Super Best Friends Thread 11: COMP! COMP! COMP! COMP! C-O-M-P

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Guys holy shit JoJo face in Molester Man
Do I need to play DMC2 or 3 to enjoy 4?

You stay the fuck away from 2, and no you don't need to. Though if you ever want to go back to three make sure you're okay with it not looking as pretty. That being said 4 will be way better if you played 1 and 3


I played Bayo 1. Twice. Am making my way through 2. Then I gotta finish Mario 3D World because I'm on the last world and I played with Abubeats, but he's a dirty cheater who keeps killing me so fuck playing with other people.
I have DMC, but I'd rather not replay DMC just to play DMC4.

Is there a story recap on disc or can I just pull up a YouTube recap video?
Main game. I
thought I was on the last world in that fire level with bowser's castle till that insane plot twist to a new world.
Sending this back is gonna be hard...
I might not send it back now that it's in my hands.
Guys holy shit JoJo face in Molester Man
Probably if it's not already, but I have a 360 that sees regular use.
Might as well see what the big deal is.
Do I need to play DMC2 or 3 to enjoy 4?
You should play 3 first, it's a lot better as an introduction for people new to the franchise. Also it's better as a game
Oh god this + quote feature is amazing.

IDK I also have a 2ds, Xbox One and Wii U and I don't want to really play anything on those either.

Those are like my three most played systems right now out of all the ones I own (which is all of them)

Man I don't want to even know my backlog worth. At least having a decent backlog has helped during unemployment. Still Jones for new games though.

Especially because 2015 is BLOODBORNE AND METAL GEAR. I need both of them more than any game on my backlog.

I know your pain, I have so many video games to finish its unreal and there's even more on the way, backlog lists just keep getting bigger and I never know what to play next

Cut off the crack! I believe in you!


Oh god this + quote feature is amazing.

Those are like my three most played systems right now out of all the ones I own (which is all of them)

Especially because 2015 is BLOODBORNE AND METAL GEAR. I need both of them more than any game on my backlog.

Cut off the crack! I believe in you!
Gimme your desire to play games. I NEED it.
That's not going to revoke his garbage status though

You love him though.


Gimme your desire to play games. I NEED it.

I'm actually not desiring to play games right now. I'm burnt out, but know that I won't get the opportunity to play for weeks with college starting up. I just force myself to start it up and roll with it. I can still really love playing it without feeling a need to want to play it.


I'm actually not desiring to play games right now. I'm burnt out, but know that I won't get the opportunity to play for weeks with college starting up. I just force myself to start it up and roll with it. I can still really love playing it without feeling a need to want to play it.

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