I'm now way more interested in a car/racing based dating sim than I ever was Drift Stage.
Why not both?
I'm now way more interested in a car/racing based dating sim than I ever was Drift Stage.
I enjoyed all 3 ME games for their own reasons. I was disappointed by ME3 but I still did enjoy my time playing it, if that makes any sense.
I think Storm 2 overall had a better story line,
as for ASB. I think they did a decent job balancing the characters, but the problem is the games speed. Kicking it up to 60FPS would have done wonders for it.
Zubaz back on stream.
The time when I get a PS4 is for SF5. Well, it is for Bloodborne, but I will make sure I have one for SF5. BECAUSE SF5.
i do.True true I can see that being a cool thing, maybe not netherrealm, tho why not just play Skullgirls, it has enough JoJo refrences in it on its ownjk
Why not both?
i do.Yeah i was trying to imagine a netherrealm jojos but coming up blank.not enough sadly
Zod has a stand thingy, i think
I'm quoting just because I want to say that I fucking love Hamtaro. It was one of the pillars of my childhood, along with DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho.Whew..what a hectic day..x.x
Hot Dreams-Timber Timbre.
Go listen to it, great song to wind down to.
I enjoyed 3 as well, mainly because it let me have a proper end to the love story of FemShep and Liara. And that was why I started playing Mass Effect in the first place.
I feel the same way about ME3. I don't regret playing it, but it should've been better than it was.
I just got back from walking my dog and I walked by a girl. She asked what I was listening to, since I was wearing big-ass headphones.
"The opening to Ore no Imouto."
Then she just looked at me and asked "Oh, what's that?"
"An anime about incest."
"Oh... Alright." Then she walked away.
I'm quoting just because I want to say that I fucking love Hamtaro. It was one of the pillars of my childhood, along with DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho.
as for ASB. I think they did a decent job balancing the characters, but the problem is the games speed. Kicking it up to 60FPS would have done wonders for it.
I actually didn't much like Liara after 2. She become too "serious" for me. FemShep is best Shep though.
I feel the same way about ME3. I don't regret playing it, but it should've been better than it was.
I just got back from walking my dog and I walked by a girl. She asked what I was listening to, since I was wearing big-ass headphones.
"The opening to Ore no Imouto."
Then she just looked at me and asked "Oh, what's that?"
"An anime about incest."
"Oh... Alright." Then she walked away.
I prefer sheepish scientist girl to badass master of everything girl, but she was the one through line lesbian choice, so it had to be so.
Did they patch out the knockdown, throwing projectile into taunt for the unblockable combo loops?
Are there still Enrico pucci infinites that i keep seeing in combo vids?
He does I didn't think about that actually, I say no to neatherrealm purely because I don't think their style would fit a JoJo game? I mean I love MK but it'd be weird IMO, I can see ArcSys doing a better job with a JoJo game
Should have gotten on her case for talking to you with headphones on.
As I recall Taunt Combos can only be done once per round and can not be looped anymore.
I also think all infinites have been removed. (Don't quote me on that) Did you play the US version? Since that one has all the patches for the JP version.
They are perfect for it but they have Persona already.
I keep forgetting that you played it. I've been kinda wanting to replay through the series again myself but then I remember the Human Reaper and I'm like
No i bought the JP version on day 1. That is why everything was at its most terrible
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFMyl_7hj4Iron sheik never really had it and after the loss of his daughter he went full camel clutch humble back maker.
People seem to not even care about that here. They constantly talk to me and others with headphones on and expect you to hear them.
I think the game is terrible, but I can understand why others may like it.
That's my exact reasoning, they could even made certain stand users control like shadow Labrys, though that's possibly a little too much, or maybe have it as a toggle feature or something
If this comes down to Baz and Kanji, I don't think I'll be able to handle it.
I know. I can't stand it.
If this comes down to Baz and Kanji, I don't think I'll be able to handle it.
I tend to have a soft spot for bad things, but I don't really think ME3 is a poorly made game by any means. When I say that though people need to understand that I consider a bad game some of the shovel ware that appears on Steam early access. Mass Effect 3 was just a disappointing game.
Terrible writing can ruin everything.
To sum it up, playing ME3 is like watching the final season of LOST.
It made everything not even matter.
Maybe they are already on it and we just dont know it
i heard Shonen jump had a deal with Namco to make games for them so we might not see a non namco related jojo. i am not sure about this deal though
Woof they fixed almost everything from the JP version, almost a completely different game.
Mass Effect 3's problems stem from the fact that Bioware made a terrible choice in overarching plots and didn't fully plan out the overarching plot after they knew ME2 and 3 were going to be made. A lot of the problems stemmed from the fact that they only planned things one game at a time, so you had stupid shit like a suicide mission where everyone could die in the second installment.So...you're saying you liked Mass Effect 1/2?
Actually writing an ending wouldn't have been too hard if hey kept everything up and with each new release had three different people play the games in different ways to try to keep everything consistent,, but that would have been a shit ton of work.
In honor of Valentine's Day
I can't exagerate about how much this annoys me. People wil walk up behind me, start talking to me, notice I am wearing headphones, continue to talk to me, then act like i'm an asshole who's ignoring them.People seem to not even care about that here. They constantly talk to me and others with headphones on and expect you to hear them.
In honor of Valentine's Day
Even the framerate?
In honor of Valentine's Day