That's really nice. Cool stuff, man.I kinda lost my shit. I have the greatest friends ever.
OHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOODmC and Devil May Cry 2 confirmed.
That's really nice. Cool stuff, man.I kinda lost my shit. I have the greatest friends ever.
OHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOODmC and Devil May Cry 2 confirmed.
I also know SS has some weird things about it and I know people found the controls frustrating, but it worked great for me and using all that stuff was probably the only other time I've ever enjoyed motion controls outside Wii sports.
Plus, that soundtrack, graphics and story were really good and I liked Zelda and Fii a lot in this universe. And I love Ghirahim as a villain. He's such a Jojo villain and its great.
God, I want to play it just to have an opinion. My friend really likes it and I've played the intro at his place, but that's all.I also know SS has some weird things about it and I know people found the controls frustrating, but it worked great for me and using all that stuff was probably the only other time I've ever enjoyed motion controls outside Wii sports.
Plus, that soundtrack, graphics and story were really good and I liked Zelda and Fii a lot in this universe. And I love Ghirahim as a villain. He's such a Jojo villain and its great.
I don't see anything remotely sexist about extremely sexualized character designs. The only thing that's remotely sexist is the unevenness in how many men aren't sexualized in return. Complaining about women being too sexy is stupid and those complaints should be directed at the men not being sexy instead.
This is awesome as shit.
So y'all know how big a Moon Knight fan I am. Check this out. So I run across this lot of old Moon Knight issues on eBay. I post it on Facebook because eh, I like posting when I find good deals on things. Then I look closer at the pictures... The seller has Marvel Spotlight 28 and 29 in there. They think they're Moon Knight 28 and 29. Marvel Spotlight 28 and 29 are Moon Knight's first two solo issues ever. Prior to that, he'd only ever appeared in Werewolf by Night as a supporting character. They're worth $20-25 each. The lot was only selling for $30. Now, I couldn't afford to grab it, because the con this past weekend obliterated my spending money. But I kept an eye on the listing anyway and of course, it sold only minutes after I found it. Of course, I figured, something like this wouldn't last long. These were two legit somewhat valuable comics in a lot that was ridiculously cheap. So I posted a comment on FB to the effect of "And it's gone, knew it wouldn't last. I hope it's going to a fan and not a reseller".
And then a friend of mine, whom I met for the first time in real life at the con this weekend, chimes in.
"It is going to a fan. It should be at your place by the 28th."
I had pointed Marvel Spotlight 28 out to him at the con, and noted that I probably would have bought it had I not blown my money on Rider belts. He told me "Dude, next time we're at a con and you see that issue, if you can't get it just let me know." However I totally didn't expect this to happen.
I kinda lost my shit. I have the greatest friends ever. And now I'm getting a pretty badass Moon Knight collection (the blanks in which I can easily fill myself, Moon Knight issues aren't expensive at all), AND two legit important comics in Moon Knight history. This is awesome as shit.
I'm not saying more games need to be sexy or that you should add sexiness to games that don't have it. I'm saying that you don't need to remove the sexiness from what is already sexy.
Everyone should get what they want, taking away something that people like just because you don't is selfish and bullshit.
I think people that struggled with the motion controls in SS are questionable.
I never had any issues with latency or dead spots using the sword, shield, bow, or rolling bombs.
God, I want to play it just to have an opinion. My friend really likes it and I've played the intro at his place, but that's all.
To the underlined: whaddabout No More Heroes tho
But the vita is better than the ds. On almost every level.I was going to keep quite, but then Bannana had to insult the DS while praising the Vita...I had to go into it...
Oh wow, well I'm glad you don't hate it lol. It did some really cool things.
Ahh ok. I played TP on the Wii on release, so I enjoyed that game despite constant waggle.I meant a game that's almost entirely based off motion controls. No More Heroes does have some motion control inputs, but it still does work with a normal classic controller while SS and Wii Sports wouldn't.
