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Super Best Friends Thread 15: Two Guys Play


I bought it with my US account.

I was talking about other things like tv shows, books, manga, or whatever you might find interesting. What about steam? You could get stuff from humble bundles for cheap.

I actually got a hold of Saga, but i'm trying not to burn through it too fast. Honestly i would probably only take a couple days. I'm always looking for tv shows, but I haven't found anything too interesting. Hell, right now I'm watching Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Master. Its not horrible(and has some decent talent behind it) but its not quite good enough to get me to marathon it. There might be some humble bundle stuff worth checking out I guess... though I worry i've probably already seen most of it. what i really want is a multi-player game to play with people i know and really get into, but my friends are currently into maple story and i honestly believe that is the most horribly designed mmo ever and i just can't stand playing it. I'd love to play some monhun, xrd or w/e with people here, but i'm currently like 2 console generations behind at this point.
N3DS Gaffers.

The N3DS uses a micro SD card yeah?

What if I were to buy a large micro SD card and use it with an adapter on my current 3DS. Could I just slip it out and stick it into the N3DS if I ever bought it and not deal with system transfer? Is there a size limit I should be aware of?


I actually got a hold of Saga, but i'm trying not to burn through it too fast. Honestly i would probably only take a couple days. I'm always looking for tv shows, but I haven't found anything too interesting. Hell, right now I'm watching Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Master. Its not horrible(and has some decent talent behind it) but its not quite good enough to get me to marathon it. There might be some humble bundle stuff worth checking out I guess... though I worry i've probably already seen most of it. what i really want is a multi-player game to play with people i know and really get into, but my friends are currently into maple story and i honestly believe that is the most horribly designed mmo ever and i just can't stand playing it. I'd love to play some monhun, xrd or w/e with people here, but i'm currently like 2 console generations behind at this point.
There's some good stuff online you might like. What's wrong with single player content? Maple story isn't the worst, but it's not great. That's a shame. Well, just wait until you can finally play and we'd still be here, probably.
Well I hope it was worth it. It's funny
It totally was.. ;_;
The cute over weighed the hype. I quit it around the 4th episodes and read the episode notes.
you monster.
that's fine, I love the clash of story and art style
I don't think I'd like Nozomi. At all.
Tsundere girl is still winning for me.

Well there is still 7 girls in the main group you have yet to discover.
So no one wants to scrub it out in Xrd?
I want to mash the buttons.

I'll give it a shot, I want to play your Millia, I'm bad against rush downs.
N3DS Gaffers.

The N3DS uses a micro SD card yeah?

What if I were to buy a large micro SD card and use it with an adapter on my current 3DS. Could I just slip it out and stick it into the N3DS if I ever bought it and not deal with system transfer? Is there a size limit I should be aware of?

No cause you won't be able to transfer your Nintendo ID over with it which gives you the rights to play all your eshop games. Ya gotta system transfer
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