Matt is the manifestation of everyone's goofy and well meaning nature and the overall love of dumb bullshit, possibly even the less matured aspects of your minds.
Liam is the idealized manifestation of someone who is both popular but also extremely deep in the otaku and waifu culture, his contrary nature is due to the fact such a culture is frowned upon in many aspects of normal society.
Pat is the manifestation of your combined years of resentment and cynical feelings built up from both the video game industry and your personal lives, the fact that deep down he is a pretty great guy is proof of the cynicism being somewhat of a defense mechanism.
Woolie is your primal feelings, your moments of excitement and go get em' attitude without fear, the blackness and thug attitude are your base desires showing in various ways, with all pretenses dropped as fucks are no longer given, the woolie hole is another aspect of yourselves finding these base desires both unsightly and frightening.