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Super Best Friends Thread 13: "The Storm Has Come And So Have I" 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Croten was teleported into a super kawaii loli anime desu world, with one glittering man sitting on the throne, surrounded by scantily-clad girls of which he was sure were clearly "thousand year old dragons". Clearly. That man stood up, floated towards Croten, embraced him in his arms and sensually spoke into his ear, whispering only a single sentence "Kawaii in the streets, Senpai in the sheets".
I-is this where my anime heroes like Aaron and Demo D live?
I've done a bunch and they've been relatively painless, but it's the kind of thing I could imagine getting pretty rough later.

Not really. They're always the same thing. You have your "Clear the block" quests, your "Get this many drops" quest, your "Collect an item on this specific day" quests, your Golden Hand quests, and the "Take Liz out into the real world quests". I think that's all of them.
i just found Matt's rex on amazon...i was planning on buying it until i saw the price. :(





And that concludes Day 3 of Croten and Mara's Divinity: Original Sin adventures!
Unfortunately, this day of adventuring was shorter than the previous two, which resulted in less hilarious antics than they were used to. It was a far more calm and methodological day for the duo, one filled with less silly events and more progression!

So the day starts out with Mara blowing up Croten during a fight against skeleton warriors. After some battles against ghosts straight out of ghostbusters, challenges set by wandering souls and just general zombie killing, the duo decided to leave the area. They were looking for the secret lab of the murderer in their previously mentioned murder case, but no matter where they looked, it didn't seem possible to get there. So they went back to town, restocked and went north instead of west, entering the first cavern they could find. There wasn't much to be found there, nor were the events memorable.
In the mean time, Croten told Mara he found a way to assign one of their additional two comrades (One a rabid female ranger and the other a bigot female tank) to him, as Mara was handling both of the girls by himself. The tank talked to Mara about how she despised mages and wouldn't mind seeing them all killed, somehow being oblivious that she was talking to a mage, so Mara assigned the tank to Croten, leaving her survival in Croten's hands.

As they entered the cave, there was only a single measly fight to be found. So they started the battle against Gurren Lagann incarnate, creating a sea of inferno to block its path. Gurren Lagann did not flinch as it walked through the sea of fire. So it was up to us, the duo thought. Croten finally had the Tank by his side and he could finally utilize her powers! After Croten decided to send the tank into the middle of the inferno, the Tank punched her burning body to death in the same turn. After her death, the duo destroyed the mech within seconds by just shooting it with arrows. Leaving the cave afterwards, they realized that it had brought them where they needed to go! The team jumped in joy as they witnessed progress right in front of their eyes. But first, a trip back to town was necessary.

After they entered, Croten realized there was a teleportation pyramid which piqued his curiosity. He activated that pyramid and to his surprise, he appeared in the bathroom of a naked woman taking a bath! Croten was in a tight spot, after all he literally just popped up in front of her. As Croten was trying to talk his way out of it, Mara entered the bathroom and stole everything he could find. Mara was sure Croten wouldn't be able to talk himself out of it, but something unexpected happened. Croten was teleported into a super kawaii loli anime desu world, with one glittering man sitting on the throne, surrounded by scantily-clad girls of which he was sure were clearly "thousand year old dragons". Clearly. That man stood up, floated towards Croten, embraced him in his arms and sensually spoke into his ear, whispering only a single sentence "Kawaii in the streets, Senpai in the sheets".

Croten immediately knew what to do. He suddenly started glistening, swiping his hand over his massive orange afro and straightening his 70's porn star moustache. He had learned the art of being kawaii and before the woman knew it, she had already swooned over his beauty, forgiving him for his blatant act of Voyeurism.

"This really isn't so different from my japanese animes", he thought with a glint in his eye and a grin on his face. Mara then somehow blew up parts of the house stealthily, looted the remaining items and left.


What a mysterious jogo.
Have you ever had those friends who just kept talking about a show until you gave up and started watching it?

Yeah. I have those friends.

I guess it was about time for me to start watching Kill la Kill, anyway.

I'm pretty sure I'm that friend, I keep pushing The Wire and Gurren Lagann. I always make sure to push shows I know those friends like though, one I convinced to watch Gurren Lagann, the other I convinced to watch Fight Club, yet a third I convinced to play Xenoblade. All I want is for them to discover new things I think they'll love and I'll check out anything they recommend me as well.

I'm supposed to watch Pirates of the Carribean(never seen it) and Kuroko no Basket because of friends.



Now now, do we need to have another talk to you about the definition of objective and subjective again?

Village might be around here somewhere...

Skyrim's combat is bad, I just can't think of any reason as to what would make anyone consider it good


Not really. They're always the same thing. You have your "Clear the block" quests, your "Get this many drops" quest, your "Collect an item on this specific day" quests, your Golden Hand quests, and the "Take Liz out into the real world quests". I think that's all of them.

My only gripe with them is the fact they often have set dates rather than a "You have this much time starting from when you accept it"


Not really. They're always the same thing. You have your "Clear the block" quests, your "Get this many drops" quest, your "Collect an item on this specific day" quests, your Golden Hand quests, and the "Take Liz out into the real world quests". I think that's all of them.

You're forgetting the show me this weapon, fuse this persona with this ability, and there might be more that i can't remember.
My only gripe with them is the fact they often have set dates rather than a "You have this much time starting from when you accept it"

Yeah, it's not great. Often times I would forget to grab an item for a quest and I would have to reload my save. It was frustrating.
You're forgetting the show me this weapon, fuse this persona with this ability, and there might be more that i can't remember.

