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Super Best Friends Thread 14: Sacrifice your life for more posts in the thread

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So I listened to the latest podcast and they really have to reign Pat in with his constant interrupting and talking over people. He was even doing it to their special guest. At least Guy Cihi knew to just power through and keep talking. Liam usually just ends up stopping when Pat butts in to finish a sentence or something.

I thought he actually didn't interrupt Guy that much during the interview. The few interjections were good interjections to me at least. I think the only weird part was when Pat said skinner box in relation to Guy Cihi plugging his company's new software. Skinner Box isn't an inherently bad thing, but it did sort of put Guy on edge since it sounds bad. Although then he had to leave to take his daughter to school so who knows where that would of gone.

I think Pat does interject a lot during the regular podcast, but that's usually just because he has very strong opinions about a lot of things. Everyone usually gets their turn and people know to continue their sentence even after Pat is done yelling about something. Pat seems to know when to let people finish talking sometimes at least. He's had to stop himself a few times from continuing a sentence to let other people speak in some previous podcasts. At least I remember an example from last week where he wanted to talk about Milo being fake garbage, but he let the others talk for a moment then proceeded to trash it.

Pat could probably work on not needing to get his thoughts out immediately when people say a thing, but I think he does pretty well. It's enough that I don't really notice it or I've just grown accustomed to the formula at least.

It's fine. Pat was really excited since he loves Silent Hill 2. He tried to reign it in, and didn't do it well.

Well, that's just untrue. He did extremely well. Even Woolie commented on it at the end by saying Pat was a big fan and was taping up his boner super hard.


Well, that's just untrue. He did extremely well. Even Woolie commented on it at the end by saying Pat was a big fan and was taping up his boner super hard.
He did a decent job, sometimes some of his interjections were bursting at the seams and kinda over powered the other guys of two best guys.


He did a decent job, sometimes some of his interjections were bursting at the seams and kinda over powered the other guys of two best guys.

I've listened to the interview about 3 times and I guess I'll have to listen to it again to keep out for this. Still, I disagree. Pat was the major driver of the interview since he knows the most about Guy Cihi, his endeavors, and SH2. It's not surprising that he was the biggest speaker of the bunch. I don't think Woolie and Liam have even finished/played the game and I doubt they're into the things surrounding SH as much as Pat. Matt got some talking time in since he knows a little bit more about SH and I thought it all flowed pretty well even if Pat was the major speaker of the best friends side.


I've listened to the interview about 3 times and I guess I'll have to listen to it again to keep out for this. Still, I disagree. Pat was the major driver of the interview since he knows the most about Guy Cihi, his endeavors, and SH2. It's not surprising that he was the biggest speaker of the bunch. I don't think Woolie and Liam have even finished/played the game and I doubt they're into the things surrounding SH as much as Pat. Matt got some talking time in since he knows a little bit more about SH and I thought it all flowed pretty well even if Pat was the major speaker of the best friends side.
I agree with Pat being the best person to be talking to Guy due to his love and knowledge for SH2 being the girthiest of all the best friends. It wasn't too bad, since most of the time it was Guy talking. He's well spoken, and has a very different opinion on things like video games.
Yeah, I know I gotta cut down on cutting people off, but accusing me of doing so with Guy is absurd. There was one moment near the end where I ended up talking over him for maybe 2 seconds, and the rest are the kinds of interjections you need to do to people like myself and guy because we can talk for nearly 5-10 minutes totally uninterrupted without gaps if you let us. I also thought I've been getting better, in general, over time, at quieting down and passing stuff off to say, Liam.


Yeah, I know I gotta cut down on cutting people off, but accusing me of doing so with Guy is absurd. There was one moment near the end where I ended up talking over him for maybe 2 seconds, and the rest are the kinds of interjections you need to do to people like myself and guy because we can talk for nearly 5-10 minutes totally uninterrupted without gaps if you let us. I also thought I've been getting better, in general, over time, at quieting down and passing stuff off to say, Liam.

Honestly, I felt like Guy was talking over you guys sometimes and not the other way around.


