Oh wait, it's not Abyss. Still cool, though.
Shadow Tower as a whole is still way cooler than King's Field anyway.
Things I won't watch/read/play because of this thread's pushing.
Love Live
Monster Hunter 4
Prison School
Anime Fighters that are not Guilty Gear
Hate me more.
I'm taking back a much earlier statement. The Last of Us LP isn't as bad as I thought it was at first. The last parts and especially the final episode is good, mostly due to Pat. It's not my favorite LP for sure, those titles belong to Barkley, Rising and Deadly Pee, but it's not bad.
Pat top tier friend confirmed.
does anybody who ever plans on watching the last naruto movie want me to write a summary of what happens? or does no one care?
does anybody who ever plans on watching the last naruto movie want me to write a summary of what happens? or does no one care?
does anybody who ever plans on watching the last naruto movie want me to write a summary of what happens? or does no one care?
Oh wait, it's not Abyss. Still cool, though.
Shadow Tower as a whole is still way cooler than King's Field anyway.
Not the best from game though.
Alright. I'll free up my schedule for it.Oh yeah, speaking of Shadow Tower, change of plans on the stream for Abyss. Gonna be tomorrow evening instead of tonight just because I'm still recovering from my cold, plus I've got some bit of work that needs to be done at the moment.
Damn. What a rebel you are.
I'm taking back a much earlier statement. The Last of Us LP isn't as bad as I thought it was at first. The last parts and especially the final episode is good, mostly due to Pat. It's not my favorite LP for sure, those titles belong to Barkley, Rising and Deadly Pee, but it's not bad.
Pat top tier friend confirmed.
Only Neo-Amerika can handle it.
He will kill the Vice President.
So American.
Everyone says its the best aside from almost no one even playing it. I mean, it's amazing, but come on.Not the best from game though.
That's because Armstrong is amazing.
Another thing that I fucking hate is when people are their nicest to you only when they want something. For example, me and my mother's usual interaction is barely talking and letting the other do their thing. Except when she wants to shit talk my idiot father, or asks "Hey Tim, can I borrow some money?", or when she doesn't ask she says "Hey Tim, I borrowed some money, but i'll totally pay you back." which doesn't usually happen, but my favorite is "Hey Tim, could you pee in this cup for me, please?". If I do it, she gives a small thank you and goes back to her usual self. If I don't, she goes "Why not? Don't be an ingrate." and pouts like a fucking child for the rest of the day.
Another thing that I fucking hate is when people are their nicest to you only when they want something. For example, me and my mother's usual interaction is barely talking and letting the other do their thing. Except when she wants to shit talk my idiot father, or asks "Hey Tim, can I borrow some money?", or when she doesn't ask she says "Hey Tim, I borrowed some money, but i'll totally pay you back." which doesn't usually happen, but my favorite is "Hey Tim, could you pee in this cup for me, please?". If I do it, she gives a small thank you and goes back to her usual self. If I don't, she goes "Why not? Don't be an ingrate." and pouts like a fucking child for the rest of the day.
Another thing that I fucking hate is when people are their nicest to you only when they want something. For example, me and my mother's usual interaction is barely talking and letting the other do their thing. Except when she wants to shit talk my idiot father, or asks "Hey Tim, can I borrow some money?", or when she doesn't ask she says "Hey Tim, I borrowed some money, but i'll totally pay you back." which doesn't usually happen, but my favorite is "Hey Tim, could you pee in this cup for me, please?". If I do it, she gives a small thank you and goes back to her usual self. If I don't, she goes "Why not? Don't be an ingrate." and pouts like a fucking child for the rest of the day.
Another thing that I fucking hate is when people are their nicest to you only when they want something. For example, me and my mother's usual interaction is barely talking and letting the other do their thing. Except when she wants to shit talk my idiot father, or asks "Hey Tim, can I borrow some money?", or when she doesn't ask she says "Hey Tim, I borrowed some money, but i'll totally pay you back." which doesn't usually happen, but my favorite is "Hey Tim, could you pee in this cup for me, please?". If I do it, she gives a small thank you and goes back to her usual self. If I don't, she goes "Why not? Don't be an ingrate." and pouts like a fucking child for the rest of the day.
