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Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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I went looking for a gif to approximate show much salt pat might be feeling over missing out on Guy Chi in the LP...

Found this instead



Oh man just finished Hells Angels on Joe's instasync. It was really good. More of you guys should have showed up
I'm a real idiot for missing this post, but better late than never.

Wow UNIEL has sooo many systems I shouldn't have watched them so late at night/early morning. So from what I gathered:
.EXS is your standard meter that fills up when you hit your opponent and is used for EX and supers
.GRD meter is increased when closing in on your opponents while decreasing when backing away
.Transfer state is the circle in the middle that automatically fills up
.The GRD system- when the transfer state is filled, whoever has the most GRD meter will gain a Vorpal buff
.Vorpal buff increases damage by 10% and allows you to go in to chain shift
.Chain shift converts GRD in to EXS and cancels out of moves
.Concentration increases your GRD and lowers your opponents GRD, consumes EXS
.Assault leaps towards your opponent
.Breaking your shield will put you in break state(white meter) and you can't do certain actions while in break state
.Guard thrust is a counter of some sort that doesn't deal damage and consumes all your EXS
.Veil off uses more than 100 EXS, damage buff, invincibility frames and cancel break

Then there's the regular ways to attack where you can change properties and have different moves. God damn that's a lot to take in. Did I make a mistake somewhere? All of this is hurting my brain, I'm going to bed.

First of all, good find Shakugan!
Second... the bolded... I'm thinking this is Uniel's burst? If so, great. I almost can't play fighting games without burst, I love it that much.
And Vorpal buff, I wonder if that's a less automatic version of Awakening? Could be cool.
That said, I'm terrible at talking and understanding stuff in technical terms. Same as before, I need to get my hands on it!


Oh man just finished Hells Angels on Joe's instasync. It was really good. More of you guys should have showed up

I was just testing it out, didnt realize it was still going

I wanted to get a schedule going of people that wanted to watch it. I thought it ended when I closed the window.


maybe if people are interested we could get a party going tomorrow morning.


I was just testing it out, didnt realize it was still going

I wanted to get a schedule going of people that wanted to watch it. I thought it ended when I closed the window.


maybe if people are interested we could get a party going tomorrow morning.

Oh yeah totally, between that Monster Hunter and some Xrd shall be a perfect Sunday for me
Going to bed, see you guys later.
I'm a real idiot for missing this post, but better late than never.

First of all, good find Shakugan!
Second... the bolded... I'm thinking this is Uniel's burst? If so, great. I almost can't play fighting games without burst, I love it that much.
And Vorpal buff, I wonder if that's a less automatic version of Awakening? Could be cool.
That said, I'm terrible at talking and understanding stuff in technical terms. Same as before, I need to get my hands on it!
You haven't seen the tutorials yet? It's pretty much a burst but it's not as free as in GG. The buff is automatic but you have to be aggressive to get it. The same dude has tutorials on characters too


Does captions work on Instasynch? There are really bad subs for DDS:Megami Tensei and the only one with decent subs are in parts and captions only.

I was using YT captions, anyone that comes into the room has to enable them tho.

YT allows you to upload subtitle files as well and synch them properly.


I'm heading to bed. After a combination of reading an assload of loltaku while simulataneously listening to Nujabes' Modal Soul album I have entered a state of depressive acceptance. I may have also become a sliver more Woolie this night.

There are dark times ahead....

Well then, good night!
I cant seem to get Heavy Day out of my fucking head, it made me watch the Sol vs Ragna death battle and man Sol is so cool. His design has to be one of my favorites ever.


All this MH4 talk made me boot up MH3U again. Gave gunlance a shot and I really like it. Took down a Lagombi in 5 minutes. Burning through whetstones though but it's fine since I bought 100 of them.

Okay gonna pass out now.
Guy Cihi would've been on the Best Friends?!?!?!

Yooooooooo Pat's gonna feel salty when he sees that.

Also, fucking SAO has been giving me grief in my dreams as well. Just woke up from a bad dream involving KIRIGOD and Assuna.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Oh man. Oh geez. You expect me to take down a Zinogre and a Rathalos in a single quest, MH4U? FUUUUUCK. It's way too early in the game for this shit, man.


Frog Fractions. That was a thing.
What is Frog Fractions?

Frog Fractions is love. Frog Fractions is life.

So I checked outside to see if my Donkey Kong amiibo was out there somehow or hidden under the snow or anything. I found it and now I feel bad because it might of been out there a full week. Donkey Kong was out there all alone in the cold for a full week hidden under some snow. I feel bad.

Also just ordered this shirt because I need it.

I'm also now super sad because they missed Guy Cihi's comment. I expect some sad and salt next podcast.


Guy Cihi would've been on the Best Friends?!?!?!

Yooooooooo Pat's gonna feel salty when he sees that.

Also, fucking SAO has been giving me grief in my dreams as well. Just woke up from a bad dream involving KIRIGOD and Assuna.

SAO appeared in my dreams too, but not the good parts

Also, Smash 4 has to be the biggest liar in video game history. Those red lightning means death right? Nope! but sometimes they don't appear but ou die anyway!


DP because Atlus sucks

I remember hearing that Arc systeme wanted to make nanako and dojima playable with persona, and they said no. That's the biggest disappointment of last week.
I mean just add a dream mode or someting. It's not like anybody cares about the P4A canon.


Oh my god I am buying the fuck out of this.

Or you could just buy a new 3DS and not have this giant piece of plastic? I assume the stick is for camera control. I don't really see a point unless you really just want to make holding a 3DS more comfortable.

Also man, maybe I just have to get use to the new 3DS since I've never had a 3DS before, but I find it uncomfortable to hold. I don't really feel like I can have my left hand in a comfortable position for MH where I need to use the stick and dpad pretty often since the dpad controls menus while the stick is for movement. Maybe I just need to get more use to it since I also had pain when first using my Vita about 7-8 months ago.

Anyone know who Two Guys Play is? Are they ripoffs of the best friends? I mean they even have a guy named Matt and a guy named Pat. It seems a little too convenient.
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