Right. Those too. Also, there's some random misc. quests like feeding the cat.
You're forgetting the show me this weapon, fuse this persona with this ability, and there might be more that i can't remember.
The only real bullshit one is the show me this weapon where you could only get it in rare chests where you're at. Most of the time when you try and fuse a persona for the specific quest, the prerequisite personas should have the required ability.


It's almost like people play video games to have fun.

Which is the opposite of what I feel when I fight anything in Skyrim. Despite what I say about it's combat I do love exploring or wandering towns, I legitimately find that super fun, but when I fight anything I just struggle to find a reason to keep playing.
You're forgetting the show me this weapon, fuse this persona with this ability, and there might be more that i can't remember.

Fuck I remember being way behind on the "fuse this persona" quests and realized I couldn't get a persona I wanted because it was locked behind one of them(fuck that shit btw), so I did like 5 of those quests in a row and lost like over 100k in money and an hour of my time figuring out how to fuse them as fast as possible(irony).


The only real bullshit one is the show me this weapon where you could only get it in rare chests where you're at. Most of the time when you try and fuse a persona for the specific quest, the prerequisite personas should have the required ability.

Those sucked.. i spent hours trying to find the last few rare weapon quests, and then i just gave up and finished the game
Besides the Golden Hand quests I didn't find Liz's requests to be that bad. P4's quests were garbage, though.
Ok the one off quests like watering flower or feed the kitty was fine, I'm mostly talking about the 'Fuse X persona with Y skill' especially the later ones that require about 5-6 personas to create (that means kicking off 1, 2 or even 3 of your main team off just so you can carry all of them). Then you need to pass skills down like their pokemon egg moves until you get the right one and if you fuck up, you need to repeat the whole process again. It can also take a toll on your wallet since you need to resummon high level personas. Also as you mentioned, the golden hands and rare shadows are annoying too.


Fuck I remember being way behind on the "fuse this persona" quests and realized I couldn't get a persona I wanted because it was locked behind one of them(fuck that shit btw), so I did like 5 of those quests in a row and lost like over 100k in money and an hour of my time figuring out how to fuse them as fast as possible(irony).

Guides are useful for those. Instead of just clumsily fusing and then realizing you screwed up.


Which is the opposite of what I feel when I fight anything in Skyrim. Despite what I say about it's combat I do love exploring or wandering towns, I legitimately find that super fun, but when I fight anything I just struggle to find a reason to keep playing.

I don't know what to tell you, maybe I don't expect much from first person combat so I think it's fine, it's not as good or as satisfying as stuff like Dark Souls obviously, and it could definitely improve in general, but what is there is more or less fine and not the worse thing in the world.

It could be how I play that makes it fun for me since I've been playing a lot of first person games over the years, I usually power attack and sprint everywhere, I sprint at enemies and power attack, so with all the bashing and staggering and fast movement going on, it gets pretty hype most of the time since I'm not just standing there meekly swinging at stuff occasionally or something.


I've done a bunch and they've been relatively painless, but it's the kind of thing I could imagine getting pretty rough later.

Oh yah it does.
basically asks you to defeat the Grim reaper and also THE ULTIMATE OPPONENT!!!!!!. which i could never do


Oh yah it does.
basically asks you to defeat the Grim reaper and also THE ULTIMATE OPPONENT!!!!!!. which i could never do

That reminds me,
Death is goddamn terrifying, seeing Mitsuru freak out and that fucking red dot appearing and coming after you on the map is way worse an experience than it should be.
Guides are useful for those. Instead of just clumsily fusing and then realizing you screwed up.

That was WITH a guide. It still took a lot of time since you need to perform a lot of fusions just to get to the fusion you want and sometimes you don't have a persona that's necessary in the compendium so that's an extra step.

All this P3 talk just makes me want a definitive version, neither FES nor P3P were ideal, a PS4 remake would be SO good. I'll just put that next to Mother 4 in the list of "Things I want that aren't happening".
Alpha Protocol has my favorite Nolan North character in Steven Heck. I adore him. I can't bring myself to do a playthrough where he doesn't like me.


Oh yah it does.
basically asks you to defeat the Grim reaper and also THE ULTIMATE OPPONENT!!!!!!. which i could never do

It's really easy if you have the right personas and tactics.. armeggedon ftw.
That was WITH a guide. It still took a lot of time since you need to perform a lot of fusions just to get to the fusion you want and sometimes you don't have a persona that's necessary in the compendium so that's an extra step.

All this P3 talk just makes me want a definitive version, neither FES nor P3P were ideal, a PS4 remake would be SO good. I'll just put that next to Mother 4 in the list of "Things I want that aren't happening".

If you do it late in the game, you should have tons of money so it doesn't matter.


That reminds me,
Death is goddamn terrifying, seeing Mitsuru freak out and that fucking red dot appearing and coming after you on the map is way worse an experience than it should be.

Just use Ziodyne or stronger lightning attacks on him and he will never use Almighty attacks on you.
you love rule 63 Matt X Pat. Just admit it

If this is what happens when you become famous I'm not sure whether I never want to be famous or want to get famous really fast.

edit: confession, I never actually used the fusion spells in P3 except an early one, I just never got them and didn't want to find out how to get some.
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