... why does she want your pee?
... why does she want your pee?
Judging from some of the things Chet Rippo has posted I think the K-on girls have been getting the same juice as Jotaro.Well, Jotaro (?) is on those super steroids.
... why does she want your pee?
Judging from some of the things Chet Rippo has posted I think the K-on girls have been getting the same juice as Jotaro.
She and my father had trouble with the law over the past few years, and occasionally she has to go to a meeting that checks her urine for drugs and alcohol. Her best friend is a weed dealer, and she buys from her rather often. So when a meeting comes up, she doesn't want to get caught, so she comes running to me.... why does she want your pee?
Judging from some of the things Chet Rippo has posted I think the K-on girls have been getting the same juice as Jotaro.
Drug tests I'd assume.
Drug testing, probably.
Drug test?
Probably to pass a drug family members ask me all the time..$25 a cup.
She and my father had trouble with the law over the past few years, and occasionally she has to go to a meeting that checks her urine for drugs and alcohol. Her best friend is a weed dealer, and she buys from her rather often. So when a meeting comes up, she doesn't want to get caught, so she comes running to me.
She and my father had trouble with the law over the past few years, and occasionally she has to go to a meeting that checks her urine for drugs and alcohol. Her best friend is a weed dealer, and she buys from her rather often. So when a meeting comes up, she doesn't want to get caught, so she comes running to me.
Oh, that never really occurred to me.
She and my father had trouble with the law over the past few years, and occasionally she has to go to a meeting that checks her urine for drugs and alcohol. Her best friend is a weed dealer, and she buys from her rather often. So when a meeting comes up, she doesn't want to get caught, so she comes running to me.
Good luck man, it's just a little while longer now.She and my father had trouble with the law over the past few years, and occasionally she has to go to a meeting that checks her urine for drugs and alcohol. Her best friend is a weed dealer, and she buys from her rather often. So when a meeting comes up, she doesn't want to get caught, so she comes running to me.
Do you have any other relatives you could stay with?She and my father had trouble with the law over the past few years, and occasionally she has to go to a meeting that checks her urine for drugs and alcohol. Her best friend is a weed dealer, and she buys from her rather often. So when a meeting comes up, she doesn't want to get caught, so she comes running to me.
That's my plan. I'm never looking back once I get out of here. It's getting closer and closer to that time. I can't state enough how much i'm looking forward to it.That's rough. That is a toxic situation, and the faster you get out of there, the best.
Like I said, never look back when you get out.
That's my plan. I'm never looking back once I get out of here. It's getting closer and closer to that time. I can't state enough how much i'm looking forward to it.
Jesus christ, that JoJo episode.
Things I won't watch/read/play because of this thread's pushing.
Love Live
Monster Hunter 4
Prison School
Anime Fighters that are not Guilty Gear
Hate me more.
I'm taking back a much earlier statement. The Last of Us LP isn't as bad as I thought it was at first. The last parts and especially the final episode is good, mostly due to Pat. It's not my favorite LP for sure, those titles belong to Barkley, Rising and Deadly Pee, but it's not bad.
Pat top tier friend confirmed.
I liked the Rising LP a lot, but it's hard to enjoy it now since I know all of their reactions were fake. They've said that after the first recording they both went home and beat the game, so it's a little lame they put on fake reactions and airs for the LP.
Well best of luck to you, and keep doing what you need to do to make your life better.Another thing that I fucking hate is when people are their nicest to you only when they want something. For example, me and my mother's usual interaction is barely talking and letting the other do their thing. Except when she wants to shit talk my idiot father, or asks "Hey Tim, can I borrow some money?", or when she doesn't ask she says "Hey Tim, I borrowed some money, but i'll totally pay you back." which doesn't usually happen, but my favorite is "Hey Tim, could you pee in this cup for me, please?". If I do it, she gives a small thank you and goes back to her usual self. If I don't, she goes "Why not? Don't be an ingrate." and pouts like a fucking child for the rest of the day.
Yeah, it sure was something. The bath scene was a bit much.Jesus christ, that JoJo episode.