yep. I wonder how late in the morning its going up because of the plane trip
It's fine! All you really have to do is press buttons! Just don't press the wrong ones.I can't fight game :S
Also, this amazing picture.
I finally get to play this game
I finally get to play this game
That's fucking adorable.
But we strive ever long to reach that day in which we climb the ivory tower set before us, and we will know. We will learn the truth and look towards the sky and whisper "...this is esports"No one is ever giting gud, they are just becoming less of a scrublord.
I never played either, and both are on my PS4.
Which should I play first
Grim Fandango or RE make?
I never played either, and both are on my PS4.
Which should I play first
Grim Fandango or RE make?
By the way, is Grim Fandango cross buy?
tell me when its on sale.
I never played either, and both are on my PS4.
Which should I play first
Grim Fandango or RE make?
It's late, so RE make.Yo.
I never played either, and both are on my PS4.
Which should I play first
Grim Fandango or RE make?
I mean cheaper.
Guys really? It's been like 3 pages and you're still posting gifs?
God you guys went super dumb with the gifs.
Rip in peace MobileGaf and WeakLaptopGaf
Hey what's going on in this-
Also, this amazing picture.
Guys really? It's been like 3 pages and you're still posting gifs?
Guys really? It's been like 3 pages and you're still posting gifs?
Stop being poor
I tried, I didn't have enough money to start making money.
If jack is still here....
I found a pic that almost makes your old waifu cool
If jack is still here....
I found a pic that almost makes your old waifu cool
That's pretty cool.If jack is still here....
I found a pic that almost makes your old waifu cool she called me the other night. I apologized for my attitude and she wants to go get coffee.
Guys, I am torn between waifus.
Also the pic is sweet
If jack is still here....
I found a pic that almost makes your old waifu cool
If jack is still here....
I found a pic that almost makes your old waifu cool
Well.. it's not like the coffee will go anywhere past just a coffee... >_>
I'm off. Night!
I'm off. Night!
You are right.
Ryuko and I can just be friends. I can't cheat on Rise
Why am I building ridiculous lore about myself?
If jack is still here....
I found a pic that almost makes your old waifu cool
You are right.
Ryuko and I can just be friends. I can't cheat on Rise
Why am I building ridiculous lore about myself?