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Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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Apparently Matt and Pat got a shout out in the special thanks segment of the credits of Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

No I don't have a screenshot



I've been using the charge blade and enjoying it, it's not too fast and not too slow but the power is low, I'm only at the second village kinda place but I only have access to two of them and almost every other weapon has 4 or more + upgrades as well, I'm assuming this'll change when I get further in, I'll just be patient

I did just have a go with the switch axe and that's a lot of fun too
Oh, I'll make sure there's plenty of Xenoverse chat in the future. Will buy the PC version day 1 (first 50+€ game purchase in 2.5 years) if it's not a garbage port.

Oh god please don't let this happen.

Hunter Rank, it means I'm still on the beginning set of quests for online

Where do I check that? All I know is that I'm in the next town or village or w/e and am farming something called a Tetsucabra or whatever.
Online is separated by ranks you get when you beat certain missions. He's on the first.

Watch the ProJared Guide to MH when you've got time, seriously. Makes everything make more sense.

I did. They gave me a rough understanding but I'm more of a learn by doing type of person. A guide can only do so much.
I did. They gave me a rough understanding but I'm more of a learn by doing type of person. A guide can only do so much.
Alright. Just makin sure. Most of it seems more complex than it really is, I think. It's mostly "make stuff, take mission, hit monster till it dies, carve it, repeat".


Oh god please don't let this happen.

Where do I check that? All I know is that I'm in the next town or village or w/e and am farming something called a Tetsucabra or whatever.

If you go to the guild hall in the first village you can access a different set of quests unrelated to the single player, each set of quests are grouped by your HR.
Go play KoF XIII and get back to me on that

Even if I had a playable frame rate on my laptop, that's ridiculous..
Yeah, it's flawed in certain ways, but it can be quite enjoyable. A certain fight scene somewhere in the middle-end of the movie is fucking nuts. Highly predictable, but just go with it and have fun.It's uh...different, but I quite liked it.
Is it the one in
the church?
I really liked it a lot since I was watching it just for the dumb fun of a spy movie, even though there was very few scenes where they act like actual spies
I have practically no idea how to play this game competitively at the moment and no idea how to play Milia. I only vaguely know some of her moves, can barely combo and so far I've just been throwing shit out in the hopes that it'll work. I don't mind playing, but don't expect ANY challenge whatsoever.
Yeah, I've noticed! It's really difficult so far. Going from Arena/Ultimax to this is absurdly difficult.
Haha, I know right? I couldn't believe it when I started dropping simple stuff like that.

I tend to fuck that input it in most games, I almost never get it off in Xrd

I whiff standing O trying to do Dragon Install pretty often.

Every time I try to get off Millia's Tandem Top super in a match I just completely fuck it up. Its so damn hard.

Go play KoF XIII and get back to me on that

I've struggled more with Xrd honestly.


there is a lot of stuff in it. You are playing Millia right? let us know when you want to play, I'm curious as to how the netcode holds up cross continent. I played someone from Japan earlier and it seemed fine.

I'm going to go ahead and say the netcode is solid, seeing as I've only played with the guys in this thread mostly being from the US and I'm in the UK, that and I think I remember Max saying in his videos how good it was too
Ok let's do it. Be gentle, I've maybe played he game for 45 minutes max. The other 45 minutes was me looking at the sick finisher moves.

Ok sure, Anyone else want to jump in? The lobby is in 02 North America 1 District 2A #32

I'm going to go ahead and say the netcode is solid, seeing as I've only played with the guys in this thread mostly being from the US and I'm in the UK, that and I think I remember Max saying in his videos how good it was too

It has been great for me so far, level 0 connections are usually fine except for when i play Zed. It does feel like Ultimaxs netcode is better
I went through the tutorial, but it's somewhat overwhelming. I know you have multiple roman cancels among other things, but I've kind of forgotten what a couple of them were.
Also difficulty in executing combos at the moment, but then again I've only started playing an hour ago, so maybe that's it. Feels strict.

You don't need to know every mechanic right off the bat. Just start off with the basics and work your way up.
Yeah, I've noticed! It's really difficult so far. Going from Arena/Ultimax to this is absurdly difficult.

That's because Ultimax is extremely easy input-wise. It's all quarter circles and half second charging. You also have a 2 button reversal move.
Mara protip, just think of cancels in this order: Yellow>Red>Purple. Yellow is just after you throw it out, red is when it connects, and purple is after it whiffs. Yellow is 1/4 of your bar and the rest are half. Purple might also take your burst? but I mmight just be crazy on that part.
That's because Ultimax is extremely easy input-wise. It's all quarter circles and half second charging. You also have a 2 button reversal move.
Not even half circles or DPs?
No judging here.

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