Lagoon is the best. Go watch that shit this instantI've seen Hellsing. It was cool.
I haven't caught Black Lagoon or Baccano yet, but I am willing to give them a try. Worried about Baccano, because where Durarara began and ended.

Lagoon is the best. Go watch that shit this instantI've seen Hellsing. It was cool.
I haven't caught Black Lagoon or Baccano yet, but I am willing to give them a try. Worried about Baccano, because where Durarara began and ended.
Don't worry bout me. My days of stockpiling animoo to watch is over.
One or two anime a year is a good year for me.
Pretty much everything in the plot description of my love story.
The bad thing is there are too many animes coming out to watch them all.
Revvy is so fucking cool. Best girl in anime. Period.Lagoon is the best. Go watch that shit this instant
Damnit, Akasha
Lagoon is the best. Go watch that shit this instant
I know, I'm super behind this season. Still haven't started Kancolle.
Now if only he was more relatable to you, it would be even better.
What about yuri kuma?
I know. Damn my charm and adequately acceptable level of attractiveness!
Not even that... And nothing depresses me more, considering that was essentially made for me.
Revvy is so fucking cool. Best girl in anime. Period.
Revvy da bes girl.
Lagoon is awesome if you like cheesy action movies. Baccano is self contained, but the manga does gobon if you want to keep going. But if you watch baccano, you'll need to pay attention cause that show moves pretty fast.
...I know you're trying to hype Black Lagoon up, but all that did was tell me to move Katanagatari up the queue.Lagoon is the best. Go watch that shit this instant
I drop too many show for the most nitpicky of reasons to even bother.No, but stockpile those animus. There's so many good ones out there.
She really is the best
after Saber of course
Not really.She really is the best
after Saber of course
...I know you're trying to hype Black Lagoon up, but all that did was tell me to move Katanagatari up the queue.
I drop too many show for the most nitpicky of reasons to even bother.
We need to stop these best girl discussions and find best guy. I vote for Izumi from Love Stage. He was literally the only reason I kept watching that show after it shit itself in episode 8.
We need to stop these best girl discussions and find best guy. I vote for Izumi from Love Stage. He was literally the only reason I kept watching that show after it shit itself in episode 8.
Ooh best guy. Well...I'll go with claire stanfeild.We need to stop these best girl discussions and find best guy. I vote for Izumi from Love Stage. He was literally the only reason I kept watching that show after it shit itself in episode 8.
We need to stop these best girl discussions and find best guy. I vote for Izumi from Love Stage. He was literally the only reason I kept watching that show after it shit itself in episode 8.
We need to stop these best girl discussions and find best guy. I vote for Izumi from Love Stage. He was literally the only reason I kept watching that show after it shit itself in episode 8.
Guys from anime jman. Anime.
To each their own I suppose. I still recommend it though....I know you're trying to hype Black Lagoon up, but all that did was tell me to move Katanagatari up the queue.
Watching my little brother go through the walking dead for the first time yields some pretty entertaining results.
Also 360pages I got a question regarding Etrian Odyssey, how does the first game compare to the rest of the series?
We need to stop these best girl discussions and find best guy. I vote for Izumi from Love Stage. He was literally the only reason I kept watching that show after it shit itself in episode 8.
That dude is so pretty he might as well be best girl.We need to stop these best girl discussions and find best guy. I vote for Izumi from Love Stage. He was literally the only reason I kept watching that show after it shit itself in episode 8.
That dude is so pretty he might as well be best girl.
Don't worry about it. I have very strict taste, and it appears as it doesn't fall under it. I'm still going to watch it.To each their own I suppose. I still recommend it though. alright, a little slower and more broken I put it above 2, but below 3.
Just get untold. It's a remake of the first game and has classic mode.
But be warned, I say play untold after 3/4 mostly because it will be hard to go back to those due to some changes untold made.
That dude is so pretty he might as well be best girl.
So...bromance? Or more?That's actually the plot of the show. Straight guy falls in love with him, a straight guy, and they get gay straight together.
That's actually the plot of the show. Straight guy falls in love with him, a straight guy, and they get gay straight together.
I'm still a little butt hurt that my laptop is officially a door stop now. Good news is I can get a replacement in a couple weeks though.Yo hi Alf, how are you?
liam pls go
That's a totally Japanese explanation on how sexuality works.That's actually the plot of the show. Straight guy falls in love with him, a straight guy, and they get gay straight together.
I'm slowly going through the series in order and just needed to know if it'll get better/worst/stay the same. I only have 1, 2 and 3 atm and i'm planing to pick up 4 and untold after I beat the DS games first
Well, I finished the Amazing Spiderman. It was alright. I still like the first 2 Maguire movies better. Time to put in Amazing Spiderman 2.
liam pls go
It's just like my chinese doughjins.That's actually the plot of the show. Straight guy falls in love with him, a straight guy, and they get gay straight together.
I'll keep that in mind, though I doubt that's possible.Oh god, prepare or a Spider-Man movie as bad as Spider-Man 3...maybe even worse. Damn, need to stop DPing.
I legit think Jonathan is a great candidate for Best Guy. He's so cool.
Wait, what're you talking about? That doesn't exist.Do we all agree that Metroid: Other M is an abortion?
Jonathan over Joseph?