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Super Best Friends Thread 13: "The Storm Has Come And So Have I" 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

I was at around
level 70
when I fought the final boss. Go any higher and you'll be overleveled. You don't want that.
Uh... I think.. 80~ or so is a good level to be to not make it a breeze to beat him.
i wonder how it is when you fight him normally without cheesing it...

Well I still have 2 and a half months left and I'm at level 60, I should be fiiiine.
Really? Close to overleveling and it still takes over a hour to beat? Wait is the boss in different sequences or just a 1-2 hour long straight boss fight where you just whittle away his HP the entire time?

you guys should stay away from /r/blackpeopletwitter

Black Twitter is the best.
Well I still have 2 and a half months left and I'm at level 60, I should be fiiiine.
Really? Close to overleveling and it still takes over a hour to beat? Wait is the boss in different sequences or just a 1-2 hour long straight boss fight where you just whittle away his HP the entire time?

It'd be a spoiler to go into specifics, but its a very long fight and a very long ending sequence. Luckily you can save the game after the final boss but before the ending of the game if it makes you feel any better.


you guys should stay away from /r/blackpeopletwitter

No chill.



you guys should stay away from /r/blackpeopletwitter

black twitter is the best twitter.
Well I still have 2 and a half months left and I'm at level 60, I should be fiiiine.
Really? Close to overleveling and it still takes over a hour to beat? Wait is the boss in different sequences or just a 1-2 hour long straight boss fight where you just whittle away his HP the entire time?

you'll be fine. If you need to grind there'll be time to grind. Do you want spoilers? Because we're gretting close to spoilers.


Gintama has been contained episodes each with their own story for so long that now that I finally hit an episode that isn't settled by the end I'm thrown for a loop.

Episode 31
Does the creator have the balls to actually do a character reset on Gintoki and have him become a different kind of Gintoki for the series? I kind of doubt it, but it's still a neat cliffhanger. I guess this will be resolved with the next episode or two, but whatever, it's neat.

Also the continuing adventures of Square-chan if someone hasn't posted it.

“Hey there, nice to meet you.” said Sony-senpai, extending his arms towards her for a sick fistbump. Square-chan didn’t follow through on the fistbump. She didn’t move a muscle. They couldn’t see it yet, but she was furious. “You think you can just force a guy on me? This is garbage, I won’t accept this!” she shouted. Sony-senpai withdrew his arm, a faint look of surprise on his face. The flower he’d been promised was more thorny than expected. “Now honey…” began Mama Square “I know it’s a bit of a surprise, I know you had other plans, but we were approached by the honoraburu Sony family concerning next-gen. They really know what they’re doing!” She smiled at her daughter “Play your cards right with this, and you’ll be set for life!” Square-chan felt nothing but contempt for Mama Square. And this Sony-senpai guy? Jeez, what kind of an asshole would accept a family offering their daughter up without her direct consent? She knew his type and she wanted none of it. Blowing out her cheeks, she turned and stomped up the stairs to her room. “Next-gen, huh?” She flattened a handful of papers onto her desk and grabbed a pen, “If next-gen’s what they want, then that’s what I’ll give ‘em!” Square-chan wasn’t in a particularly creative mood, despite her hopes. That said, she had the drive. She penned out what would soon become a Final Fantasy tech demo for a next-gen machine. She didn’t know what Nintendo-senpai’s plans were, but she just knew she’d blow the doors out with what she was making.

This is getting real good. I need to know how Nintendo-senpai responds.
It'd be a spoiler to go into specifics, but its a very long fight and a very long ending sequence. Luckily you can save the game after the final boss but before the ending of the game if it makes you feel any better.
black twitter is the best twitter.
you'll be fine. If you need to grind there'll be time to grind. Do you want spoilers? Because we're gretting close to spoilers.
Ehh, I think I'll keep the spoilers at bay but I'm gonna take a shot at the dark and say the final boss is
the Mysterious Boy
<-Maybe Persona 3 Spoilers?. Can't think of anyone else that would fit unless it was
someone from Strega
Btw don't tell me if I'm right or wrong.