Yeah, I know I gotta cut down on cutting people off, but accusing me of doing so with Guy is absurd. There was one moment near the end where I ended up talking over him for maybe 2 seconds, and the rest are the kinds of interjections you need to do to people like myself and guy because we can talk for nearly 5-10 minutes totally uninterrupted without gaps if you let us. I also thought I've been getting better, in general, over time, at quieting down and passing stuff off to say, Liam.
Perhaps it just seemed that way, when it was really just some interjections to help steer the conversation or add some comments to the conversation.
though i think it wouldve been better if it had ended with the fight against Valentine.


Yeah, I know I gotta cut down on cutting people off, but accusing me of doing so with Guy is absurd. There was one moment near the end where I ended up talking over him for maybe 2 seconds, and the rest are the kinds of interjections you need to do to people like myself and guy because we can talk for nearly 5-10 minutes totally uninterrupted without gaps if you let us. I also thought I've been getting better, in general, over time, at quieting down and passing stuff off to say, Liam.

Sounds about right. The only moments I remember of you hard interjecting him were the skinner box, gamification, and when Guy assumed consoles were dying. You also did pretty well this week with having the very civil discussion with Liam and The Order. You could improve probably, but you're doing pretty well for the moment. Hell, you guys patted yourselves on the back after The Order talk and then again after the interview. Even you usually self deprecating guys had a little bit of pride over it.

Honestly, I felt like Guy was talking over you guys sometimes and not the other way around.

I did get this feeling at times, but it's an interview so I get it. I'm not surprised when Guy goes on to talk the longest since it's a focused thing on him. I was surprised how long he could talk though. He had a lot of things to say which I didn't necessarily expect.
You got to win one before saying that lol.
But seriously, sorry for the drops. I think I need a new usb cord, it kept saying it was disconnecting.

Kinda hard to win when every match where I was close started "dropping." :p

But really, its fine. We got a good amount of matches in at least and I got decent practice.
Kinda hard to win when every match where I was close started "dropping." :p

But really, its fine. We got a good amount of matches in at least and I got decent practice.

I think that might be in your imagination, Skla... but still there's no excuse for dropping.
Rest assured I'll fix my shit before subjecting anyone else to that crap.
Speaking of Jojo, man is part 3-2 better than part 3-1 so far. To tell the truth, I was getting super bored with Stardust towards the end of the first season. Just seemed they were facing the same villain with different powers over and over again.
But part 3-2... is kinda on that same path, but it's a lot funnier to make up for it and it's really making it more entertaining.


I feel in general that all the guys in the podcast have improved in not interrupting each other as I recall earlier podcasts where everyone is literally yelling there opinions. Although it still happens from time to time I can tell when one or more of them realizes they gotta be quiet and let the other person finish.

In a way though, I don't mind the interjecting as much as it adds to the group dynamic and I would rather have someone be corrected for something that there factually wrong about instead of them rambling on assuming that what they said is right. That being said though, I feel alot of the times Matt usually keeps to himself as Pat and Liam are usually the ones voicing there opinions with Woolie being somewhat of the middle man. Although Matt is usually the guy with the goofy commentary he does bring up some pretty valid points which a lot of the other guys agree with.
Yeah, I know I gotta cut down on cutting people off, but accusing me of doing so with Guy is absurd. There was one moment near the end where I ended up talking over him for maybe 2 seconds, and the rest are the kinds of interjections you need to do to people like myself and guy because we can talk for nearly 5-10 minutes totally uninterrupted without gaps if you let us. I also thought I've been getting better, in general, over time, at quieting down and passing stuff off to say, Liam.

Honestly, he did tend to ramble a bit. I'd say if anything, you might have been too lenient in keeping him on point.
I bet what it is, is this podcast you got a lot of people who were fans of him but not fans of you guys, listening in. And they were just overreacting on his account.
I wouldn't worry about it.


All right, maybe I'm just really blind and don't totally have 20/20 vision like Woolie, but how the fuck do I create folders on the PS4?! I just have a column of random shit rather than an organized one.
Unless I'm dumb, folders aren't a thing yet. Yes, that is as insane as that sounds.

I feel in general that all the guys in the podcast have improved in not interrupting each other as I recall earlier podcasts where everyone is literally yelling there opinions. Although it still happens from time to time I can tell when one or more of them realizes they gotta be quiet and let the other person finish.

