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Super Best Friends Thread 16: You thought Woolie was the Liar, but it was me Patrick!

Well, I have tiny babby hands so maybe that's why I like it better. My only issues with the Vita are the speaker placements and the face buttons feel awful.
The buttons are really clicky but I don't mind em. My huge hands mean I have to bend my thumbs to use the face buttons, so the speakers aren't a problem for me. I see where it's bad for a lot of people though.


My hands are just stupid big. Holding it in a way where I can use the shoulder buttons is super awkward. I end up pressing them with like, the back of my index finger.

Back of your index finger? How the fuck? Do you hold it like this?
i cannot bear to think about the possibility of zero escape 3, so instead i watched Monday Night Wars

that's a really fucking good wrestling documentary, i recommend anyone who likes wrestling take a look. it looks at the height of WCW vs. WWE and gets perspectives from Vinny Mac and Eric Bischoff, among many others

The last couple episodes are fucking great and weirdly the Jericho episode had a lot more interesting shit about his career than his dedicated documentary.


I played this Armored Core once in high school with some friends.

I made a mech with angel wings that destroyed anything it fought instantly by firing off both wings. It also pretty much stood stock-still.


Actually played the series quite a bit, Thinking about getting the newest one for PS3 when I get the money. (Splurged on Xenoverse in that game has a lot of content to go though)

It's super fun, actually, especially if you've got friends. I'll play with you when you get it. Online is rough because everyone who's not you is godlike and has been playing for forever, but story is fun as hell and also co op


It's super fun, actually, especially if you've got friends. I'll play with you when you get it. Online is rough because everyone who's not you is godlike and has been playing for forever, but story is fun as hell and also co op

Will try if I get Armored Core.

Also, Xenoverse online is rough. Though it just might be my shitty connection for the PS3 that's stopping it.
Alright. All but one function for OP-INTENSIFY now unlocked. All that's left is to beat Exile to both wrap up the Arena and get the last function. Already at 97%, I'm so close.


Will try if I get Armored Core.

Also, Xenoverse online is rough. Though it just might be my shitty connection for the PS3 that's stopping it.

I got verdict day because the idea of the navigator is rad as fuck
and its cool in practice to be the strategist
but no one plays armored core so you can't


Wow, Testament of Sister New Devil got it's 2nd season greenlit.

The speaker placement has pretty much forced me to always use earphones.

I will get both. Which one I'll get first is the question.
TWEWY is undeniably Square's best video game released in arguably the past 10 years. It rivals their glory days. The battle system takes a bit to get used to (and you eventually unlock the ability to switch to easy to get adjusted to it if it's too difficult) but once it gets fucking going, goddamn.


Had to leave and wrap up Bio HW before midnight!

I don't


then why were you asking me what was the price to buy Arena on the PS3????

>The first 999
>not anime

Did we play the same video game? Like it's not stock moe kawaii fanservice but the game is still pretty anime.

That was a mistake
I meant to say ps3 version of that
I have a ps3


Is Type 0 a FF13 game? They keep saying L'cie.
Also it doesn't seem to run full screen for some reason.
Adjust it to your display in the settings. Also, Type-0, FFXIII and Versus XIII were all going to be in the same universe, originally. Or share common elements. Something like that.

I guess so.. The motion blur gives me a headache. It's a little excessive.
Yeah, it's super excessive. I don't get sick from it but it's super jarring everytime you move the camera.


Ah, gotcha.

Well then, it's past midnight and I'm wondering what I should play tonight. I've got options both good and shit, old and slightly-less-old.

Play the new Unreal Tournament.

Good. Also hi.
I did it. I beat Exile. I nearly lost all my AP, had only 96 points left, but the bastard ran out of ammo and got promptly decimated.

Though now my progress says 98% completion, so either I missed a hidden part somewhere or I need to clear the Extra Arena as well. Still, pretty happy with the result.
I did it. I beat Exile. I nearly lost all my AP, had only 96 points left, but the bastard ran out of ammo and got promptly decimated.

Though now my progress says 98% completion, so either I missed a hidden part somewhere or I need to clear the Extra Arena as well. Still, pretty happy with the result.


Adjust it to your display in the settings. Also, Type-0, FFXIII and Versus XIII were all going to be in the same universe, originally. Or share common elements. Something like that.

Yeah, it's super excessive. I don't get sick from it but it's super jarring everytime you move the camera.

Oh dur. I guess that hadn't been set up on this PS4. That's better.


I did it. I beat Exile. I nearly lost all my AP, had only 96 points left, but the bastard ran out of ammo and got promptly decimated.

Though now my progress says 98% completion, so either I missed a hidden part somewhere or I need to clear the Extra Arena as well. Still, pretty happy with the result.
But you're missing that 2% tho.


Play the new Unreal Tournament.

Unfortunately I'm literally the last person to play a multiplayer FPS game. Shit's not my jam.
I did it. I beat Exile. I nearly lost all my AP, had only 96 points left, but the bastard ran out of ammo and got promptly decimated.

Though now my progress says 98% completion, so either I missed a hidden part somewhere or I need to clear the Extra Arena as well. Still, pretty happy with the result.

I faintly remember EA counting for completion. It's 50 more guys, yeah?
I faintly remember EA counting for completion. It's 50 more guys, yeah?
48 guys in teams of 2, so 24 matches of two on two AC combat.

Still, doesn't hurt to check over everything and be sure. Thank god mission ratings don't count toward completion, because getting all S ranks would be a fucking nightmare.
Yep, I did get all the hidden parts. Looks like I've got the Extra Arena to clear before I can call this save fully completed.

And that's my cue to quit for now. Considering some of the shit I had to do was getting particularly frustrating, I need a break after that.
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