Do you like Monster Hunter so far?
Be sad we don't get PSO2.
Its pretty good.
The way it plays is really fascinating, I would almost compare the combat to Kingdom Hearts in a way but it's not as floaty, it's clunkier than that, and it's not really slow or precise enough to be compared to Dark Souls but it's that sort of freedom in battle.
Basically you have hubs areas and quests/missions take you to instanced but pretty large linear areas to explore together, I guess it works a bit like Monster Hunter from what I've seen.
Yeah, I think I got an idea of what its like. Oh well, its a shame it isn't coming.
Well of course they're amazing designs? Skullgirls is literally the best western fighting game ever released and one of the highest tier japanese fighting games released ever? It is objectively better in design then scores of games. Doesn't mean that Annie and Umbrella aren't cuter then some big dumb robot or the generic-est Pharaoh lady that Alex Ahad clearly traced from a library textbook about Pharaohs.
Just play the english patch, they recently dropped the IP block and my money is really with Pat on that game.
Eh, I could honestly care less if the designs are "cute" or not in a fighting game.
And I wish I had time to play more games, but college and work barely let me put any hours into games, especially with me having an exam tonight and a project due tomorrow.