In a way though, I don't mind the interjecting as much as it adds to the group dynamic and I would rather have someone be corrected for something that there factually wrong about instead of them rambling on assuming that what they said is right. That being said though, I feel alot of the times Matt usually keeps to himself as Pat and Liam are usually the ones voicing there opinions with Woolie being somewhat of the middle man. Although Matt is usually the guy with the goofy commentary he does bring up some pretty valid points which a lot of the other guys agree with.

I'd have to listen to some old podcasts to remember the feel. I think the way they are now works as it makes it feel livelier than other conversations. That's kind of why Skype podcasts aren't a thing people like to do. It's harder to discern when to interrupt and when not to. This leads to a lot of awkward pauses and people making EH or ER noises since they want to interrupt, but stop themselves.


Only 2k more until Strength of the Sword hits the Dark Gods stretch goal


Alright, just finished Life Is Strange Eps 1.

I really enjoyed it, seems like somebody finally got that adventure game cinematic story shit right for once.

Max seems to suffer from the same thing James Sunderland VO suffered from, while everybody elses VO seems to fit in with the world rather well, Max has a tendency to sound very wooden and detached.


Wow, that is fucking absurd. It's been over a year! They're just fucking folders, how hard would it be to add such a feature?I've been looking around a bit. No luck finding it yet.

Hard when you're making all those stability updates I guess. Folders took a little bit to get implemented into the Vita too I think. There's no way to organize it really. It's just your most recent things and then the entire catalog at the very end. It's not great.


Ah well, at least it's infinitely faster than its PS3 counterpart.

I like the folders on the PS3 the most since they have no dumb restrictions on the amount of games that can be put in them, but yeah, too bad the PS3 OS is slow as hell.

Also flying monsters are really annoying to fight.

I assume you're referring to the Seltas. It's not great. The monsters with a lot of mobile options become really annoying to fight. It's also worse when I want to jumping attack them.
Yo semisonic if you here, I wanna thank you for letting me know about the Okami official complete works artbook. It's making my final major art project research so much more easier.

Edit: Quote from the book on Issun's design: "Initially, we had given him a rather comical face, but Kamiya begged us to "make him handsome!""


Life is really giving me a hard time to not be lazy. I didn't go to kendo training for almost 2 weeks, because I was busy last week, and I got sick this week. I am still a bit sick, and it doesn't help that I need like an hours worth of travel to go there.
and my mother doesn't help me either, since she practicaly encourage me to stop


Life is really giving me a hard time to not be lazy. I didn't go to kendo training for almost 2 weeks, because I was busy last week, and I got sick this week. I am still a bit sick, and it doesn't help that I need like an hours worth of travel to go there.
and my mother doesn't help me either, since she practicaly encourage me to stop
It's easy to be lazy, and hard to actually do things since one requires effort.

What an amazing mother.


It's easy to be lazy, and hard to actually do things since one requires effort.

What an amazing mother.

She didn't tell me stop having hobbies. She says that it would have been better if I had chosen an activity that was closer by, since I have to spent so much on train tickets.


That detail would've made her decision make more sense. So why kendo?

Lasr year, I was looking for a hobby
First of all, I don't like sports with teams, which narrowed downd the choices pretty well.
I looked for different things, but nothing interested me much
I founf out that there was a fencing club not too far away, so I looked up kendo aswell, and there was a dojo but not so close. Since you try out kendo for like a month to see if you like it, I went there to actually know how it is. And I loved it, you have a sword, wear an armor, you scream every of your attack, there's parying, and you feel like a real samurai.
It doesn't help that I am kind of a weeb and played persona 3 not that long ago

So that's why I choose Kendo
Lasr year, I was looking for a hobby
First of all, I don't like sports with teams, which narrowed downd the choices pretty well.
I looked for different things, but nothing interested me much
I founf out that there was a fencing club not too far away, so I looked up kendo aswell, and there was a dojo but not so close. Since you try out kendo for like a month to see if you like it, I went there to actually know how it is. And I loved it, you have a sword, wear an armor, you scream every of your attack, there's parying, and you feel like a real samurai.
It doesn't help that I am kind of a weeb and played persona 3 not that long ago

So that's why I choose Kendo

Fencing is more fun then Kendo imo, the kitana is actually one of the shittiest weapons in all of history..the rapier is not.


