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Super Best Friends Thread 12: 12 Threads in and It's Still the tutorial


All the plot in the world.

It's fine!

You know nothing Jon Snow.


whoa ok so this is missed.




So I knew Gin was Joseph Joestar and then I heard a familiar voice in the preview for the next episode. After a minute of googling I confirmed my suspicions and yeah. An antagonist of Gin is a guy with Dio's voice actor. Perfect.

Hopefully this actually means something and not nothing.

80% of my love of the game is for the mechanics. Art is the other 10%. Music is 100000%.

How much do you care for music outside of games? I find that I don't care for much things beyond game or anime music. Maybe it's just because I never got into anything major when I was younger so I didn't really ever groom that part over the years. I've mostly just listened to game and anime stuff since that's where I listened to stuff the most. I then relisten to the good stuff because it's either just that good, nostalgic, or hype.

Besides all that garbage, my point is I don't care much for music outside of games/anime, but I fucking love it in those things. They can elevate an okay scene into an amazing scene. If KLK didn't have its OST then I wouldn't like it half as much as I do. If Nier didn't have its music then I don't even know. Nier uses music at certain boss battles that make those bosses fucking amazing even though they're really nothing without them. Music in shit accompanying something perfectly just makes me so happy. I always just find it a weird contrast for myself when it's probably not that strange for some nerds. I think Liam is like this even?

Why is there a pig in the toilet?

The owner really likes it when the pig licks his butthole.


The girl literally broke down in tears. No idea why.

You were probably the only one who cared to listen to her, and she probably relied on you to vent or something. She was also fairly emotional? maybe?
You seem to be pretty patient then, but I guess sometimes good persons go out with horrible poeple.

Mhm, that's not really how breasts work, but what do I know?

It's totally how breasts work.
Guys...did we already talk about Denegeki Bunko: Fighting Climax coming...to the west?

Yeah, we did.
Why is there a pig in the toilet?


Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So I knew Gin was Joseph Joestar and then I heard a familiar voice in the preview for the next episode. After a minute of googling I confirmed my suspicions and yeah. An antagonist of Gin is a guy with Dio's voice actor. Perfect.

Hopefully this actually means something and not nothing.

How much do you care for music outside of games? I find that I don't care for much things beyond game or anime music. Maybe it's just because I never got into anything major when I was younger so I didn't really ever groom that part over the years. I've mostly just listened to game and anime stuff since that's where I listened to stuff the most. I then relisten to the good stuff because it's either just that good, nostalgic, or hype.

Besides all that garbage, my point is I don't care much for music outside of games/anime, but I fucking love it in those things. They can elevate an okay scene into an amazing scene. If KLK didn't have its OST then I wouldn't like it half as much as I do. If Nier didn't have its music then I don't even know. Nier uses music at certain boss battles that make those bosses fucking amazing even though they're really nothing without them. Music in shit accompanying something perfectly just makes me so happy. I always just find it a weird contrast for myself when it's probably not that strange for some nerds. I think Liam is like this even?

Man, I couldn't imagine not loving music outside of anime and games. I mean, don't get me wrong, I listed to a shitload of game and anime music. Tons. But I've got playlist upon playlist of non-anime/game stuff too. If you're like me and the stuff on the radio/TV doesn't appeal to you, just start looking for stuff you like. It's a bit challenging at first, but definitely not impossible. I'd even be happy to help you. I adore music and love helping people discover stuff they like.


legacy of cane
public class TwoDimentionalArray {
	static int[][] starrOcean;
	static String[][] ora;
	static Random randySavage = new Random();
	public static void main(String[]args){
		starrOcean=new int[10][10];
		ora = new String[10][10];

Made an array that printed out nothing but Ora.



So I knew Gin was Joseph Joestar and then I heard a familiar voice in the preview for the next episode. After a minute of googling I confirmed my suspicions and yeah. An antagonist of Gin is a guy with Dio's voice actor. Perfect.

More like "The" Antagonist.
This is kinda random, but I want to recommend something delicious. You toast some bread, spread some peanut butter on it, cut up a banana and put it on the toast, then drizzle it with honey. It's fantastic.


This is kinda random, but I want to recommend something delicious. You toast some bread, spread some peanut butter on it, cut up a banana and put it on the toast, then drizzle it with honey. It's fantastic.