Ehh, I think I'll keep the spoilers at bay but I'm gonna take a shot at the dark and say the final boss is
the Mysterious Boy
<-Maybe Persona 3 Spoilers?. Can't think of anyone else that would fit unless it was
someone from Strega
Btw don't tell me if I'm right or wrong.

No worries, we won't say anything except to keep playing.


Nintendo-senpai is gonna knock that gen out of the park. Who does this Sony-senpai think he is?

Carts are the future of video games.

Correction. Its been 15 paragraphs and I'm a horribly slow reader.

That's why you shouldn't of dropped off. It's one paragraph every 2-3 days. It'd take 15 minutes at the most to read. You're also on GAF. You should be reading a ton of dumb posts. Come on, son.


Gintama has been contained episodes each with their own story for so long that now that I finally hit an episode that isn't settled by the end I'm thrown for a loop.

Episode 31
Does the creator have the balls to actually do a character reset on Gintoki and have him become a different kind of Gintoki for the series? I kind of doubt it, but it's still a neat cliffhanger. I guess this will be resolved with the next episode or two, but whatever, it's neat.

I really enjoy that little arc, it's one of my personal favorites of the series
Just because Gin in general is kind of mysterious and most of his past at this point is a bit unknown even to the cast, so it's kind of cool to see what others really think of him and for him to see for himself what kind of person he was etc.

But you're going to see more and more stories that cover 2 or 3 episodes as it goes on, the real serious arcs are usually like 4-8 episodes or something.
That's why you shouldn't of dropped off. It's one paragraph every 2-3 days. It'd take 15 minutes at the most to read. You're also on GAF. You should be reading a ton of dumb posts. Come on, son.

I read a lot of dumb things. I hardly ever read long posts because my attention span tells me to fuck off after a few sentences. Its terrible, but trying to catch up now is impossible.
Oh hey, you're not banned anymore.
Welcome back.
I'm actually in the habit of reading descriptions and reading comments before I watch a Youtube video. I just skim through everything, probably just a habit I picked up when my internet was shit and I had to let videos load.

Yes, please.

I always read the description, and I avoid the comments with the exception of Demo's videos.
I always read the description, and I avoid the comments with the exception of Demo's videos.

The comments on the best friends site is always a decent read, even if there aren't a lot of them.

Youtube comments are pretty much the worst and are structured so that the worst comments always make it to the top.
I think it's 4chan with the hate replaced with stupidity.
At least 4Chan can be funny sometimes. Youtube is usually just filled with a bunch of people who want to be dicks or creeps for no reason.
The comments on the best friends site is always a decent read, even if there aren't a lot of them.

Youtube comments are pretty much the worst and are structured so that the worst comments always make it to the top.
I gave up on the YT Best Friend comments ever since the irl Japan videos. Shit got really creepy really fast.


The comments on the best friends site is always a decent read, even if there aren't a lot of them.

Youtube comments are pretty much the worst and are structured so that the worst comments always make it to the top.

when's best friends forum?
it would be terrible.
At least 4Chan can be funny sometimes. Youtube is usually just filled with a bunch of people who want to be dicks or creeps for no reason.

I gave up on the YT Best Friend comments ever since the irl Japan videos. Shit got really creepy really fast.

That video's comments were super not creepy at all... Just complimenting Pat's girlfriend.
I'm glad the site is relatively tame and civil

For some reason
Super Tame, like having a bunch of 13 year olds who just hit puberty and throwing the Kim Kardashian Sex Tape in the middle of the room and watching them fight each other for it.

Those videos are gold.
I love those videos to death. They always cheer me up.

when's best friends forum?
it would be terrible.

That video's comments were super not creepy at all... Just complimenting Pat's girlfriend.
"complimenting" -does Dr.Evil air quotes-
Didn't even read them, but I can only imagine how disgusting it must have been.

We could be the mods! It would be awesome
ly horrible.

It was pretty bad, I thought Woolie's were bad but then Pat's came out..woof man..
It's not like they are creepy in any sort of way. They're just really kind words.

It would be the hypest! Especially if we are the mods.
At least it didnt just revert to talking about their dicks like it does on 4chan.
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