I'd rather just hang another Gurren poster in my apartment.
Also, I only hang framed posters, so I'm super selective as to what I get, since it's pretty expensive.
Okay, thats a more reasonable thing to say. Because wether ppl like it or not, there are dubs that are infinitely better than the subs, such as berserk or fate/zero. I don't mind watching in either language, but I just go with whatever sounds better.Ok. I should have clarified that I meant "Always watch subs if they seem to be somewhat similar in quality". If the sub for something is somehow terrible, then go for dub. Other than that, go sub.I should not have said always. There are exceptions, but that's what they are. Exceptions.
I know you are literally a super powerful vampire, but I need to protect you because I don't fucking care or know why!
Fuck anime, tho.
Welcome, remember you're here forever. I never understand how people can lurk our threads of nothingness.. are we that entertaining?
True, but I always try dub first. Cause if I wanted to read an anime id get the manga.
You know what, fuck entertainment in general. It's all garbage anyway.Yeah, fuck cartoons.
Really? Watch baccano in english and tell me it worse than sub.
If you're reading subs, it's still a watered down experience because you're relying on the translator's interpretation of the language. It is less watered down than full-on dubbing though.
I'd like for everything to be localized. The only reason I fall back on subs is because it's way faster than full-on dubbing (with respect to the animus and mangoes).
Addendum: Sometimes subs only with native voiceover is the best way, such as the Yakuza series.
After 5000 months I'm free! It's time to conquer threads!!!
Hi anyone, long time lurker, first time poster who literally got approved today. It's gonna be either a wild ride or simply a thing.
You know what, fuck entertainment in general. It's all garbage anyway.
Like seeing that Aaron loves him some japanese animes and that he has no dignity.
Yeah, fuck cartoons.
I acknowledge exceptions, though I don't know what that is.
The one true dub.
This was my stance on it for a good while, but some dubs are equivalent to subs to a degree where I can at least see people choosing hearing good performances over accuracy.Absolutely. You're still losing something by subbing it as well, but the loss is far less than what would occur if you were to dub it. If I could, I'd rather just watch it without subs, but I cannot speak nor understand the Japanese language, so subs are more out of necessity.
I acknowledge exceptions, though I don't know what that is.
Entertainment is for losers who can't find real jobs.
*proceeds to put on suit and pick up briefcase*
I'm out of this establishment to go be a stockbroker.
Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel.
I can't get into those things if I'm only paying attention to a bunch of words at the bottom of the screen.
Read fast and then enjoy the animations afterwords.
I like to know the people I'm going to talk to before joining. If I'm sitting and waiting for 4 months for my account to get approved then I'll probably read the thread just to see the personalities of the people there. Like seeing that Aaron loves him some japanese animes and that he has no dignity. It's pretty much lore.
I really like the native voice over, since they usually do a great job at casting the characters. Some dubs don't do it as well, and who doesn't love engrish.
There's also some cultural things that just sound awful in english.. I-idiot! Just doesn't roll off the tongue as well as B-baka. Although too many desu's will ruin the anime broth.
I understand the sentiment of watering down.. especially when i hear, someone say a name and the name isn't even right in the subs. CRUNCHY ROLL!!!!