I think it's varied living room setups. Wiimotes always had problems with losing calibration for a brief moment in any game. That can bug some people more than others.I think people that struggled with the motion controls in SS are questionable.
I never had any issues with latency or dead spots using the sword, shield, bow, or rolling bombs.
A lot of this just makes me think you're 14 or 15 and have some shitty coal you've pulled out of the dirt that you call opinions. Also no, it's not "objectively bad."
I meant a game that's almost entirely based off motion controls. No More Heroes does have some motion control inputs, but it still does work with a normal classic controller while SS and Wii Sports wouldn't.
18, and there's no need to be an asshole about it.
The only good things Skyrim has either came from Oblivion or earlier, or done better by pretty much all of the other major games at the time. The gameplay is clunky and kinda shit; the leveling, while it has a couple of fun gimmicks, was generally done better in Oblivion; the stories were poorly written; the graphics were atrocious (unless you play on a super PC, which a vast majority of players aren't); and the dungeons are all pretty much identical. Pretty much the only thing it has going for it is its open world, and games like Just Cause 2 and Red Dead Redemption do it so much better.
That certainly isn't the features of a good game.
Ahh ok. I played TP on the Wii on release, so I enjoyed that game despite constant waggle.
I think it's varied living room setups. Wiimotes always had problems with losing calibration for a brief moment in any game. That can bug some people more than others.
People shittalking Skyrim makes me feel so good, unfThe only good things Skyrim has either came from Oblivion or earlier, or done better by pretty much all of the other major games at the time. The gameplay is clunky and kinda shit; the leveling, while it has a couple of fun gimmicks, was generally done better in Oblivion; the stories were poorly written; the graphics were atrocious (unless you play on a super PC, which a vast majority of players aren't); and the dungeons are all pretty much identical. Pretty much the only thing it has going for it is its open world, and games like Just Cause 2 and Red Dead Redemption do it so much better.
OH MAN JC2 was such an unexpected fun game.
Please play all three Wii Trauma Center/ Trauma Team games.
Oh wow, well I'm glad you don't hate it lol. It did some really cool things.
I'm in the camp where there's a lot of stuff I love, that just has creepy bullshit I hate plastered all over it, and I just have to endure it.
My thought, take Skullgirls for example, if that somehow is not good to you anymore, if maybe the sequel scrapped all the pantyshots and crap... I say too bad, sorry. And, essentially, the shoe is only on the other foot now anyway, so how's that selfish?
Hefits Simon's needs and becomes an ideal. He obviously wasn't actually cut out for doing what he talked about, and his death is integral is Simon growing up, but without him, nothing would've happened. He inspired the person who could actually do the stuff with unwavering confidence and reinforcement.
Ahh ok. I played TP on the Wii on release, so I enjoyed that game despite constant waggle.
It takes a lot for me to throw my lot in and HATE a game.
I don't HATE anything, to be exact. For me to HATE something, It has to be so shit that I lose my patience and decide to lose my temper.
I dislike and am opinionated on A LOT however. Like Banjo Kazooie and Rareware.
JonTron is not the arbiter of video game opinions.
18, and there's no need to be an asshole about it.
The only good things Skyrim has either came from Oblivion or earlier, or done better by pretty much all of the other major games at the time. The gameplay is clunky and kinda shit; the leveling, while it has a couple of fun gimmicks, was generally done better in Oblivion; the stories were poorly written; the graphics were atrocious (unless you play on a super PC, which a vast majority of players aren't); and the dungeons are all pretty much identical. Pretty much the only thing it has going for it is its open world, and games like Just Cause 2 and Red Dead Redemption do it so much better.
That certainly isn't the features of a good game.
People shittalking Skyrim makes me feel so good, unfThe only good things Skyrim has either came from Oblivion or earlier, or done better by pretty much all of the other major games at the time. The gameplay is clunky and kinda shit; the leveling, while it has a couple of fun gimmicks, was generally done better in Oblivion; the stories were poorly written; the graphics were atrocious (unless you play on a super PC, which a vast majority of players aren't); and the dungeons are all pretty much identical. Pretty much the only thing it has going for it is its open world, and games like Just Cause 2 and Red Dead Redemption do it so much better.