Lasr year, I was looking for a hobby
First of all, I don't like sports with teams, which narrowed downd the choices pretty well.
I looked for different things, but nothing interested me much
I founf out that there was a fencing club not too far away, so I looked up kendo aswell, and there was a dojo but not so close. Since you try out kendo for like a month to see if you like it, I went there to actually know how it is. And I loved it, you have a sword, wear an armor, you scream every of your attack, there's parying, and you feel like a real samurai.
It doesn't help that I am kind of a weeb and played persona 3 not that long ago

So that's why I choose Kendo
Hmm.. Okay,
The decision makes sense
for a weeb.
Lasr year, I was looking for a hobby
First of all, I don't like sports with teams, which narrowed downd the choices pretty well.
I looked for different things, but nothing interested me much
I founf out that there was a fencing club not too far away, so I looked up kendo aswell, and there was a dojo but not so close. Since you try out kendo for like a month to see if you like it, I went there to actually know how it is. And I loved it, you have a sword, wear an armor, you scream every of your attack, there's parying, and you feel like a real samurai.
It doesn't help that I am kind of a weeb and played persona 3 not that long ago

So that's why I choose Kendo

I tried Kendo once. It wasn't for me


Late Reply
So I listened to the latest podcast and they really have to reign Pat in with his constant interrupting and talking over people. He was even doing it to their special guest. At least Guy Cihi knew to just power through and keep talking. Liam usually just ends up stopping when Pat butts in to finish a sentence or something.
I think Pat is doing a good job of not interrupting people and Liam and Woolie are doing a good of not being interrupted, but Matt gets sandbag constantly during podcasts. And it's not just by Pat. A lot of the time Matt tries to say something, but one of the other guys start a different conversation. Matt tries to keep talking, but then it turns into people talking over each other so Matt gives up and waits the conversation out.


don't judge me like that ;__;
Too late.
Late Reply

I think Pat is doing a good job of not interrupting people and Liam and Woolie are doing a good of not being interrupted, but Matt gets sandbag constantly during podcasts. And it's not just by Pat. A lot of the time Matt tries to say something, but one of the other guys start a different conversation. Matt tries to keep talking, but then it turns into people talking over each other so Matt gives up and waits the conversation out.
It's not just Matt, but yeah, it happens a lot to Matt. There's also times when three or two of them go on about a subject they care about, while the other(s) just sit and listen while trying to find a time to interject/comment.

Edit: shameful dp.
Well thank god that we don't use mortal kombat characters then
I don't know about that second statement tho

don't judge me like that ;__;

Look it up, a rapier was made for hitting between plate armor, a kitana can't cut through bone, let alone through plate.


Well thank god that we don't use mortal kombat characters then
I don't know about that second statement tho

Katanas are fairly brittle is my understanding. Trying to chop someone up as if you're using a heavy melee weapon like a broadsword would only break it, rather katanas are swung as if they they're throwing out a fishing lure so the slacked grip would absorb the force of striking something and not break.


Late Reply

I think Pat is doing a good job of not interrupting people and Liam and Woolie are doing a good of not being interrupted, but Matt gets sandbag constantly during podcasts. And it's not just by Pat. A lot of the time Matt tries to say something, but one of the other guys start a different conversation. Matt tries to keep talking, but then it turns into people talking over each other so Matt gives up and waits the conversation out.

Podcast excerpt from SBFC 78

Woolie: "I'm halfway through the first season,"
Matt: "'Cause I remember-"
Woolie: "of Hajime no Ippo,"
Matt: "I remember in a podcast-"
Woolie: "so everybody SHUT THE FUCK UP"
Matt: "I remember-"
Matt: "I remem-"

Fencing is more fun then Kendo imo, the kitana is actually one of the shittiest weapons in all of history..the rapier is not.

Poking people will never be as cool as swords.
Podcast excerpt from SBFC 78

Woolie: "I'm halfway through the first season,"
Matt: "'Cause I remember-"
Woolie: "of Hajime no Ippo,"
Matt: "I remember in a podcast-"
Woolie: "so everybody SHUT THE FUCK UP"
Matt: "I remember-"
Matt: "I remem-"

Poking people will never be as cool as swords.

You sure about that? I always thought the idea of piercing someones heart in one shot instead of wasting the energy of doing a slashing motion is more efficient and cool.
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