Feel free to ignore Freedom Wars talk
So when I was playing it earlier I was like "Wait why's it making me make my character again? I have more options for some stuff and less for others? Okay" So basically I ended up making myself look lame and my Accessory look cooler than me by accident. This made me realize later when people were talking about MH cats in the chat that sidekicks in hunting games are a thing? I had no idea about that. Anyways later I was like "I suck at character creation but since I have save slots for appearances, lets make a girl I can switch to." So I did, I made her tall and cool and womanly and shit, then since I had put effort into that I figured I might as well try to fix my lame looking dude. So since I'm uncreative I just made his clothes Holy Order Sol themed. The penalties for dumb shit made me laugh a few times too. I'm enjoying the very short piece of it I've played.
Anyways hi guys