I can understand the frustration with the feeling of "I want to like this", but I totally agree that people should make games they want to make, and it's more "take it or leave it."SkullGirls was made for audience X. X happens to have crossover with W and Y, but X is still where they're trying to focus. If someone in Y complains that X isn't appealing to Y more, that seems selfish to me. It's not 100% for you, so complaining about how it's not for you when it isn't intended to be is just centered around getting what you want, which is selfish by definition.
Skyrim is an open world RPG with all its RPG guts ripped out and complexity lobotomized. What a shitty game.
Street fighter 5. But seriously what are some of the general problems have you been having in fighting games? If it's execution, that's easy to fix with practice. The harder stuff is like reactions or learning match-ups and applying stuff you learned.Thanks for the advice, I guess, but honestly what fighting game would compel me enough to buy it after all the problems I've dealt with regarding that shit in the past?
Other than Touhou's IAMP and SWR...
I don't want a long drawn out debate or anything, but you can you tell me what the cool things in FF13 were to you. For me I enjoyed the battle system and beyond that I didn't find much "cool." I guess the fake hunts might count, but I thought FF12 did them better even if the concept is still cool. Also I like Sazh if that's considered cool.
SkullGirls was made for audience X. X happens to have crossover with W and Y, but X is still where they're trying to focus. If someone in Y complains that X isn't appealing to Y more, that seems selfish to me. It's not 100% for you, so complaining about how it's not for you when it isn't intended to be is just centered around getting what you want, which is selfish by definition.
I don't want a long drawn out debate or anything, but you can you tell me what the cool things in FF13 were to you. For me I enjoyed the battle system and beyond that I didn't find much "cool." I guess the fake hunts might count, but I thought FF12 did them better even if the concept is still cool. Also I like Sazh if that's considered cool.
Skyrim is an open world RPG with all its RPG guts ripped out and complexity lobotomized. What a shitty game.
Sure can be pretty though.
The Skyrim/Oblivion debate is basically comparing Dark Souls 2 to oneSure can be pretty though.
Moon Knight is the best. I'm jelly.
I will never argue that Eva is literary genius. It is a terribly written story, with some extremely unapproachable characters, placed in an incredibly bleak situation. The optimism was stymied by Anno's mental breakdown, halfway through the series, explaining the extreme genre shift from the mecha deconstruction to a bizarre and surreal character study.Neon Genesis found boring and overly skewered to one direction to have any really narrative purpose or value to how we see people. Often hiding under symbolism to mask a show about shit people having horrible shit happen to them with barely any good moments in their life.
I can understand the frustration with the feeling of "I want to like this", but I totally agree that people should make games they want to make, and it's more "take it or leave it."
18, and there's no need to be an asshole about it.
The only good things Skyrim has either came from Oblivion or earlier, or done better by pretty much all of the other major games at the time. The gameplay is clunky and kinda shit; the leveling, while it has a couple of fun gimmicks, was generally done better in Oblivion; the stories were poorly written; the graphics were atrocious (unless you play on a super PC, which a vast majority of players aren't); and the dungeons are all pretty much identical. Pretty much the only thing it has going for it is its open world, and games like Just Cause 2 and Red Dead Redemption do it so much better.
That certainly isn't the features of a good game.
Sure can be pretty though.
TP was very obviously an up-port of a Gamecube game. I definitely definitely love how Zelda change in each iteration, but doing something radical and new and being solid are kinda separate, but if it pulls off both, amazing.Its the one thing I liked that SS fixed about TP. TP felt really shoehorned with its motion controls, while SS bases its entire mechanics off of it. Now if SS's motion controls didn't work it'd be fucking horrendous, but on a mechanical level, Skyward Sword works fucking great. But if you hate the idea of motion controls to play a game and would much rather push buttons, then you were never gonna like SS in the first place. Its a very different Zelda, but I appreciated the approach this franchise constantly takes to be different (which is why I was kind of disappointed in TP's very safe, OoT approach).
