Im glad i somehow stayed away from it. People who enjoy smokin and wanna keep smoking im cool with but when someone is trying to quit but is having difficulties i feel powerless. Something that you have the choice to stop but cant bring yourselt to really bothers me.
Eh, just being aware of the fact that it's hard, being supportive and positive is more than enough when it comes to smoking.
Still, unless it's Hitler, a little help never hurt anybody. If you ever find yourself around someone trying to quit smoking you could ask them what their smoking habits are and try to help them avoid those. The biggest part of an addiction to smoking is mental, as you develop habits and rituals around it. Like having a smoke with your morning coffee for example. The physical part of the addiction will be out of your system in about a month, out of which only two weeks are actually really hard and even those two weeks usually boil down to people being in a real bad mood and acting like a cunt accidentally. (YMMV of course)
I get that your problems with it have more to do with addiction itself than with smoking in particular though.