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Super Best Friends Thread 12: 12 Threads in and It's Still the tutorial

So I'm playing through Baldur's Gate 2 and over time I've come to realize that damn near every villain in this game follows the simple principle that they hate me cause they ain't me.
This game is going to be fantastic. I hope they bring it over like ASB
I hope so too. If not, I'll still import this in a heartbeat. Everything about it feels like what ASB should have been. Depth or shallowness be damned, everything just FEELS good when playing it.

And fighting Diego is fucking awesome. Gotta finish up Steel Ball Run sometime, but work, man.
Joseph can use the Ripple on objects in the environment and his stage has a huge pool of spikes that drain life unless you're a Ripple user with meter, in which case it drains meter.
Jotaro w/ Kakyoin
Joseph w/ Caesar
Stroheim w/ Joseph
Josuke w/ Jotaro

And you fight Joseph/Caesar followed by Diego
That's a pretty cool list. Do you have direct control over your partner like in marvel and SG or do they just act as strikers? I'll have to work out the Japanese psn thing tomorrow and get it.
I have the same smell problem as Pat where I just can't fuckin smell things
I have a weirdly specific sense of smell and I don't know if it is good or bad. I pick things like locations, elements and origins but no one that I confer with around me can smell what I do so I usually don't know if I'm spot on of just making bullshit up

Sorry if it's already said
but when I killed Ceaser first and he did his little Wamuu death animation and his remaining power went to Joseph and he did his whole "CEASAAAAAAR" bit
I lost my shit. I wish I knew what the fuck was going on because this game seems fun as shit.
Damn, you guys are saying Eyes of Heaven actually feels good to play? That's fucking awesome. I'm busy as shit and going to bed, but I can't beleive I'm hype for a JoJo game.
just beat No More Heroes
Henry and all
only got hit by the IK once cause it wasnt announced like the others
relatively easy to dodge
Matt definately NEEDS to use the infinite Tsubaki Mk3 for that fight
was a pain in the ass compared to Henry though
i couldnt even throw her -_-
I don't have a full grasp on all the mechanics or how exactly everything is triggered, but to summarize for other people what JoJo Eyes of Heaven is like.

- It's two on two all the time, like Gundam Extreme VS (but without the whole stock management thing that game has going). Since it's a single player demo, you're partner is AI controlled.

- Players by default have a light attack and heavy attack (square and triangle) but holding L1 opens a list of moves assigned to the face buttons (plus R2) that correspond to their particular abilities, so for Jotaro these would be Stand abilities, Joseph the ripple, and Stroheim his abdomen gatling gun.

- Dodging is done by holding R2 and pressing a direction with the analog stick. Really good when locking onto an opponent as a side step circles you around them. R1 seems to be a block, but that's all I could really surmise from Josuke as he creates a wall out of the ground. Didn't try it with all the other characters.

- Double team attacks are pretty important, and you'll pretty much always get them if you and your AI partner attack an opponent at the same time. Some meter pops up and you fill it with hits, and you may get a circle button prompt for a finisher I guess? There's also a special dual attack that's done by pressing both L1 and R1 but it needs to connect in order to activate. Still not entirely sure since everything else was popping off like crazy.

- To defeat an opponent, you have to knock them down and then go up to them to do a finishing blow, which is with a QTE prompt with the circle button. If you're partner goes down you can revive him, but only the first two times. Third and he's out.

- Also worth noting in the case of some team battles, killing one opponent will boost the other on that team and send them into a rage. It's pretty obvious when you go after Caeser first and THAT moment from Battle Tendency is briefly recreated, you know the one. Joseph goes ape shit. Actually got my ass beat by him the first time as I was not prepared for that.

- There's a lot of contextual shit in the arenas, and characters like Josuke and Joseph interact with them in neat ways according to their powers. There's also environmental hazards, like the spike pit in the first stage and mother fucking dinosaurs in Diego's arena.

That's most of what I could surmise from the couple run throughs I did. Given that this was all a single player demo, I can only imagine what the idea of all these characters being player controlled would end up like. There's a warm up period for the finishing blow that can be interrupted, but no one really stopped me.

Pretty excited for this now that I've given the demo a try. Step in the right direction, for sure.
That's a pretty cool list. Do you have direct control over your partner like in marvel and SG or do they just act as strikers? I'll have to work out the Japanese psn thing tomorrow and get it.

They're your partner character, so they move around and fight with you. You can activate combo attacks when each of your specials connects. In 2v2, when an opponent loses he gives his partner temporary super armour and a damage buff.
- Dodging is done by holding R2 and pressing a direction with the analog stick. Really good when locking onto an opponent as a side step circles you around them. R1 seems to be a block, but that's all I could really surmise from Josuke as he creates a wall out of the ground. Didn't try it with all the other characters.

Blocking is R2 as well. R1 is similar to the Style button in ASB, as Joseph charges his meter with the Ripple breathing technique. I think Joseph also has a counter with L1+Triangle
Yo, you guys should play fucking Shadow Warrior. Game was rad as shit. There is a skin that makes your katana kinda look like the HF Blade. plus once it is fully upgraded it is a thing of beauty.
Every slice is an air cutter!
Does anyone know how I can just find it from the store on my ps4? I can't sign in to the webstore fot whatever reason.
It's under game (ガ-ム). Demos are down the list, should be two spots above PV.

Pro tip, even if you don't know moon speak, recognizing some katakana can really help in the long run. A lot of terms used in games related stuff is all made with those characters.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Does anyone know how I can just find it from the store on my ps4? I can't sign in to the webstore fot whatever reason.

Look for the text I've circled in red there. Like Arclight said, it's under Game (ガ-ム).

Yo, you guys should play fucking Shadow Warrior. Game was rad as shit. There is a skin that makes your katana kinda look like the HF Blade. plus once it is fully upgraded it is a thing of beauty.
Every slice is an air cutter!

Master the powers and the katana swing and movement and you will master the campaign and have a bloody great time.


It's under game (ガ-ム). Demos are down the list, should be two spots above PV.

Pro tip, even if you don't know moon speak, recognizing some katakana can really help in the long run. A lot of terms used in games related stuff is all made with those characters.
Alright it's downloading. Thanks, I'm going to go pass out now.
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