I've heard of stuff like that before it sounds good, but I think I'll stick with peanut butter toast and a cup of tea for my breakfast.
public class TwoDimentionalArray {
	static int[][] starrOcean;
	static String[][] ora;
	static Random randySavage = new Random();
	public static void main(String[]args){
		starrOcean=new int[10][10];
		ora = new String[10][10];

public class OraOra{
     public static void main(String[]args){
          String ora = "Ora";
          for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){

Did it with less hassle


legacy of cane
This is kinda random, but I want to recommend something delicious. You toast some bread, spread some peanut butter on it, cut up a banana and put it on the toast, then drizzle it with honey. It's fantastic.

This and Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches are da bes.
I bet wrestlers get depressed all the time when the arena hates them.
Maybe, but then they remember how they are heroes to little kids all over and think about all the charity and make a wish things they do. They are also kinda actors, I'm sure they feed off of the crowd no matter what reaction they get once they get used to it


legacy of cane
public class OraOra{
     public static void main(String[]args){
          String ora = "Ora";
          for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){

Did it with less hassle

I was practicing arrays, so that's why I did it like that.

I was supposed to be using ints, so I just did the ora thing real quick.


The crack is too strong, today I got the news that I have to spent valentine's day with a girl, and I got sligtly mad because I wanted to spent the day play Monster hunter
but I can't tell her that as an excuse. I wish I could bring my 3DS with me, but we have some work to do.
After reading this and the follow up posts, I have to say, you are a hard man to please Obie.


Maybe, but then they remember how they are heroes to little kids all over and think about all the charity and make a wish things they do. They are also kinda actors, I'm sure they feed off of the crowd no matter what reaction they get once they get used to it

"I hate you, Batista!" "I hate you, too!"
This is kinda random, but I want to recommend something delicious. You toast some bread, spread some peanut butter on it, cut up a banana and put it on the toast, then drizzle it with honey. It's fantastic.
Here's somethin. cut a donut in half, cook it in pancake batter, put a sausage patty and a fried egg on, then slap some maple syrup on it. Delicious.
You were probably the only one who cared to listen to her, and she probably relied on you to vent or something. She was also fairly emotional? maybe?

It's totally how breasts work.

Yeah, we did.

Yeah she was, listening wasn't the problem, she wanted it to be a one way street and for me to just sit there. If I'm in a relationship with someone I would also like to talk about my day at least somewhat.
Hopefully this actually means something and not nothing.

How much do you care for music outside of games? I find that I don't care for much things beyond game or anime music. Maybe it's just because I never got into anything major when I was younger so I didn't really ever groom that part over the years. I've mostly just listened to game and anime stuff since that's where I listened to stuff the most. I then relisten to the good stuff because it's either just that good, nostalgic, or hype.

Besides all that garbage, my point is I don't care much for music outside of games/anime, but I fucking love it in those things. They can elevate an okay scene into an amazing scene. If KLK didn't have its OST then I wouldn't like it half as much as I do. If Nier didn't have its music then I don't even know. Nier uses music at certain boss battles that make those bosses fucking amazing even though they're really nothing without them. Music in shit accompanying something perfectly just makes me so happy. I always just find it a weird contrast for myself when it's probably not that strange for some nerds. I think Liam is like this even?
It probably just means existing competition between ISPs will pick up, but places with monopolies are still fucked.

I adore basically all music. I have a weird dilemma where I hate looking for new music. I get impatient and frustrated trying to see if I like something new. So games are one of the main ways I find more music, but I seriously adore all kinds. Top 100 hits, random indie acoustic songs, it's all super good.

How music is used in shows and games is absolutely one of my favorite things. It elevates the experience, (for lack of a less snoddy-sounding term). Game music might not be the only thing I listen to, but it's probably what I relisten to most. Metal Gear Rising has had its praises slung far and wide, but I absolutely fucking adore that whole soundtrack.


Yeah she was, listening wasn't the problem, she wanted it to be a one way street and for me to just sit there. If I'm in a relationship with someone I would also like to talk about my day at least somewhat.

Yep, that seems like it wouldn't be a fun relationship to be in, unless you were really dedicated about the relationship.
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