I'm wicked nervous about showing off my senior project at this Pre-Pax Event in a few hours.
That's even worse. And beerus? That that anubis lookin dude?No, Beerus just takes it and shrugs it off more or less.
I'm wicked nervous about showing off my senior project at this Pre-Pax Event in a few hours.
That's even worse. And beerus? That that anubis lookin dude?
I wish Shonens had more rival fights. Shonens focus more on building up a villain than they do a good rival which is sometimes sad. I think Ippo is probably the only show that really successfully accomplishes both, assuming you don't think Miyata is the rival.
More times than not, 'blank' rebirth would sound hype as hell. Just imagine something like giga drill breaker rebirth.The name of it was really hype, although it wasn't hype in the movie.
Kamehameha Rebirth just sounds hype as fuck.
I wish Shonens had more rival fights. Shonens focus more on building up a villain than they do a good rival which is sometimes sad. I think Ippo is probably the only show that really successfully accomplishes both, assuming you don't think Miyata is the rival.
More times than not, 'blank' rebirth would sound hype as hell. Just imagine something like giga drill breaker rebirth.
Lucky you showing stuff off at Pax!
I'd rather see final flash rebirth, but that'd be awesome too.Oh god...
Big Bang Attack Rebirth..that needs to happen.
I'd rather see final flash rebirth, but that'd be awesome too.
Damn, my once a week speech class got cancelled twice, now. Not sure how that's gonna work.
Sendo is amazing but I prefer VolgSendo is the coolest.
Yo, that sounds awesome. I need to see that.Temporary forms are lame, the one I really liked though was in that one movie where Goku generates a Spirit bomb and instead of throwing it, absorbs it into himself and explodes the villain with an epic rage fueled spirit bomb filled punch.
What I love about Viral is that he's the rival to two characters. When you first meet him he basically kicks everyone's ass and it takes both Kamina and Simon to beat him but by episode 8 you can see Kamina fending him off with just Gurren and later Simon ends up beating him using one hand.
That's some Silent Hill amibiance bullshit.
That's some Silent Hill amibiance bullshit.
Damn, my once a week speech class got cancelled twice, now. Not sure how that's gonna work.
Sendo is the coolest.
Sendo is amazing, but Ippo's best fight in the anime so far was in Rising.
Im currently reading through the manga and at the Mashiba vs Sawamura Fight. Its so good.
That's fair. Fate/Zero's last fightI liked him as a rival initially, but I enjoy the Vergil-esque rivals more where they're usually the end goal more than just a reappearing enemy. Kind of likein Fate/Zero, L in Death Note and Char in Original Gundam.Kirei
best grilThat's fair. Fate/Zero's last fightis amazing. Time Accel dabes
Insert overdone complaint aboutDeath Notewhat happens to L in
I really need to watch gril
Gilgamesh is pretty much just gril
I really need to watch this.
Gilgamesh is pretty much just Kintoki.
That's fair. Fate/Zero's last fightis amazing. Time Accel dabes
Insert overdone complaint aboutDeath Notewhat happens to L in
I'll get on that soon. I actually started it a while ago but then shit happened.Yes, yes you do. The whole show is on netflix, if you have that
Im currently reading through the manga and at the Mashiba vs Sawamura Fight. Its so good.
Gilgamesh is pretty much just Kintoki.
Jesus, things I've heard about these fight scenes were right, holy shit.You really do
Okay Xenoverse is also pretty funny.
During the Battle of the Gods arc, Trunk even said the fight started for the stupidest of reasons.
No I getcha. I love both, but I do think I have a preference for the latter if it's done well. Though, I mean Vergil/Dante'sWhen I mean end goal, I mean that they're your rival and the major threat. Viral was never the end goal for Team Gurren since that was the spiral king. Unlike Death Note and Fate/Zero where L and (by season 2 especially) Kirei, were the end goals for the main protagonists to overcome in their respective shows, without specifically being the actual villain and more of a rival they keep clashing with.
Those are the kind of rivals I prefer more, even though there's nothing wrong with your Virals and your Vorkkens.
Saiyans just fight to get fight boners anyways
the females are probably constantly horny
You really do
Saiyans just fight to get fight boners anyways
the females are probably constantly horny
Jesus, things I've heard about these fight scenes were right, holy shit.
but lets be honest
Gilgamesh would of wrecked Gintoki in every way possible
Kintoki was a punk ass bitch compared to him
I would be totally ok with buying these and not feel ripped off.Ironically, this is probably the most tame of the actual servant fight scenes. S2 especially has some insane moments and fights.
As much shit as I give Aniplex US for their prices, this is probably the only show where I can maybe see why its so expensive. Both seasons come with a show with production values as high as this, the full Yuki Kajura soundtrack, and possibly the greatest dub in anime history.
This is actually a luxury/collectors item, compared to them charging the same price for KLK or even Nisekoi, which is bs.
Saber is basically Agrias. That looks great.
Jesus, things I've heard about these fight scenes were right, holy shit.
That's tame? Holy hell.Ironically, this is probably the most tame of the actual servant fight scenes. S2 especially has some insane moments and fights.
As much shit as I give Aniplex US for their prices, this is probably the only show where I can maybe see why its so expensive. Both seasons come with a show with production values as high as this, the full Yuki Kajura soundtrack, and possibly the greatest dub in anime history.
This is actually a luxury/collectors item, compared to them charging the same price for KLK or even Nisekoi, which is bs.
Show's on Netflix and on Crunchyroll. Do the thing.That's tame? Holy hell.
Show's on Netflixand on Crunchyroll. Do the thing.