Kamina'sSimon's needs are fulfilled, in more ways than one, with Nina. I'm not saying he's useless, just that people looking for a role model in Kamina are oblivious to his recursivefaults and, like everyone in the show, caught up in his persona than his actual person. He talks a big game and hopes someone can save his ass when he goes too far, which echoes the feelings of a lot of people.
What I'm saying is: Squirtle should have been named Simon, or died in episode 8 of the Nuzlocke.
Moon Knight is the best.
Speaking of which. I have the first two. I bought them for £3 for both. We never got Trauma Team in Europe...
The Skyrim/Oblivion debate is basically comparing Dark Souls 2 to one
Moon Knight is the best. I'm jelly.
I will never argue that Eva is literary genius. It is a terribly written story, with some extremely unapproachable characters, placed in an incredibly bleak situation. The optimism was stymied by Anno's mental breakdown, halfway through the series, explaining the extreme genre shift from the mecha deconstruction to a bizarre and surreal character study.
The last form of media to come close to matching that feeling of bizarre and surreal to me was Hotline Miami, an extremely obtuse and incredibly strange little experience. Both don't explain themselves very well, both require you to be invested, and try to match the tone of the environment. Both are weird as hell, and both don't make a lick of sense, until you focus on the tiny details.
Only difference is that Hotline Miami felt tongue in cheek, where Eva felt like it was thrown together by a mad artist.
Eva is weird. I will never recommend for the casual viewer, for those who simply want to be entertained, because that's not what Eva is. Truly, it's not an entertaining watch. It's very slow, dialouge heavy, and the fights, while grand in scale, are very dull compared to it's Super Mecha brothers. But what it can potentially offer someone who's willing to be completely invested in it is something that other anime simply can't do.
Which also explains why Rebuild is straight garbage.
An apt comparison if I ever heard one.
Oh man, the feelings I had playing Hotline Miami 1 were like 80% fear 20% fun. That game is fucking bananas.I will never argue that Eva is literary genius. It is a terribly written story, with some extremely unapproachable characters, placed in an incredibly bleak situation. The optimism was stymied by Anno's mental breakdown, halfway through the series, explaining the extreme genre shift from the mecha deconstruction to a bizarre and surreal character study.
The last form of media to come close to matching that feeling of bizarre and surreal to me was Hotline Miami, an extremely obtuse and incredibly strange little experience. Both don't explain themselves very well, both require you to be invested, and try to match the tone of the environment. Both are weird as hell, and both don't make a lick of sense, until you focus on the tiny details.
Only difference is that Hotline Miami felt tongue in cheek, where Eva felt like it was thrown together by a mad artist.
Eva is weird. I will never recommend for the casual viewer, for those who simply want to be entertained, because that's not what Eva is. Truly, it's not an entertaining watch. It's very slow, dialouge heavy, and the fights, while grand in scale, are very dull compared to it's Super Mecha brothers. But what it can potentially offer someone who's willing to be completely invested in it is something that other anime simply can't do.
Which also explains why Rebuild is straight garbage.
FF13 series was alright
Never beat FF8, FF9, FF13
FF Crystal Chronicles is my favourite FF game
Tales of symphonia 2 was alright
Musou games are alright
FE Gaiden and FE8 are my least favourite Fire Emblem games
No interest in Bloodborne
Rhythm thief is the worst rhythm game I have ever played
Pikmin 3 is better than W101
I really like UMVC3
Brought the Atelier series because it was anime
Didn't like Neon Genesis Evangelion
First heard about KanColle through Shimakaze doujins
Your waifu is shit
Man its hard coming up with these
Oblivion's actually okay though.