Im not saying it wasnt hype, it was pretty cool, but it was still really edgy.
I guess. It's edgy compared to the rest of what's gone on so far, but I didn't necessarily find it that edge. The hype kind of overshadowed it for me and I felt he had a justification for the edge at least.
I don't have a preference. You guys are free to call me whatever you wish.
Sorry to accidentally bring attention to that if you didn't want it. Also yeah, you should give Gurren a chance some time.
Reposting my edit from before, but man, I can't get over the slight buzz/white noise I hear in background of this podcast. Maybe it's in other episodes due to the mono conversion, but I don't know. Woolie also sounds like he's a little far away from the mic, so it sounds super strange and lower quality.
Also I guess Woolie forgot to talk about the cop beatdowns with Kinect last week, so he put it on the docket again.