You're right. Ninja Theory is a better fit
IIRC CC2 have not made any DBZ games, and the Naruto games are good for being Naruto games
Arcsys for JoJo however would be nice, but if you want a decent JoJo game just play Skullgirls
You're right. Ninja Theory is a better fit
You're right. Ninja Theory is a better fit
But Bamco has not done anything with DBZ since Tenkaichi 3
JoJo's Bizzare Beach VolleyballYou're right. Ninja Theory is a better fit
JiggleJiggles bizarre adventure: last round
JiggleJiggles bizarre adventure: last round
JoJo's Bizzare Beach Volleyball
Team Ninja is not Ninja Theory.
Fucking... I mix them up every five seconds.No that's Team Ninja!
Team Ninja is not Ninja Theory.
Fucking... I mix them up every five seconds.
Like those chodes who can't tell the difference between Solid Snake and Big Boss.Look at these uncultured nerds mixing up Team Ninja and Ninja Theory... again!
I haven't touched DMC myself, so not really. Those videos of Mike Kob doing nothing and getting SSS are pretty fucking damning.Your hate must not be strong enough
I'm not THAT bad.Like those chodes who can't tell the difference between Solid Snake and Big Boss.
I didn't know it was 60 on consoles.Also, Xenoverse is the perfect example of how to use new Hardware for PS4.
Instead of trying to make the game look super pretty compared to he PS3 version. The game looks exactly the same but runs smoother.
(Note, never try a 3 on 3 match on the PS3 Version... but it runs perfectly on the PS4 version at 60fps even with all the shit going on!)
Like those chodes who can't tell the difference between Solid Snake and Big Boss.
Guys I think I ate too much food today. I think I might die/give birth to a food baby
Having a food baby is best done with a trained food professional.Guys I think I ate too much food today. I think I might die/give birth to a food baby
Like those chodes who can't tell the difference between Solid Snake and Big Boss.
Like those chodes who can't tell the difference between Solid Snake and Big Boss.
Guys I think I ate too much food today. I think I might die/give birth to a food baby
Dude I get not liking children, but you're resorting to name calling a fetus?That's called shit.
Dude I get not liking children, but you're resorting to name calling a fetus?
Look, just don't be so inconsiderate of croten's feelings on his baby.Well usually when I get mpregged by eating too much food, that's what comes out.
However, if the food went in via his dick, that would be a whole different story.
Sorry but that is actually false. The PS4/XBONE is locked at 30, even if the goal still during last August was to have it at 60fps. You can still have 60fps on PC(Note, never try a 3 on 3 match on the PS3 Version... but it runs perfectly on the PS4 version at 60fps even with all the shit going on!)
Look, just don't be so inconsiderate of croten's feelings on his baby.
If I were you, I'd apologize.
I had a moment where I thought you had actually made a T.T emoticon, and my mind was about to explode till I did a double take.
SNES is dabes
There's a screenshot out there somewhere of him with a set of Feyris from Steins;Gate and him saying ":3"
Made a purchase
Sorry but that is actually false. The PS4/XBONE is locked at 30, even if the goal still during last August was to have it at 60fps. You can still have 60fps on PC
Like those chodes who can't tell the difference between Solid Snake and Big Boss.
Made a purchase
That game comes out next month in Europe, I'd be so salt if I was a Kirby fan.
Team Ninja is not Ninja Theory.
I thought they made NG3?When's Ninja Theory making NgS: Ninja gaiden Sigma?
I will hunt down that screenshot until my final breath or until I go to bed.
Yup, definitely until I go to bed.
I thought they made NG3?
His time has come. I've already seen someone make "Super Popo".his time is coming yo
edit: i'd buy xenoverse on PC just to make Rage if it was cheaper...
I feel you. Man-period is never the best thing to go through. What I tell myself is that it'll work out sooner or later and that being mopey isn't what I want to be in life.I think I had a bad day today. I woke up at British 6am (4 hours ago) and just felt shit. Got really panicky about life and shit. Took me a few hours to get out of bed. Tried to play MH while listening to a radio program, I managed to do that but lost all motivation to do anything afterwards. I crawled out of bed and came to my laptop and mused at shit. I managed to get honey on my bed sheets (I MEAN HONEY, LIKE ACTUAL HONEY), I remembered why I don't eat food in bed. I've done nothing of value today. I haven't even procrastinatedproperly, I've just done by playing vidcons and watching chinese cartoons
I'm like 20 in less than a month. I haven't looked my own age since I was 16 started getting the facial fungus. I don't know. I think I'm having an existential crisis.
I would be salt... but eh... I can't muster the salt.
I think I had a bad day today. I woke up at British 6am (4 hours ago) and just felt shit. Got really panicky about life and shit. Took me a few hours to get out of bed. Tried to play MH while listening to a radio program, I managed to do that but lost all motivation to do anything afterwards. I crawled out of bed and came to my laptop and mused at shit. I managed to get honey on my bed sheets (I MEAN HONEY, LIKE ACTUAL HONEY), I remembered why I don't eat food in bed. I've done nothing of value today. I haven't even procrastinatedproperly, I've just done by playing vidcons and watching chinese cartoons
I'm like 20 in less than a month. I haven't looked my own age since I was 16 started getting the facial fungus. I don't know. I think I'm having an existential crisis.
When his baby comes out BLACK and or brown, we'll see just how legit that baby is.
I'm sorry croten.Sorry you're gonna drop a deuce!
It was a wild night
Good thing I was only going to look for it before going to bed.I'm pretty sure it only exists in screenshot form as the forum it was on is gone, and I doubt the person who had it has it anymore sadly.
What worries me most is that they wouldn't get the jiggle physics right.You're right, I keep screwing them up.
Ninja Team Theory needs to get started on DoA: Dead Or Alive.
Stickerbrush is ridiculous. This instrumental cover kills it so hard.It's just one of those days. Don't try to force anything and relax to some music
Stickerbrush is ridiculous. This instrumental cover kills it so hard.