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Super Best Friends Thread 12: 12 Threads in and It's Still the tutorial

I saw a guy wearing a zone shirt today. Some people just have zero shame


Tell me about it.
I got upset when looking through the JPSN store for the Eyes of Heaven demo that's PS4 only (fuck you NAMCO PS4 ISN'T EVEN SELLING WELL IN JAPAN) and saw their PS+ selection and got upset. Deception IV is a PS+ game! SONY PLS
Well ASB sold pretty well in Japan (for a week iirc) and Sony wants to give people reasons to by a PS4. With how aggressively they have been grabbing titles I wouldn't be shocked to find out Sony paid for it.
Good thing it's dual modded so you can play localized Dengeki Bunko


It's nice Persona 4 merchandise though :p
Congrats for real, you've been waiting awhiiiiile

Don't associate one of the most mediocre "RPGs" of the PS2 generation with one of the greatest fighting games ever made! Its ultimax merchandise only! :D

And thanks, it feels so good. Combos are finally happening in Xrd!


The crack is too strong, today I got the news that I have to spent valentine's day with a girl, and I got sligtly mad because I wanted to spent the day play Monster hunter
but I can't tell her that as an excuse. I wish I could bring my 3DS with me, but we have some work to do.
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