"So who is best persona girl? Yukkio? Get the fuck out of here with your shit tastes!"
You know me too well
You avatar makes me think of Caillou
Fuck that show. That kid is a little shit
"So who is best persona girl? Yukkio? Get the fuck out of here with your shit tastes!"
You avatar makes me think of Caillou
guys whats better shower or bath?
Cailou is a chumpYou avatar makes me think of Caillou
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=902945Talk about video games
guys whats better shower or bath?
...I want these now...
I've always enjoyed showers..never fancied the idea of sitting in your own filth water.guys whats better shower or bath?
Did you lose hours of progress?Well, I just had my first P3 death...fuck me, and my cockiness.
Shower cause it's faster.guys whats better shower or bath?
Shower, I don't want to soak in my own dirt sudsguys whats better shower or bath?
...is it Persona or Monster Hunter?
Yeah jazz and swing have an atmosphere and energy to it that feels really nice. It's really good homework music, but it can also work for good "dance" music.
I like a continuous stream of clean water to clean myself with, so shower.guys whats better shower or bath?
I'm glad neogaf thread quality is so high.http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=902945
Depends on what you mean by better. For speed and cleanliness shower wins. Baths can be nice and relaxing though.
Depends on what you mean by better. For speed and cleanliness shower wins. Baths can be nice and relaxing though.
Everyone wants to hunt monsters using Personas...
Fighting Gore Magala with Izanagi would be hype.
I've always enjoyed showers..never fancied the idea of sitting in your own filth water.
Seems redundant yes?
Forgive me if this is actually super popular and old news but I found a channel that has funky house/electric/disco stuff that samples anime and stuff a few weeks ago and you might be interested.
guys whats better shower or bath?
Oh it would be so hype.
Well another channel to subscribe too for a bit.
There is potential for cool shit to happen, but not in the first episode it Seems. The game also might just not be for me. Those teen girls don't say 'like' anywhere near enough. Breaks the immersion completely.I agree with Matt and Liam in the sense that it has potential and I'm interested, but there's definitely faults, everyone's joked about the dialogue so I probably don't even need to mention it but that's my #1 issue.
Well I just mean objectively. I prefer baths cause I dont like to stand up while im getting my self clean.
Did you lose hours of progress?
Well I just mean objectively. I prefer baths cause I dont like to stand up while im getting my self clean.
Well I just mean objectively. I prefer baths cause I dont like to stand up while im getting my self clean.
Hey I feel clean after a bath, and I smell clean after a bath. part of the reason i dont take showers is cause my bathrooms shower head is broken. plus again i dont like standing.Yeah. Swimming around in your own filth. Sounds really clean. If you don't want to stand then get something to sit on.
guys whats better shower or bath?
I killed that asshole yesterday. Fucking bleghhhhhhhh. Gravios with Greatsword hurts. I almost crafted gunner stuff.Fighting high-rank Gravios is like
Blasphemy...me either
I'm gonna go to bed now..I'm really drained from all of the bullshit from today..
Good night.
Woof, that got Necro bumped yesterday? I remember it from back when. Geez.
Man I forgot that was a thread. Never change GAF
Fighters are my MonHun basically..
Hey I feel clean after a bath, and I smell clean after a bath. part of the reason i dont take showers is cause my bathrooms shower head is broken. plus again i dont like standing.
truly we are the bastion for real, quality video game discussions.
There is potential for cool shit to happen, but not in the first episode it Seems. The game also might just not be for me. Those teen girls don't say 'like' anywhere near enough. Breaks the immersion completely.
There are worse games to spend your money on than either of those games though.
Ah yes, the feel of cleanliness. If your shower head is busted then get a bucket and pour the water on yourself. Haven't chinese cartoons taught you anything?
True. That TLOU discussion we had earlier was extremely high quality.
I get so paranoid I tend to forget if I saved right after I finished saving and go back to save again. Some of those boss just aren't fair.No, it wasn't anything that bad. But I made it to the first teleporter after the first barrier, CAME BACK OUT to refill my health and SP, and fucking went back in without saving, just to get demolished by some god damn tables. It's mostly just how much it's my own damn fault that's causing the salt.
Don't forget to get your brother to scrub your back for you.Ah yes, the feel of cleanliness. If your shower head is busted then get a bucket and pour the water on yourself. Haven't chinese cartoons taught you anything?
True. That TLOU discussion we had earlier was extremely high quality.
Fighting high-rank Gravios is like
Don't forget to get your brother to scrub your back for you.
Don't do that. That leads to sex.
Don't do that. That leads to sex.
It's okay. They're not related by blood.
So I started watching Oz tonight.
Yo prison is a scary place.
So I started watching Oz tonight.
Yo prison is a scary place.
If the prison break LP taught me anything, Prison involves lots of stealth missions
So I started watching Oz tonight.
Yo prison is a scary place.
and getting...caught!!!
I'm scared of what I missed
It's okay. They're not related by blood.
I'm scared of what I missed
Or you can just have Jojo's drawn by Hunter X Hunter guy.I just came across this.
I just came across this.
yeah, you always gotta keep an eye out for the race wars and Uncle Ruckus who voices every other character in the game.
Scrubbing your brothers back is okay if you're not blood related.
"We shouldn't do this"
You missed the glory that is SAO.