Jeff Gerstmann doesn't like that game.
I learned why.
What is it with you and Gerstmann?
Jeff Gerstmann doesn't like that game.
I learned why.
Jeff Gerstmann doesn't like that game.
I learned why.
What is it with you and Gerstmann?
Green Lantern
What a hero
Literally the worst.Green Lantern
What a hero
It has the best QTE sequence of any game since MGS4.The most insane ending ever in a video game.
Except maybe with the exception of Drakengard 1.
Sorry, been on mobile, will get it to ya ASAPOh yeah, goodwil. Did you ever finish that avatar for me? Or do you need more time?
It is, easilyIt has the best QTE sequence of any game since MGS4.
That's fine. No rush.Sorry, been on mobile, will get it to ya ASAP
It has the best QTE sequence of any game since MGS4.
Big Metal Gear fan? I couldn't get into it, played the demo for the first one on ps and got turned off by it. (wasn't a big stealth game fan in my younger days)
Doesn't it come with that new Metal Gear online?
Man I love that ending sequence so muchTHE FUCKING END OF THE WONDERFUL 101
Dok is discovering the amazingness of Giant Bomb and why Jeff is the best.
It has the best QTE sequence of any game since MGS4.
I'm on the fence about going Premium.
I want to see Metal Gear Scanlon.
Alright, after class, I am going to stop at a bathroom and just yank off what's left of the bandage. It's gonna fucking hurt, but I can't just leave it dangling here.
Just grip it and rip it.Alright, after class, I am going to stop at a bathroom and just yank off what's left of the bandage. It's gonna fucking hurt, but I can't just leave it dangling here.
Green Lantern
What a hero
How do their videos play on mobile? I've been watching the quick looks on YouTube on my phone while I do things around the house and have been considering signing upThere's no question, their premium content is by far their best.
I don't know what midomi is, but blue laguna has some good stuff.Do you guys know of a website similar to Midomi, except for video game songs? I need a website similar to Midomi, except for video game songs.
QTEs work best as a way to literally just physically exert yourself, and tied to an emotional or hype moment it actually kinda works. MGR's final boss uses them really well, inegrated into combat, especially since you see the HP bar go down as you mash.Agreed, one of the few games to use QTE's well, even if they mostly just involveMASH A/X TO PROTECT EARTH/CRAWL THROUGH A MICROWAVE.
I don't know what midomi is, but blue laguna has some good stuff.
Oh shit, that's badass.It's a website where you hum a song and it tells you what song it is. It works most of the time.
Rabu Raibu.
Join Mike Ross in his journey to discover bliss. You know you want to.
Sliver Spoon
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Golden Time
Probs a lot more, but I'm blanking.
In honor of Aaron: Queens Blade.
The obvious stuff like Hunter x Hunter, Jojo. Also some really amazing anime like Fate/Zero and its sequel Fate/Stay Night, Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari (skip Monogatari Second Series). I also hear Gintama is fantastic and have actually started watching it myself.
But HxH comes the most recommended of everything up there.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun
Parasyte the Maxim
Kuroko's Basket
Silver Spoon
The Parallax arc is pretty fucking great
Green Lantern is comic folly.
Why did people hate the Green Lantern movie again?
How do their videos play on mobile? I've been watching the quick looks on YouTube on my phone while I do things around the house and have been considering signing up
QTEs work best as a way to literally just physically exert yourself, and tied to an emotional or hype moment it actually kinda works. MGR's final boss uses them really well, inegrated into combat, especially since you see the HP bar go down as you mash.
I should probably get on that hype train, is there a collection for the metal gear series yet?I've never actually played 1 or 4 (or Portable Ops, but no one really cares about Portable Ops. Not eve Kojima.) It's my favorite series of all time, though.
Yeah, MGO3 is part of the new one. Just yet another reason to get hyped over The Phantom Pain!
Becuase it's a horrible movie.
The final boss is steve blum
I should probably get on that hype train, is there a collection for the metal gear series yet?
All I have is Metal Gear Revengeance.
Since they said they were into harem romance type deals did you ask if they have seen Monthly Girls Nozaki kun? If you talk to them again I would recommend that to them.Speaking of Jojo
Since I was banned this week, I didn't have anybody to talk about Anime with. So I actually aproached the weeb girls in my class, so ask them what anime they watch. And it was mostly harem and shounen anime aparently. and other things like attack on titans, death note, and code geass. One of them did watch Kill la kill tho and liked it. I suggested them to watch Jojo,Gurren Lagann, Berserk, Prison school ( they don't like lewd stuff tho) and Onepunch-man. And I pushed Jojo reall hard for summer slam.
I may have to go for it than, I need full Mario Party gamesWorks great on mobile. Actually had to watch it on mobile before I got a new laptop since it couldn't run their video player.
You mean the arch so bad that 90's nerds launched a hate capign that rivals those in the age of the internet and had a professional add campaign .
Then again, that shit arc spawned kyle and eventually the better more interesting lantern cores, so it worked out
Is it made outta duct tape? Jesus.Jesus fucking christ, this is going poorly. I gripped the bandage and pulled hard, but some of it is still stuck on. It is taking a lot of effort to not make noise. One more should do it, I hope.
Yo what's going on frienders
DOA5 is surprisingly funand full of delicious life
Yo what's going on frienders
DOA5 is surprisingly funand full of delicious life
I should probably get on that hype train, is there a collection for the metal gear series yet?
All I have is Metal Gear Revengeance.